Just picked up Figarti Panzer IV (1 Viewer)

I've been wondering about all those old Figarti DAK PzIVF2 models out there still for sale by dealers. $289 gets you 5 crappy figures & a flaking tank. Hardly collectible, yet I never see any mention of flaking in advertisements. Surely every dealer by now knows of this problem with this model. Even if it is 'unopened & in mint condition', we all know that it is a ticking time bomb.

Sounds like the paint on yours has flaked. Mine is still ok and I have had it for a few years.

I too had problems in the past. Sent back to Peter 4 M3A1 (mis-aligned parts), 1 Hanomag Stuka (broken antennas), and 1 Long Tom (flaking paint). All were repaired and sent back with no damage. It took about 2 months before I got to see them again. Also, I have to send these to a Figarti shipping consolidator in the U.S. who ships item to China...and paid $50 for the service. Return shipping back to U.S. was free.


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