Just Seen Flags of Our Fathers (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Great movie, but if you go strickly for battlefield action, you may be somewhat disappointed.
The battle scenes are good, especially when you are in the cockpit of a corsair and the large sweeping shots of the landings.
Don,t get me wrong the battle action is good, but compared to SPR it,s not.
I was hopeing to walk out of the theatre with this movie challenging my all time favorite, SPR, buy I can,t say that it does.
Having said all the above, this is a must see movie for any history, military person.
Thanks Gary, I'll wait until it comes out on dvd and I'll rent it for $1. That way I won't be disappointed in the lack of action because when I go to a movie I expect lots of action or laughs. But you can be surprised sometimes, a while ago I was 'forced' to go and see the latest Pirates of Carribian movie with the wife and kids - and it was so funny, a little ***, but funny as :)
I agree with Gary on the movie. I saw the movie tonight. Panoramic views of the battle is excellent. This movie concentrates on the characters of the flag raisers much like the book. The movie is well done and actors did a good job. Especially using young guys. I did not think the platoon was identified good enough like in SPR. I found myself wondering which guy are they talking about. The three main troops that survived are the whole story. I wished they explained more about the battle. Watching it they made it seem like after five days the battle was over and the audience followed them on a war bond drive. There was still six more weeks of fighting and many more killed or wounded. Filming was good but jumping back to the states then back to Iwo Jima was confusing at times. The action could have had more scenes. I feel many battle scenes are laying on the film editors floor. I am dissapointed and probably not see it again. More like a drama even though much of it is true. Leadmen
I saw it last evening and was impressed. Just like the book, I wasn't expecting it to be strictly about the Battle for Iwo Jima so it was about what I expected.
I'd have liked a more action as well but I guess we Might bet more of that from the 2nd movie .
Overall, big thumbs up from the fub.
I liked the movie, frankly SPR was a better movie but it was also a different story. I’ll need to see this movie again, I’m sure missed a lot the first time around.

I saw the movie today with my dad. I thought is was a very good movie. The battle scenes, especially the naval bombardment and the initial landings, were very impressive. The one panoramic shot of the amtracs and lcvp's dropping off troops was awesome.

I thought the story of the three flag raisers was moving and sad, especially the way things turned out for two of the three survivors and the way one of the flag raisers was originally misidentified and it was later cleared up, thanks in part to Ira hitching from Arizona to Texas to tell the father.

Overall, I liked the movie a great deal; although I am more of an actionier and less of a story watcher, the movie gave a great insight into what happened to the three soldiers and showed how todays heroes are yesterdays news, shame on us for treating them that way...................

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