K&C and First Legion (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
No, this isn't a who is better thread but actually some nice comparisons about how both companies products can go together very well (imho) in this dio I have the K&C wounded German on bed a little in the background, I would like to get the K&C doctor somewhere in the building as well, the wheelchair goes great with the First Legion size and doesn't look out of place at all, actually in this scene there are Forces of valor, Britians, JG minatures, acessories but again fit very well together when placed right...Sammy

Great little scene Sammy,and I couldn't agree more. It all fits together well when you present it in the correct manner.
1/30scale,1/32 scale 1/28 scale , who cares, just have a look at your scene , it says it all. The proof of the pudding is in the eating !!!!!
Great little scene Sammy,and I couldn't agree more. It all fits together well when you present it in the correct manner.
1/30scale,1/32 scale 1/28 scale , who cares, just have a look at your scene , it says it all. The proof of the pudding is in the eating !!!!!

Thank you Guy, coming from you that means alot as your dio work here on the forum are superb, sometime the best dioramas are the smaller ones that capture the small detail around the main theme, and as you said the scale issue are what you make of it basically, as long as the sets are not totally out of proportion I can enjoy most all the companies product at some point or another...Sammy
Nice combination of elements - very difficult to tell which pieces are which. I had to break down and purchase a First Legion (FL) Afrikakorps supply set some time ago as K&C does not offer a similar set of ammo crates and desert barrels. I rarely mix 1/30 scale brands but really liked the FL set.

Your diorama looks fantastic and I love that building.

My K&C with FL set:

Supplies by WesternOutlaw, on Flickr
Nice combination of elements - very difficult to tell which pieces are which. I had to break down and purchase a First Legion (FL) Afrikakorps supply set some time ago as K&C does not offer a similar set of ammo crates and desert barrels. I rarely mix 1/30 scale brands but really liked the FL set.

Your diorama looks fantastic and I love that building.

My K&C with FL set:

Supplies by WesternOutlaw, on Flickr

Thanks for the kind words Outlaw, and agree the FL supply crates go along very well with your K&C vehicle, see, we all can play in the sand box together ^&grin...Sammy
No, this isn't a who is better thread but actually some nice comparisons about how both companies products can go together very well (imho) in this dio I have the K&C wounded German on bed a little in the background, I would like to get the K&C doctor somewhere in the building as well, the wheelchair goes great with the First Legion size and doesn't look out of place at all, actually in this scene there are Forces of valor, Britians, JG minatures, acessories but again fit very well together when placed right...Sammy


Great work Sammy! A fantastic composition with all the varied elements working seamlessly together- thanks for the pic!


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