k&C BOOK (1 Viewer)


First Sergeant
Aug 7, 2005
Just wondering about the progress of it and the release date???

The progress is as follows: All the chapters are drafted, so the text is complete. Larry, Hans and I will be meeting within the next week or two to discuss format.

Larry has suggested that with the amount of text and the number of photos, one book would be too big, and we should divide the book into two volumes. It has been suggested that one volume focus only on the toy soldiers, and the second cover vehicles, aircraft and diorama materials. Another possibility if we chose to do two volumes is one volume strictly on everything WWII, and the second volume on everything else.

Once we have decided on the format, then Hans has to do the photography, and the photos have to be inserted into the text (more formatting and editing).

Once this is done, we have to forward the book to Andy, who has indicated he would contact publishers in China and hopefully arrange for publication. I hope that all of this will be done by this summer. If Hans, Larry and I get the project to Andy by then, by this fall we can ask Andy about a release date.
Will you be putting a picture in the front cover????:D

At the London show in December, I think Andy said his first Matt WW2 Arnhem44 range had been his 1st magor success!!!You could put a pic of an Arnhem para on the front:D!!!!!The Glider Pilot from AN01:D!!!!! Or a pic of the whole Arnhem range:D!!!!!Or if you wait long enough you could put a pic of the new Arnhem figures on it in August!!!!!:D
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Larry has suggested that with the amount of text and the number of photos, one book would be too big, and we should divide the book into two volumes. It has been suggested that one volume focus only on the toy soldiers, and the second cover vehicles, aircraft and diorama materials. Another possibility if we chose to do two volumes is one volume strictly on everything WWII, and the second volume on everything else.

You might want to speak with Thor Johnson at AeroArt. They released a nice two volume set on their line about two years ago. First volume was text, story of the company with pictures of the best figures. The second volume contained just pics of all of their releases including info on numbers produced for each.
I would really be interested in seeing all the early figures from before 1998.

Hopefully, there will be a chapter on the creation of the company and all the ups and downs to make it the success it is today.

Andy commissioned Hans Hedrich, Lawrence Lo and myself to write a book cataloguing all K&C production from its inception in 1984 to the present. The book Hans, Larry and myself are writing, editing and illustrating gives the release dates, set numbers, production numbers, descriptions and photographs of the K&C products, along with a commentary about developments, trends, etc. We hope to have our book to Andy to arrange publishing in China by this summer.

Andy Neilson himself intends to write a book on his experiences from founding the company to its present status as the most successful Toy Soldier company in the World. I think he intends to call his book "25 Years Hard Labor: The King & Country Story". Andy's book would detail the struggles of K&C's early years. As you can tell from the title, as busy as Andy is, he doesn't expect to be ready to publish his book until 2009.

Andy commissioned Hans Hedrich, Lawrence Lo and myself to write a book cataloguing all K&C production from its inception in 1984 to the present. The book Hans, Larry and myself are writing, editing and illustrating gives the release dates, set numbers, production numbers, descriptions and photographs of the K&C products, along with a commentary about developments, trends, etc. We hope to have our book to Andy to arrange publishing in China by this summer.

Andy Neilson himself intends to write a book on his experiences from founding the company to its present status as the most successful Toy Soldier company in the World. I think he intends to call his book "25 Years Hard Labor: The King & Country Story". Andy's book would detail the struggles of K&C's early years. As you can tell from the title, as busy as Andy is, he doesn't expect to be ready to publish his book until 2009.


Thanks for such interesting information. Of course, I knew you were writing a book, but I did not realize that Andy was also planning to write a book. I certainly look forward to both books!

Warmest personal regards,


Thanks for such interesting information. Of course, I knew you were writing a book, but I did not realize that Andy was also planning to write a book. I certainly look forward to both books!

Warmest personal regards,



I just hope that both get published as planned. I don't know the first thing about getting a book published, and, frankly, if Andy hadn't indicated that he would look into a publisher in China, I don't know what I would have done. Drafting it was hard, but I think the ongoing editing, formatting and photographing will be equally hard, and most of this is in the hands of Hans and Larry. As a team, we have to come to a consensus (not always easy) and then find the time from our jobs and personnal lives to get the work done. If it hadn't have been for some polite reminders from forum members, I am not sure I would have got the research and writing portion of the book completed.



That is great - I plan to be first on the list with cash in hand when both books are published. You dedication to the K&C Nation is remarkable.

Regards, Ron

I just hope that both get published as planned. I don't know the first thing about getting a book published, and, frankly, if Andy hadn't indicated that he would look into a publisher in China, I don't know what I would have done. Drafting it was hard, but I think the ongoing editing, formatting and photographing will be equally hard, and most of this is in the hands of Hans and Larry. As a team, we have to come to a consensus (not always easy) and then find the time from our jobs and personnal lives to get the work done. If it hadn't have been for some polite reminders from forum members, I am not sure I would have got the research and writing portion of the book completed.



I have no doubt that the book will be a great contribution to toy soldier literature! I very much appreciate your tireless effort to complete the project!

Warmest personal regards,


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