K&C Fields of Battle (1 Viewer)

I'm not a collector of WW2 but I have to say that the are awesome!!!! No wonder you want them!!!!

Couldn't agree with you more. I've always thought this would be a great subject for Andy to do.
I,ve seen this diorama before its great!!! Lets see how long it takes before the polish jokes start about the cavalry verses tank:p . Brave polish cavalry is quite the under statement.
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I agree, this is one series I would like to see in the fields of battle series, blitzkrieg!
fishead19690 said:
I,ve seen this diorama before its great!!! Lets see how long it takes before the polish jokes start about the cavalry verses tank:p . Brave polish cavalry is quite the under statement.

Why is a comment like that necessary? The Poles were fantastic fighters. Witness their participation at Falaise in Normandy in 1944. Also, I had many distant relatives in Poland during the war who went in to the camps and didn't come out.

Also, this is not the first time you've posted something of questionable taste, i.e. that "picture."
Maybe I am missing something but why would anyone charge a tank, let alone two, on horses armed with lances?

I mean, I really know nothing about this so I am very confused.

I just found this from http://www.achtungpanzer.com/polcamp.htm and an excerpt is below:

"Polish light tanks and tankettes were the first opponents for the German Panzers. Patriotic but outnumbered Polish tank crews with their mostly outclassed equipment fought bravely and managed to destroy a number of enemy vehicles, while defending their homeland from both Germans and Soviets. Polish Campaign is surrounded by numerous myths such as the destruction of Polish Airforce in the opening hours of the invasion and Polish Cavalry charges against German armored units. Both myths are creations of German and even Italian propaganda and are very far from truth. Polish cavalry was active during the campaign and acted as horse mounted infantry. One of the most successful cavalry charges took place at Krojanty, where elements of 18th Uhlans Regiment attacked and destroyed German infantry battalion only to be counterattacked by German armored unit. Uhlans attempted to withdraw and suffered heavy losses. This event lead to the story of Polish cavalry charges on panzers. Polish Airforce was deployed at numerous airfields and although numerically inferior and partially obsolete was very active during the course of the campaign (e.g. over Warsaw). Polish pilots shot down in combat over 137 enemy planes. Polish cavalry brigades never charged tanks with their sabres or lances as they were equipped with anti-tank weapons such as 37mm Bofors wz.36 (model 1936) anti-tank guns (that could penetrate 26mm armor at 600m at 30 degrees). The cavalry brigades were in the process of being reorganized into motorized brigades."

I guess this puts the kibosh on a FoB for this idea.
I was already aware that the Calvary vs. Armor was a myth, however I think that takes nothing away from the idea of early combat in Poland and the Polish calvary as a F.O.B. subject along with the early German armor.

jazzeum said:

I just found this from http://www.achtungpanzer.com/polcamp.htm and an excerpt is below:

"Polish light tanks and tankettes were the first opponents for the German Panzers. Patriotic but outnumbered Polish tank crews with their mostly outclassed equipment fought bravely and managed to destroy a number of enemy vehicles, while defending their homeland from both Germans and Soviets. Polish Campaign is surrounded by numerous myths such as the destruction of Polish Airforce in the opening hours of the invasion and Polish Cavalry charges against German armored units. Both myths are creations of German and even Italian propaganda and are very far from truth. Polish cavalry was active during the campaign and acted as horse mounted infantry. One of the most successful cavalry charges took place at Krojanty, where elements of 18th Uhlans Regiment attacked and destroyed German infantry battalion only to be counterattacked by German armored unit. Uhlans attempted to withdraw and suffered heavy losses. This event lead to the story of Polish cavalry charges on panzers. Polish Airforce was deployed at numerous airfields and although numerically inferior and partially obsolete was very active during the course of the campaign (e.g. over Warsaw). Polish pilots shot down in combat over 137 enemy planes. Polish cavalry brigades never charged tanks with their sabres or lances as they were equipped with anti-tank weapons such as 37mm Bofors wz.36 (model 1936) anti-tank guns (that could penetrate 26mm armor at 600m at 30 degrees). The cavalry brigades were in the process of being reorganized into motorized brigades."

I guess this puts the kibosh on a FoB for this idea.
I like the idea of a Polish Calvary set. The eastern front presents a multitude of interesting possibilities including many non-German/Russian troops. I assume the only question would be if they are marketable enough to produce.
Maybe some limited editions would be a good test.
Combat said:
I like the idea of a Polish Calvary set. The eastern front presents a multitude of interesting possibilities including many non-German/Russian troops. I assume the only question would be if they are marketable enough to produce.
Maybe some limited editions would be a good test.

The only way to know it is to produce them and as Mr. Neilson said, in an earlier post, is that that serie is to cover less know era of WWII (wich is a wrong appelation for the invasion of Poland as it started WWII). I may be wrong but the Dunkirk serie seems to be a success and I think that a serie with Polish cavalry and soldier sets + German troops will be successful too.

I think that the Fields of Battle concept will allow for a small sub-series of 8 or 9 sets to be produced for the various campaigns mentioned, ie no-one expects a WS or DD size series. However, leaving aside the numerous European theatre possibilities I hope Andy thinks of British/Indian forces in Burma (even a small force of Chindits or their American counterparts), or the Australians in Papua New Guinea (Milne Bay anyone?). The Iwo Jima series has resulted in a nice size of Japanese force that can be redeployed against any number of potential opponents from smaller FoB series in the Pacific theatre. However, my highest hope in the FoB series would be the Italian campaign (it would have Poles too Brad!), although I'm sure the length of the wishlist will see that poll well below the numerous Eastern Front possibilities.
jazzeum said:
Why is a comment like that necessary? The Poles were fantastic fighters. Witness their participation at Falaise in Normandy in 1944. Also, I had many distant relatives in Poland during the war who went in to the camps and didn't come out.

Also, this is not the first time you've posted something of questionable taste, i.e. that "picture."
Sorry if i affened you brad!! Maybe the creator of the diorama should have had the cavalry hightailing it out of there instead of chargeing the tanks. As for me i just have a bad taste of humor which i,ll try and control better better in the future. Like frank zappa would say "likely to affend those likely to be affended" I guess that would descibe me pretty good. I have a bad habit of just going for the joke without thinking. If you knew me you,d know i was just kidding for i would still have said it even if i was polish as i meant no harm and have nothing against the polish or anyone else for that matter (I also have many polish friends and we joke like this all the time). I think all people should be judged by the soul inside. So sorry to all.

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