K&C FL and Britains Compatibility Question (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Hey guys was wondering if anyone had a napoleonic fl figure that they could compare a K&C nap figure with, or FL to Britains?

Have been contemplating the fl william of orange figure but the price is quite off putting. Do these brands work well together? Anyone have a picture?

Cheers, Scott
Hey guys was wondering if anyone had a napoleonic fl figure that they could compare a K&C nap figure with, or FL to Britains?

Have been contemplating the fl william of orange figure but the price is quite off putting. Do these brands work well together? Anyone have a picture?

Cheers, Scott

New member here trying to get it figured out. I have all three of these makers soldiers in Napoleonic ranges. The first legions I have are more like the 54mm or 1.32 size. They are similar to my Britain's but smaller then my King and Country.

Hope that might help, Mike.
New member here trying to get it figured out. I have all three of these makers soldiers in Napoleonic ranges. The first legions I have are more like the 54mm or 1.32 size. They are similar to my Britain's but smaller then my King and Country.

Hope that might help, Mike.

I have to agree, The First Legion figures I have seen in person are thinner and indeed at least "look" like 1:32 scale and would not match up well with King & country at 1:30 scale with their figures being "fuller". My local dealer noted that the First Legion figures were similar to King & Country, but I have to disagree with that statement.
Thanks guys, what about in terms of looks?

The size doesnt matter really as i have del prado, king and Country,.Britains, Trophy Miniatures, frontline figures all in the same diorama so size isn't really too much of an issue.

Thanks guys, what about in terms of looks?

The size doesnt matter really as i have del prado, king and Country,.Britains, Trophy Miniatures, frontline figures all in the same diorama so size isn't really too much of an issue.


Why dont you have a look at the little legion sets they would be the best to go with your trophy sets i think:salute::
Little legion and ats are nice bud but Im looking for a model of the prince of orange!;-)

Thanks guys, what about in terms of looks?

The size doesnt matter really as i have del prado, king and Country,.Britains, Trophy Miniatures, frontline figures all in the same diorama so size isn't really too much of an issue.

I don't understand the question. If you already mix all those makers, matte and gloss, and size doesn't matter, what's the problem? FL makes outstanding, very realistic figures. Go for it. -- Al
K & C and FL are different styles. That's been discussed ad infinitum so no need to rehash that. If you want to see how various makers' figures are meshed together, look at UK Reb's Civil War thread where he incorporates Britains, Conte, First Legion and King & Country.

Now, I wouldn't mix glossy with matte but that's just me and it's all what makes us happy that counts.

The glossy works well with matte for napoleonic I think because the gloss red coats look great in lines while the matte cavalry look good charging the lines or squares.


Not really sure the price difference now is such that it would or should be either a shock or off putting. FL have been at a similar level for quite some time whilst K&C has rapidly risen and, there is so little difference (price wise) between the two

If you like the look of the figure then buy it I have some issues with the WWII stuff but the Samurai and the crusades are some of the best figures I have seen.

I don't collect nor particularly have interest in the range you speak of so, could not say if they work well together etc etc but, my Samurai work well with my EOI samurai and, I only have FL crusades I don't see any at the moment I would mix and match there with

Your money your choice but, you have so many manufacturers you may as well get a figure you seem to be after
New member here trying to get it figured out. I have all three of these makers soldiers in Napoleonic ranges. The first legions I have are more like the 54mm or 1.32 size. They are similar to my Britain's but smaller then my King and Country.

Hope that might help, Mike.
That last point is the key one. Whether Britains and FL Napoleonics are 1/32 or 1/30 is a different matter. If we are talking about the full height, my 200 plus are all around 60 mm. My K&C foot figures are larger.
Little legion and ats are nice bud but Im looking for a model of the prince of orange!;-)


If you want a specific figure then speak to Nik at ATS. He is prepared to convert figures to make individuals for customers and will paint them either in gloss or matt whichever you prefer. Trooper

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