K&C Global Collectors Conference at The Imperial War Museum LONDON (2 Viewers)

Hi Fullyautomatic
Thanks for the post. As you say it is open to all and we would love to see you all, as for location and time it all relates to The Toy Soldier Show London and trying to make a trip to London as worth while as possible.
As for the future watch this space ;)
With regards to the special vehicle drop your reservation request to British Sherman
We will be looking into the delivery aspect and would hope the solution might not be that far from this forum ;)
I will post some pics from the last couple of shows...................
Cheers Monty, glad you liked the show's, come and say hi in December!
Hey Monty,

Those of us here in New York who lived through 9-11 appreciated the support we got from our allies in Great Britain, and we are behind you and your "London Pride" 100%. You chaps made it through the blitz and everything that s.o.b. Hitler threw at you, and I am sure you will make it through the terrorists' worst as well.

Warmest regards,

Hi Louis,

I know your comments were for Monty and not me but i just wanted to thank you on behalf of myself and my fellow Brits for your kind words.When the good people in this world stick together we can't lose.London is(as is New York) a wonderful vibrant,historic city and we will not be beaten.The U.S and UK came together sixty years ago to triumph over evil and we can do it again.Thanks again.
We will be at a show at the Royal National Hotel, London this weekend with our 60ft display of all the King & Country ranges.
The Royal National is a block a way from the 'bus bomb' and still has many roads blocked off, but as Monty said "LONDON PRIDE", they can kill but they won't win, stop us going about our lives, or keep us from our K&C!
Lets fly the flags high!
As a person who had a father who lived in London during the War and as a person who went to British schools when I was a kid and lived in Trinidad and who has visited London a few times and who my son says to me that I'm not British when I use the word "bloody" and who absolutely adores British football (especially Arsenal -- the season can't start soon enough), I wholeheartedly second all the previous comments. A few bloody terrorists won't stop the indomitable spirit of Britain.

I can't tell you enough about the kind support the people of New York (myself included) received from people all around the world after 9-11. Andy himself e-mailed me the next day to make sure I was all right, as did people from all over the United States, Canada, Germany and Great Britain. I only hope that those of you who lived through "7-7" in London receive the same kind words and (more importantly) support. I love the references to Churchill (one of the giants of the 20th Century) whose speeches still inspire me (and give me goose bumps) to this day. To paraphrase that great man, we will fight them on the beaches and on the landing grounds, on the streets, and in the fields, we will help you defend your island, because we know that, like us, you will never surrender.

Your friend,

King & Country in the Heart of London!

Hi Guy's
Thought you might like to see a few pics of the area around the BMSS show we were at this weekend in central London. The barriers etc made it hard to travel which reduced numbers but the mood on the streets is very up beat!


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Re: British Sherman

Hi Guys

I am in Hong Kong with Andy discussing a number of things not least of which was all your interest in the British Sherman.

As a result and to make things easier, Andy will supply up to 200 British Sherman’s directly to you from the end of March 2006.

We will be able to supply the British Sherman from our stock at the start of December 2005.

The production run will be a total of 700, further details to follow in due course.

I hope this makes things easier for you guy's :)

Great news and thanks for thinking of us Bob.Are you going to start a reservation list?Is TreeFrog going to be the exclusive dealer/distributor for this Sherman or is the 200 going to be spread amongst all US dealers?Just keep us posted....
Re: Limited Edition Shermann

Hi Guys
Sorry I have been a little quiet of late but Mike and Sue were on Holiday so that left my brother Tony and myself holding the K&C UK fort!
As always it is good speaking to you direct but for those of you we are not in regular contact with I hope you find this note of interest.
A couple of bits of news……..
K&C Global Collectors Conference
We have confirmed the attendance of Squadron Leader BA ‘Jimmy’ James MC MD at the K&C Global Collectors Conference! Jimmy James took part in no less than twelve escape attempts from Hitler’s Third Reich including THE GREAT ESCAPE from Stalag Luft III, he was sentenced to death by Himmler after a further attempt to escape!
Lucky for us his death sentence was commuted to five months solitary confinement in the Death Cells…………….. :eek:
Jimmy will be signing copies of his book ‘Moonless Night’ which chronicles the epic GREAT ESCAPE and his other attempts at escape.
We are also keeping our fingers crossed that the GREAT Dame Vera Lynn DBE LLD MMUS will be with us on the 3rd December…………….
Limited Edition British Sherman
As mentioned in my earlier posts a further 200 Sherman’s will be available from March 2006. I am not aware of any specific arrangements being made for the distribution in the States via any specific dealer. This will be a decision made by Andy and his team.
If you want your Limited Sherman in time for Christmas drop me a line at British Sherman
WS69 We have checked our considerable inventory of WS69 and can confirm we do not have number 503!

Kind Regards to you all!

This event sounds awesome. i have been travelling recently and not had a chance to say thanks to all the guys for your kind words for the UK.

How do i get a ticket Bob for this event. And you can put me down for the Sherman. :)

Sounds like the show during the day is going to be a big one. I am off to Chicago in September for the big one there, so be very intreged on how they compare.

I got my WSS69 from you guys (K&C UK) and definatly no 'magic ticket', like the prompt service and especially the way all models are checked before they are shipped.

Say hi to your Mike, Sue and your brother Tony (who took my order) great doing business with you. Would love to meet for a drink with you guys.

All the best


Have you a price for the conference in IWM. My wife seams to have given me a leave pass!!! ho ho

also i will pick up a sherman for my brother


had a dream last night about attending the gala event at the imperial war museum.unfortunately it was only a dream.please put me on the list for the purchase of one of the special vehicles so that at least part of my dream can come true.please let me know what needs to be done?
Hi Harvey
...................will be posting information on the King & Country UK web site in the next couple of weeks. Just got back from the Military Odyssey event, a great event and a must see for all of you I am sure............
All the best
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I too was at the Milatary Odessy. :D
what an event to end the summer. Did not get a chance to say hi as was working with the guys in the WWII reinactment area. What an event guys.

Cannot wait for December the 3rd well and truly stuck in diary as a date. wife and kids coming as they are crimbo shopping in London. Did i read some where that Kids get in for free to the Show and the event in the IWM?


Monty :)

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