K&c Increases Prices : I need Another Job! (1 Viewer)

Oct 13, 2007
:)I was checking out the new MarketGarden Red Devils from K&C which I love! But they keep going up by the day. Last time I looked they were $25.00 a figure but now they are a whopping $29.00 each! Is it the lower dollar versus the Chinese wan or what? Are all the K&C figures going to have a 25% price increase too? Im gonna need two jobs:)
These were listed from the get go at $29, never $25.
Right all the figures prior to them were 24-25, why the jump up over 20% to $29.00? Any ideas: just curious.

I can't explain the policy but if you look at D Day, World War I and FoB, the single figures are priced at $25 so the prices have held on those figures. Can't explain why the MG ones are $29, inflation I assume.
The Chinese currency has been under the control of the People's Government for decades and is one of the major issues that the financial world has with the rapidly growing Chinese economy. Some believe that it is one of the primary reasons why there is such a large trade deficit with other countries, like the US and that having the government controlling the currency, the government controls internal growth. The Yuan has not changed in value to any great extent in a long period of time. It is a problem in the so-called "free trade" the world is moving into.

I am always amazed that K&C and the other makers are keeping their prices as low as they do, especially when you consider what the dollar is now worth (or not worth depending on what your perspective is) on the foreign money markets. Look at this web site for examples of rate changes (as graphs) over the last 120 days or over the year. It’s a good site to understand the value of money on the international market.

One of the advantages for the US economy, of a weak dollar, is that more of our goods and services are sold in foreign markets, investment in US businesses is more attractive to foreign investors, and more visitors come to the US and spend more money. The major problem for us is that we in the US cannot purchase as much as we did in past year or so. Add the housing market problems (less houses sold, less home built, less furniture sold, declining equity in homes for investments or purchases, on and on and on) and we may be on the verge of something dramatic, especially if we have problems with Iran. That's a whole nother can o' worms economically and socially.

So endith Econ 101 (Macro)
Napoleonics started out like that as well...heres my take on it...start low get you hooked then drive up the price....:)

K&C ! is this the price for future figures.

It all comes down to greed.To make money and be wealthy.If the product is great and in demand then you will pay the price.It is good business and I don't blame K&C one bit.I am sure they had hard times in the begining at one time or another and now things are sweet.I will be buying the Britt paras and spending my hard earned cash with them.If you want this line you will pay the price and K&C no it.:rolleyes:
The cost of raw materials like metals has gone through the roof in the last
couple of years [thanks in large part to chinas boom] so i,m sure that
would have something to do with the price increases.Its had a big impact on construction trades in the last couple of years.
In 1999 / 2000, the AN11 single para with Thompson was on sale for $25.
In 2007 / 2008, a single is $29.
Believe me, I'd much rather pay a lower price for figures, but I don't think the price increase is unreasonable and it is a significantly lower increase than some other products, especially if material costs have risen dramatically over the past year or so, not to say labour costs.

Conte costs have increased a fair bit over the past year or two as well. Their singles are a similar price, if not more.

Sorry Guys you all are missing the main issue here............

As we all (countries) throw a lot of our manafacturing into China the demand on the raw materials increase.......

Greed has nothing to do with it, However it may look that way.

K&C rightly or wrongly absorbed a lot of the costs of these things in the early days.........They had to come out at a price similar to already manafactured products. Problem is when your design, sculpting, and painting is far better than the competitors you have to pay for what you get........K&C decided to not pass this cost down the line.

Wellington mentions the NAPS.........compare a Scots Grey to an early Glossy NAP and you will see a huge difference in production..........this costs money and as the NAPS get better and more detailed you get more costs add the raw material increase and you get your price.

Andy has mentioned this a dew times in the past but iam sure if i am off the mark he will let us all know

Tony Neville
Hi Guys,

In reference to the above subject… The standard cost for an individual K&C figures is approximately US$25 per piece. The additional costs found with some lines are the result of either extra detailing (e.g. the Crusaders & Saracens) or a ‘bulkier’ figure that contains more metal. The new British Paras in the Market Garden series are fairly hefty figures, with all their extra equipment. For instance, they are noticeably heavier than our First World War or Revolutionary War figures.

Another contributing factor is that costs have risen dramatically in China over the last 12-18 months. King & Country is sensitive to customer’s budgets and we do our best to keep a lid on our prices. With that said, it is not always possible to keep them down on everything. This is especially true when our costs are rising so rapidly and so much.

Yes, it would be possible to produce these figures ‘on the cheap’ but that is not, and never will be, K&C’s market. One of the great things about King & Country is that the customer can see where their money is going; our company reinvests a very substantial percentage of our profits into new products and ideas, better packaging and advertising. Our aim has always been, and will continue to be, to provide our customers with the absolute best product we can at an affordable price level.

I hope this clears up some of the questions!
Happy Collecting!

And P.S. – A very good point about global economics, Sceic2. We should all be grateful that the value of Hong Kong currency is ‘pegged’ to the US dollar!
And let’s not leave out the fact that they have a very popular product and are a "for profit" business that is trying to maximize revenue streams. KC would probably never be silly enough to say that publicly but that is just smart business. Econ 101 folks....you want prices to drop....stop buying...inventory will sit on shelves...dealers will gripe and complain....prices would drop...but lets be honest...is $29 a figure going to prevent you from buying the figures you want? I doubt it. :cool:
I just don't see other manufacturers doing this though, after having poked around a bit. I love K&C but it seems a bit much to raise prices right when incomes are falling: is it to make up for a slightly shrinking market? Is K&C a bit heavy with employees?

Anyhow I just looked at Britians pricing and it seems no to be going up nor Conte. Its just a shame thats all. Thanks for all the info though.
I have, I like Collectors Showcase new Arnhem ( saw it at OTSN, they've some a long way those guys ), prices are lower and the Flak30 is awesome:). But I neeeed the K&C Marketgarden: so I guess Im just gonna haveto pony up!
I have, I like Collectors Showcase new Arnhem ( saw it at OTSN, they've some a long way those guys ), prices are lower and the Flak30 is awesome:). But I neeeed the K&C Marketgarden: so I guess Im just gonna haveto pony up!

I agree,
Some of the new CS stuff is amazing. Especially like to Flak Gun.....looks really good.

Maybe we should ask Robert Mugabe to impose price controls on K and C to prevent all this capitalistic profiteering off us simple proletarian collectors.:):):)
Maybe we should ask Robert Mugabe to impose price controls on K and C to prevent all this capitalistic profiteering off us simple proletarian collectors.:):):)

Ha.....The Great African Satan.....as opposed to "the GREAT SCOTTISH provider of what we want while making himself rich?" I know which of the two I definitely prefer.......:):):)


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