K&C Monthly Update (1 Viewer)

Hi Guys,

Or should I say “Bonjour Mes Amis”… Well anyway here’s a few answers, comments and general info on the subject of Napoleonics in all their glory.

1. K&C “Special” Variations

Whenever we do any figure we often produce variations in uniforms… headgear… and equipment for ourselves to ascertain what we believe will be the most popular.

Usually these variations are never sold off but kept for reference at head office here in Hong Kong.

The great thing about “Napoleonics” is the stunning variances you can get from these figures with a few basic changes.

Several months ago we produced a few of these “variations” painted by our own “master painting studio” in China – not one of our factories. We “test-marketed” these in our Hong Kong K&C store and the response was tremendous.

It seemed a wee bit unfair that we should not offer them to our other K&C collectors around the world – and that’s what we’ve now done.

So, quality-wise I believe they are noticeably superior. From a rarity angle, as already stated, we only produced a couple of hundred of each – that’s why K&C dealers are limited to a maximum of no more than 10 of each figure – even that may not be possible as most dealers have pounced on these “rarities” already!

2. Napoleonic “Wish lists” & “Suggestions”

Believe me I value you guys input on ideas and suggestions for new Napoleonics. Everything from field hospitals… camp scenes… accessories… new figures etc… etc.

However, believe it or not, it’s not a “sausage factory” where you just turn a little knob or press a button and “Hey Presto… out the other end comes whatever your heart desires!”

As a company we’ve got to have release schedules… production lead times… an overall plan of annual expenditures on new product taking in commercial realities as well as a host of other important factors to bear in mind.

What I’m trying to say is that it may not always be possible to see exactly what you want… when you want it. I’m as big a collector as most of you are but I’ve learned I have to be patient. So bear with me I always listen to what you say and I do try to be responsive … where and when I can.

No toy soldier or military miniature company (K&C included) can please all of the collectors… all of the time.

We just try our best to do what we can… as soon as we can.

3. So, what Napoleonics can you expect?

At present I’m working on long-awaited British Cavalry… I’m virtually 100% positive they will be Scots Greys – that’s the feedback from the vast majority of requests we get from NA collectors. Also, British Royal Horse Artillery in action. Plus additional Infantry – French & British.

Potential release date: Second Quarter of 2006.

All right “Mes Amis” that’s the story so far… “A Bientot” and… happy collecting!

Andy C.
Thanks Andy for answering some of the questions that have been floating around, the new pieces you speak of sound very interresting!!!!!

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I got another update from K&C last night.

The WS71 King Tiger is expected to be released in February.

FOB009 (the original paint scheme) is officially retired (they are out of stock in Hong Kong and won't get any more). If you're looking for one, I suggest you move quickly. We have less than 5 left here at Treefrog.

Andy, I was wondering if you were planning to release any colonial militia for the American Revolution/ War of Independence series.
I already ordered another one from my dealer and pre-order 2x the upcoming FOB010. This tank has character.

A third variation may be interesting in that serie: a Flammwagen with figures in respect of the occupation of Jersey and Guernsey in 1941.

The photo of the upcoming FOB010 can be seen on the K&C UK website. Very, very beautiful.

Hi Guys,

Greetings from the “Pearl of the Orient”. As usual after perusing the many and varied “posts” on the forum here’s a few points and clarifications…

1. Colonial Militia Request

Sorry to disappoint “Shark 0636” on this one the next American Rev. releases will be a whole bunch of Continental Marines “in action”… three very different Woodland Indian “add-ons”… and three additional “Red coats” – also in action. Release date: April ’06.

I will eventually get round to Colonial Militia… German Mercenaries… Rev. War Cavalry – but it all takes time and trying to fit as much as possible for as many different collectors into a limited amount of time and factory production capacity.

Best wishes and … happy collecting.

Andy C.

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