K&C new M20 armored car... (3 Viewers)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 30, 2005
I realize that not many collectors care deeply about the "how" and "why" of their vehicles, but here's today's historical note. The M20 was NOT a cavalry recon vehicle! It was an "armored utility vehicle" developed by and mostly deployed by the Tank Destroyer arm. Instead of a turret, the car had seating arrangements for the gun security section. These men accompanied the gun sections and were to give a measure of close protection to the TD's (either towed or self-propelled). That provided the TD commander with a small squad that could be deployed with the guns or combined for more infantry firepower. The car had a .50 cal gun that could be fired from the vehicle or dismounted and fired from the M3 tripod stowed on the vehicle. The M20s also came with a rack for a 2.36 in. rocket launcher ("bazooka") with associated rockets. So if you are looking for a creative, or historically correct way to display your M20, pose the K&C BoB series bazooka tean nearby, or add some other members of the security section. You can also have it standing by your BoB M10 or the previous M18 "Hellcat".

M20s were also used as "command cars" by certain general officers, Patton among them, but also including a couple armored division commanders. The extra interior space allowed for maps and radios.

The upcoming model looks really nice!

Gary B.
I realize that not many collectors care deeply about the "how" and "why" of their vehicles, but here's today's historical note. The M20 was NOT a cavalry recon vehicle! It was an "armored utility vehicle" developed by and mostly deployed by the Tank Destroyer arm. Instead of a turret, the car had seating arrangements for the gun security section. These men accompanied the gun sections and were to give a measure of close protection to the TD's (either towed or self-propelled). That provided the TD commander with a small squad that could be deployed with the guns or combined for more infantry firepower. The car had a .50 cal gun that could be fired from the vehicle or dismounted and fired from the M3 tripod stowed on the vehicle. The M20s also came with a rack for a 2.36 in. rocket launcher ("bazooka") with associated rockets. So if you are looking for a creative, or historically correct way to display your M20, pose the K&C BoB series bazooka tean nearby, or add some other members of the security section. You can also have it standing by your BoB M10 or the previous M18 "Hellcat".

M20s were also used as "command cars" by certain general officers, Patton among them, but also including a couple armored division commanders. The extra interior space allowed for maps and radios.

The upcoming model looks really nice!

Gary B.


Just wanted to say I always enjoy your informative posts like these, they are good to read:smile2:


Best to all


Thanks for the accurate info. When I saw this baby this morning on Dispatches I was sold immediately! After reading your post, it will be parked by my BoB M10!

Thanks for the accurate info. When I saw this baby this morning on Dispatches I was sold immediately! After reading your post, it will be parked by my BoB M10!

We think alike my friend:salute:: I will also detail my Winter Chaffee for a little bit of back up!{sm0}

Best to all

Easy mistake to make. The M20 utility vehicle was basically an M8 cavalry scout vehicle with the turret and 37mm gun removed. It will go well with the BoB M10 Tank Destroyer and the BoB bazooka team.


Easy mistake to make. The M20 utility vehicle was basically an M8 cavalry scout vehicle with the turret and 37mm gun removed. It will go well with the BoB M10 Tank Destroyer and the BoB bazooka team. Terry

Yes, and, oddly enough, the genesis of the M8 armored car was also from the Tank Destroyer Board. The little 6X6 was originally put forward as a fast TD with a 37mm gun. After North Africa the 37mm fell out of favor as an AT gun but the vehicle was adopted by the Cavalry as Light Armored Car, M8. The M8 was used by US mechanized cavalry units and in Tank Destroyer battalions for a recon vehicle.

I think at least one French unit did have M20s in use as a recon vehicle - probably they didn't get M8s before going into combat. There is a fairly common photo of a US recon unit from the Normandy invasion linking up with a Free French unit from the Riviera invasion with the US troops having an M8 and the French having an M20.

Gary B.
I realize that not many collectors care deeply about the "how" and "why" of their vehicles, but here's today's historical note. The M20 was NOT a cavalry recon vehicle! It was an "armored utility vehicle" developed by and mostly deployed by the Tank Destroyer arm. Instead of a turret, the car had seating arrangements for the gun security section. These men accompanied the gun sections and were to give a measure of close protection to the TD's (either towed or self-propelled). That provided the TD commander with a small squad that could be deployed with the guns or combined for more infantry firepower. The car had a .50 cal gun that could be fired from the vehicle or dismounted and fired from the M3 tripod stowed on the vehicle. The M20s also came with a rack for a 2.36 in. rocket launcher ("bazooka") with associated rockets. So if you are looking for a creative, or historically correct way to display your M20, pose the K&C BoB series bazooka tean nearby, or add some other members of the security section. You can also have it standing by your BoB M10 or the previous M18 "Hellcat".

M20s were also used as "command cars" by certain general officers, Patton among them, but also including a couple armored division commanders. The extra interior space allowed for maps and radios.

The upcoming model looks really nice!

Gary B.

Thanks Gary. Very informative.
Will it also go well with the armored Jeep?
would look good as a captured German vehicle
Thanks Gary. Very informative.
Will it also go well with the armored Jeep?

No reason it couldn't. An M8 would be more appropriate as they were the primary recon cars, but the armored jeeps were basically improvisations, so who can say where they went. Plus, some armored jeeps were used by the 82nd Airborne and they didn't have any M8s authorized but they were supported by TD units, so the scene could include an 82nd ABN jeep with a M20 from an atttached TB Battalion or a command vehicle operating in their area. The Ardennes campaign saw a lot of cross attachment of units.
I can't remember if it was a web site or a book, but there were some M20s captured and used by the Jerries.

Here is an M8 that looks like it changed hands a few times. There are lots of photos of captured M8 but I don't remember seeing any captured M20

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