K&C Special Figures (1 Viewer)


Sep 30, 2005
I thought that as there has been some discussion lately concerning special figures that have been produced by K&C over the years, that it would be nice to see what some of these looked like.

I have a Napoleonic French Gunner, Mandarin and Gift Givers from the SOHK. These all came from K&C UK and are from their Collectors Club yearly specials.



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I thought that as there has been some discussion lately concerning special figures that have been produced by K&C over the years, that it would be nice to see what some of these looked like.

I have a Napoleonic French Gunner, Mandarin and Gift Givers from the SOHK. These all came from K&C UK and are from their Collectors Club yearly specials.


Hey I Like that Napoleon French Gunner - anyone got one FOR SALE ?

Ron :D
Why don't you email Tony. Maybe they have an extra they'll be willing to sell.
I have the Napoleonc Gunner......it is a GREAT figure.....there are a few odd ones like this...I'm lucky to have them all.......:) See if you guys know of this one.....some of the older collectors might.......when the Special K&C Napoleon Figure was released a second figure was released at the same time...BOTH were given to Toy Soldier Dealers..if they spent 10,000...they were also used to entice the dealers into starting to carry the Napoleonic line....This figure is even more rare than the Napoleon...anyone know what it is and if so can you post a pic?

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I have the Napoleonc Gunner......it is a GREAT figure.....there are a few odd ones like this...I'm lucky to have them all.......:) See if you guys know of this one.....some of the older collectors might.......when the Special K&C Napoleon Figure was released a second figure was released at the same time...BOTH were given to Toy Soldier Dealers..if they spent 10,000...they were also used to entice the dealers into starting to carry the Napoleonic line....This figure is even more rare than the Napoleon...anyone know what it is and if so can you post a pic?


What is this a test?
Not really just wondering if you guys know.....:) I f you don't know then you probably don't have this figure and in that case it will give you something to hunt down and conquor......:p

CanonFodder is correct, I got this off Bill Sager's site.



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I think it's a repaint of a Del Prado/Hachette piece, and thus you should be able to find its ugly cousin at a fraction of the price.
Hey, dont knock Del Prado figures,i know they are not perfect by a long shot, but these figures helped me collect on a budget,offered some figures you probably wont see again and they are cheap and readily avaliable,like toy soldiers should be :) The kind of figures you can give to kids interested in starting a collection.
I recently obtained 6 figures for £7 or 14$ off ebay ,surely you cant fault that.
Without Del Prado,i wont have turned from gloss to the "matt side" or have rediscovered King and Countrys collection,so personally i wont call them ugly just maybe not as good as King and countrys recent figures!
Hey, dont knock Del Prado figures,i know they are not perfect by a long shot, but these figures helped me collect on a budget,offered some figures you probably wont see again and they are cheap and readily avaliable,like toy soldiers should be :) The kind of figures you can give to kids interested in starting a collection.
I recently obtained 6 figures for £7 or 14$ off ebay ,surely you cant fault that.
Without Del Prado,i wont have turned from gloss to the "matt side" or have rediscovered King and Countrys collection,so personally i wont call them ugly just maybe not as good as King and countrys recent figures!

I agree, they offer a very nice fill in figure for those army makers not wanting to go KC broke.......Paint jobs are pretty good and sculpts are well done...Michael
I think it's a repaint of a Del Prado/Hachette piece, and thus you should be able to find its ugly cousin at a fraction of the price.

MUAHAHAHAhhahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ugly cousin! Rolling on floor laughing out loud hahhahahhahahahahahahahahhaha
I agree, they offer a very nice fill in figure for those army makers not wanting to go KC broke.......Paint jobs are pretty good and sculpts are well done...Michael

The sculpts are fine but they sure do need repainting. That is why I was laughing so hard earlier
Hey you guys guessed it.......the figure is EXCELLENT and goes well with Napoleon.............:)


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