K&C Vietnam Firebase and Figures (1 Viewer)


Thats pretty sweet. I dont know if I would drop 7K on it though.

It seems like a lot, but when you think about the value of the individual pieces, its not that far off. I wouldn't even consider selling one of those two M113 APC's for less than $1,500, and I would think the Firebase itself would command $1,500 to $2,000. The Huey is probably an $800 item, so before you even get to the six sets of figures, you are talking $5,300 to $5,800. If the six sets are each worth $200, that gets you to $6,500 to $7,000. So the starting bid is $250 to $750 above what I think fair market value is, so its not totally crazy. Still, I'm glad I already have everything offered.

I wish I could get my hands on 1-2 more sets of Viet Cong though, as having 4 Victor Charlies attacking that entire firebase seems a bit silly.
$1,500 is probably fair for the firebase itself. $1,500 for the APC is much more than they're worth. There have been a couple on ebay and I'm sure they weren't over $1,000, more like in the $800 range so overall I think it's a little high so that brings up to $4,000, plus six sets at $200 each brings you in the $5,500 range if you just add in a few extra hundred for the heck of it. So in my view, it's a little high. Maybe it's worth it to get all at once but I don't know that many people who could afford to lay out that kind of dough all at once.
$1,500 for the APC is much more than they're worth. There have been a couple on ebay and I'm sure they weren't over $1,000, more like in the $800 range so overall I think it's a little high . . .

I'm suprised that the M113 APC sell that low. I know that very few were made, maybe 15 of the resin and metal version and another 20-30 of the wood and metal version. Maybe its because Vietnam just isn't as popular with collectors as WWII.

You know I never part with anything (accept as a gift or trade), but I wouldn't even think of selling one of mine for less than $1,500. Replacing them would be nearly impossible.
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I wouldn't swear by it but do you rembember when mungomordy was selling his father's collection and we got those great pieces? One of them was an APC and I think I asked him how much it went for and I think it was in the $800 to $1,000 range.

If I had $8,000 to spare, I'd certainly go for it.
If I had $8,000 to spare, I'd certainly go for it.

Brad....repeat after me..."If I had $8000 to spare I'd spend it all at Treefrog....if I had $8000 to spare I'd spend it all at Treefrog...." :eek:

Now that I have THAT cleared up...:D
I think I've given at least $8,000 in blood to Treefrog:eek: but hey, if I had eight grand, anything for the Queen and her Consort:D

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