King´s X Figures - Names and Numbers (1 Viewer)


Aug 21, 2009
hello to everybody !

i am searching for a complete list of the King`s - X figures, with Numbers & Names.
and if anybody has pictures, please post (1 figure per pic, with #)

This is my list so far:

KX001 John Wayne
KX002 Sergeant Quincannon
KX004 LT. Col. Owen Thursday
KX005 Teddy Roosevelt
KX006 Marching Rough Rider
KX007 Rough Rider w/ Stars & Strpes
KX008 Rough Rider w/ Regimental Flag
KX013 Davy Crocket /Fiddle Player
KX014 Buffalo Bill
KX015 Annie Oakley
KX016 John Bell Hood, TEX Show Figure 2012

any errors in the list ?
and does someone know 09, 10, 11 & 12 ?

best regards
hello to everybody !

i am searching for a complete list of the King`s - X figures, with Numbers & Names.
and if anybody has pictures, please post (1 figure per pic, with #)

This is my list so far:

KX001 John Wayne
KX002 Sergeant Quincannon
KX004 LT. Col. Owen Thursday
KX005 Teddy Roosevelt
KX006 Marching Rough Rider
KX007 Rough Rider w/ Stars & Strpes
KX008 Rough Rider w/ Regimental Flag
KX013 Davy Crocket /Fiddle Player
KX014 Buffalo Bill
KX015 Annie Oakley
KX016 John Bell Hood, TEX Show Figure 2012

any errors in the list ?
and does someone know 09, 10, 11 & 12 ?

best regards

Panzerknacker, Take a look at my thread called My KINGSX Club, Texas Toy Soldier Show and dinner figures. I just brought it current and addressed it to you. You will see all of the figures and then some.

Contact Martin at Kings X and he will dial you in on the numbers as well as the Rough Riders. He is also on tree frog under Hussar de la gaurdia.

Have fun,

hi bayern !
i saw your Thread, and thanks for sharing the nice pics, but there is NO information about wich figure is what number. so i asked here at the forum, and i thought with all these knowlidge here about K&C figures, it should be easy to get an answer.

so still looking for the names of #09-10-11-12 of the King´s X figures

best regards peter
hi bayern !
i saw your Thread, and thanks for sharing the nice pics, but there is NO information about wich figure is what number. so i asked here at the forum, and i thought with all these knowlidge here about K&C figures, it should be easy to get an answer.

so still looking for the names of #09-10-11-12 of the King´s X figures

best regards peter

Peter mate,

From my records:
KX09 Wild Bill Hickock -- Released May 2010
KX10 Cavalry Trooper -- " " " "
KX11 Pancho Villa -- Released December 2010
KX12 US Cavalryman 1914 " " " " "

Cheers Howard

Hello Panzerknacker,
First let me thank Howard for posting the names and numbers of the Kings X figures but I must make a slight correction.
KX009 is Standing Cavalry Trooper
KX010 is Wild Bill Hickock
KX011 is Pancho Villa
KX012 is 1914 Cav Trooper

Hope239.jpg this helps!

KX011 and KX012 are posted as Pics first!
Best Regards
Martin Vasquez
Hello Panzerknacker,
First let me thank Howard for posting the names and numbers of the Kings X figures but I must make a slight correction.
KX009 is Standing Cavalry Trooper
KX010 is Wild Bill Hickock
KX011 is Pancho Villa
KX012 is 1914 Cav Trooper

HopeView attachment 98328 this helps!

KX011 and KX012 are posted as Pics first!
Best Regards
Martin Vasquez

Martin, Thanks for your post.

I must point something out. The KINGS X 1914 Cavalryman as he is called is actually wrong. The figure is actually wearing a WW1 US Marines uniform, and should be called WW1 US Marine Infantry Sargent. The Marines did not have Cavalry. He should have been in an Army uniform. The bad part is that I have had this figure forever and never noticed it until I am totally inebriated and falling on my face following Germany's win today in Euro 2012 and I found this???. This is another reason for drinking good German Beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You see things you may have otherwise missed!

Also, The other figure of Pancho Villa. Do you not think he is too light complected? He is supposed to be Hispanic and he is whiter then me...with that in mind...why are there no African American soldiers in the WW2 theater of KC releases? That just occurred to me?

In closing the MARINE soldier depicted above reminds me of R. Lee Ermy....and that does work for me...MAIL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Panzerknacker,
First let me thank Howard for posting the names and numbers of the Kings X figures but I must make a slight correction.
KX009 is Standing Cavalry Trooper
KX010 is Wild Bill Hickock
KX011 is Pancho Villa
KX012 is 1914 Cav Trooper

HopeView attachment 98328 this helps!

KX011 and KX012 are posted as Pics first!
Best Regards
Martin Vasquez

Martin, Thanks for your post.

I must point something out. The KINGS X 1914 Cavalryman as he is called is actually wrong. The figure is actually wearing a WW1 US Marines uniform, and should be called WW1 US Marine Infantry Sargent. The Marines did not have Cavalry. He should have been in an Army uniform. The bad part is that I have had this figure forever and never noticed it until I am totally inebriated and falling on my face following Germany's win today in Euro 2012 and I found this???. This is another reason for drinking good German Beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You see things you may have otherwise missed!

Also, The other figure of Pancho Villa. Do you not think he is too light complected? He is supposed to be Hispanic and he is whiter then me...with that in mind...why are there no African American soldiers in the WW2 theater of KC releases? That just occurred to me?

In closing the MARINE soldier depicted above reminds me of R. Lee Ermy....and that does work for me...MAIL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was surprised at no response on this! What do you all think? Everyone was so sharp on Yalta......

Incorrect uniform designation? Or am I wrong?


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