King & Country -- December Dispatches (1 Viewer)

Love these late war/winter Tommy"s. these guys have been on my wish list for many years now and i have never been able to work out why KC did not cover these figures sooner?????. The Comet is also ...(for me)...a most welcome addition to my collection and i am "as pleased as punch"that it comes with 2 half figures, and even more pleased that there is not a map or pair of binoculars to be seen!!!!!!.
What would now be a fantastic addition to these late war warriors would be a lend-lease half track...(M5A1..i believe) with more tommy"s sitting in the back.....Don"t keep me waiting to long KC!!!.

So wonderful to see a Major Dick Winters figure. I'm a HUGE Band of Brothers fan and I shall be picking him up for sure! {sm4}
As most K&C dealers and collectors already know Asia in general and Singapore in particular has been a rapidly growing area for collecting King & Country. Over the last 10-15 years the number of Asian toy soldier collectors has continued to expand and develop. What is even more encouraging has been the ‘Age Demographic’ of most of these new collectors is noticeably younger than most collectors in Europe and America.
K&C are seeing a lot more new collectors throughout Asia in the “25-45” age bracket which is very, very encouraging.

We are all very happy for your bank account! {sm3}
So wonderful to see a Major Dick Winters figure. I'm a HUGE Band of Brothers fan and I shall be picking him up for sure! {sm4}

I'm also a big fan. My favorite series. Hope to see rest of Band Of Brothers figures Ron
Great to see a 1/30 model of the Comet; the best British tank of WWII. The Comet and Pershing could slug it out with a Tiger I; but were both outclassed by the Kingtiger.
Just watch out that when pictures were loaded showing SP067 - "New" Shop for the desert series....the K&C Team included pictures of the old version of the shop and not the new.....{sm3}{sm3}{sm3} to get things confused....^&grin^&grin^&grin

F) WW2 “Personalities & Pathos”
Three small releases portraying three different heroes of WW2 ...

DD296 “Prime Minister Churchill
Churchill figures have always been popular with K&C collectors and here is another of the PM in a familiar pose.

DD297 “Major Dick Winters
Ever since reading Stephen Ambrose’s fine book “ Band of Brothers” and seeing and enjoying the television series I have been a great admirer of the late Dick Winters ... a truly magnificent officer and leader of men.
After visiting the statue of Major Winters in Normandy I wanted K&C to produce a figure solely dedicated to him.

DD298 “Don’t Cry ...
US Army nurses in the field often had to deal and comfort the civilian casualties as well ... Here an army nurse gently comforts a young French girl.
An excellent addition to the K&C / Treefrog “Shannon” set and our new US Army Nurse & Jeep set.

AVAILABLE: Early December


SP067 “The New Desert Shop House

A larger and much more detailed version of the now retired “Desert Village Shop House”.

AVAILABLE: Early December
SP067 photo

Hi Guys, hi “Artillery Crazy”,

Apologies for inserting the wrong “group” photo of the now-retired Desert Village Shop House in among the new pix of the NEW SP067 “Shop House”.
Just goes to prove that we’re all human too ... “To err is human, to forgive divine!
Well spotted “AC” ... We’re going to replace the picture later today.

Thank you and happy collecting!
Hi Guys,

As promised here is the revised photo of SP067 "The New Shop House"...

Apologies once more!

Merry Christmas,


NA375 “The Emperor & His Aide de Camps
Napoleon himself stands before his map table (plus 2 x maps). By his side, two of his many Aide de Camps (ADC’s) awaiting orders.

AVAILABLE: Early December

Would anyone known what uniform the figure smoking the pipe represent? Haven't seen that one before.


Hello Edward,
See below an earlier post of mine on the Collector 47 thread. Hope this helps.

"Hello The World,

I like with many others read through and enjoyed the new Collector. Many fine figures there but there are some errors of attribution.

The two ADCs shown standing alongside Napoleon are not his. The one with the blue schako , (smoking the pipe),is one of Soult's ADC's-->possibly Louis Brun de Villeret, the other is an ADC for a general de division.

Hopefully with the release of General Cambronne it will be flagged up that he was commanding 1er and 2e Bataillons, 1er Régiment de Chasseurs under Général de Division Morand., not Grenadiers.

Cambronne who is often attributed to have uttered the famous word(s) of defiance before being captured by the 3rd Hanoverian Brigade, may also have been captured before he made any reply. The famous "The Guard dies ..." statement has also been ascribed to General Claude-Etienne Michel , Depute Commander of the Chasseurs, before dying with his troops."


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