KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- January 2016 (2 Viewers)

Two items really stand out for me:


and a pleasant surprise:


Top notch!
Like the Russian's. The detail of the fixed bayonets is good to see as this was a universal feature in the Russian Army. Lots of possibilities with this army for future releases. -- Al
The Fury and US tank crew figures look really good and my pick of the bunch.
Never thought WWI Eastern Front would make it into the Toy Soldier World. So - well done K & C - very appropriate as 2016 is the 100th anniversary of the Brusilov offensive - the most decisive victory the Russian Army gained during WWI. Not wishing to be greedy I hope that combat poses will follow in due course and even more hopefully that the Army of Franz Jospeh will put in an appearance.

I like the Vulture's Nest figures but I have a feeling that should n't they be wearing Gebirgsjaeger feldmutze? Any chance of a Alpine Castle façade(!!!) as a backdrop?
I am loving the classic war movie theme sets that have been coming out! I already own the Kelly's Hero's set and look forward to adding the latest addition of Where Eagles Dare. :salute::
I like the Vulture's Nest figures but I have a feeling that should n't they be wearing Gebirgsjaeger feldmutze? Any chance of a Alpine Castle façade(!!!) as a backdrop?[/QUOTE]

With reference to my earlier comment above - just checked out some stills from the movie. Regarding the headgear, K & C are quite correct - many apologies!
Nice to see the Holmes / Watson / Baker Street.

Looks like any new Robin Hood figures have not made it out of Sherwood yet...
Dear Andy, now i hope for next halloween an elephant man for WOD serie and a Rasputin for FW serie

...and a Idi Amin Dada for WL serie...
Always good to see more Great War and the Imperial Russians are a wonderful addition,

hopefully we will see the Russian theme continue with perhaps ........




And Nicky with the cheese and kisses.
I like the Vulture's Nest figures but I have a feeling that should n't they be wearing Gebirgsjaeger feldmutze? Any chance of a Alpine Castle façade(!!!) as a backdrop?
With reference to my earlier comment above - just checked out some stills from the movie. Regarding the headgear, K & C are quite correct - many apologies![/QUOTE]

...Need a half timbered house/beer hall with a "Zum Wilden Hirsch" sign on the front for them, a school bus with snow plow, and Heidi and Maria...
With reference to my earlier comment above - just checked out some stills from the movie. Regarding the headgear, K & C are quite correct - many apologies!

...Need a half timbered house/beer hall with a "Zum Wilden Hirsch" sign on the front for them, a school bus with snow plow, and Heidi and Maria...[/QUOTE]

Nice figures - also need the SS black clad officer and the Nazi interrogation nurse. Also, what on earth was that helicopter doing in the film? Can we have that as well?
...Need a half timbered house/beer hall with a "Zum Wilden Hirsch" sign on the front for them, a school bus with snow plow, and Heidi and Maria...

Nice figures - also need the SS black clad officer and the Nazi interrogation nurse. Also, what on earth was that helicopter doing in the film? Can we have that as well?[/QUOTE]

The Germans did have helicopters in WWII - just not Bell 47s!
I hope that combat poses will follow in due course and even more hopefully that the Army of Franz Jospeh will put in an appearance.

Yes, that's something that doesn't seem to have been produced in this style of figure, and then they could have Italian troops to oppose as well as Russians.


LOVELY,....but a few blemishes,

Firstly, I must say how good it is to see a major manafacturer turning out "working" sailors. I certainly have been waiting a long time for someone to do sailors rowing.

GAO 12: Officer: Great figure who can be used in lots of situations. But why the white trousers? This is a "germanic" custom, never popular in the RN; also, his rank insignia is too low down the sleeve.

GAO 13 Telescope: Really great figure. However, Andy confused himself explaining the "Good Conduct" stripes (chevrons) Each stripe represents "4 years undetected crime", so a "2 striper" would have over 8 years but under 12 years "Good Conduct Service"

GAO 13 Launch: I have made previous comments on this; there are much better examples of RN Launches and Pinnaces whch could have been modelled. The crew look good, albeit without the benefit of a close up photo.

GAO 15, 15B: Rowers: Great figures, long in coming, but worth the wait.

GAO 16, 16B: Ditto the comments for GAO 15, 15B: great, useful figures. However, the Order is "Toss Oars", the oars are here depicted in the "Tossed" position. This represents the "correct" position of the crew in a "double banked" boat under tow.

GAO 29: Boathook: What is he supposed to be doing?, Spearing fish? Why is he wearing gaiters? Most unusual for Boars Crew, and if he was he wouldn't be wearing American gaiters? Unusual way he is wearing his lanyard, not consistant with the other figures, which are dubious also.

Notwithstanding my comments above, all figures have been ordered and I am looking forward to seeing them in the flesh.

I also love the WWI Russians!! Straight from a 1914 photo. How much better would it look if the kneeling guys were "crossing" themselves?

I wait with great excitement for the first WWI Austro-Hungarians?



Toy Sailor Collector.
GAO 12: Officer: Great figure who can be used in lots of situations. But why the white trousers? This is a "germanic" custom, never popular in the RN; also, his rank insignia is too low down the sleeve.

Maybe he is a german spy {sm4}
No new Napoleonic figures, so this month will be a catch-up month for me. Those First World World War Russians look quite good though. If they end up making some figures for the Brusilov offensive, I don't think I could pass those up.


...This will make my 6th Sherman (3 Easy 8's, three M4's), a Chaffee, 2 Stuarts, and 3 TD's (M10, M18, and an M36) and an M26 recovery vehicle. Quite a squadron!

...We need a fuel truck!

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