KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- June 2014 (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
JUNE 2014”

AS USUAL, I seem to be writing this edition of “DISPATCHES” just as I depart Hong Kong for the U.S. of A. By the time you read this “DISPATCHES” I will already be back in Hong Kong…How time flies when you’re enjoying yourself!
Anyway June is one big, big month for K&C and I hope there’s more than a few items for dealers and collectors. So, let’s get cracking…

“1. Appearing This Month –”
It’s been a few months since the last releases in this popular series so here’s a few add-ons…

AK094“Panzer IV H”
This is the third and final version of this popular German tank…and it’s in “Dunkelgelb” which is German for “Dark Yellow” . Panzer IV’s and their variants saw plenty of active service in Russia, North Africa, Sicily, Italy and all over Europe. This particular vehicle has an Afrika Korps veteran in the turret.

The “H” variant first appeared in 1943 and saw most service in that year and the following one.

Following Rommel’s defeat in North Africa in May 1943 most of the Afrika Korps were captured some however did manage to reach Sicily and Italy and live to fight another day…Our tank commander was one of them!

AK097“Sd.Kfz.10 Demag”
Another welcome addition to the AK’s limited transport units. This battle-scarred Demag comes with the detachable roof, seated driver and room for at least a few passengers.

AK098“Demag Passengers”
Two seated Afrika Korps soldiers.

AK103“Desert Rommel”
Although seldom seen in shorts the Field Marshal did make use of some captured British clothing stores on occasion.



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As we did last year we are releasing another “medical-themed” set to coincide with the Texas Toy Soldier Show. Now it’s generally available to all collectors…

WS222“Walking Wounded”
A German medic tends to the arm-wound of this soldier. It’s serious enough to demand treatment but not bad enough to be sent to the rear…unfortunately for him!


As our Commando mini-series continues to go from strength-to-strength here’s two exciting little additions…

DD237“On The Enemy Coast”
As one of the canoe’s occupants remains with paddle ready the other, a corporal, silently gets out of the craft…Tommy gun in hand…and prepares to move ashore.

DD238“Paddling Into Battle”
Another 2-man crew paddle silently towards the enemy shore.

AVAILABLE:Early/Mid June


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D.“MONS 1914”
In August 1914 the British Army fought its first battle on European soil since Waterloo, almost 100 years before!

The British Expeditionary Force, all regular soldiers, attempted to hold the line in northern France against a massive attack by the numerically superior German First Army.

Although fighting bravely and taking a heavy toll of the invading Germans the relatively small B.E.F was forced back. The rapid-fire marksmanship of the British regulars and their battle discipline impressed not only their French Allies but also their German opponents. The Kaiser might have called them “a contemptible little army” but many of his soldiers knew different!

FW139“Officer w/Pistol”

FW140“Loading his Lee Enfield”
Slamming the bolt shut and chambering another .303 round!

FW141“Standing Firing”

FW142“Kneeling Firing”

FW143“Lying Prone”

FW144“Vickers Machine Gunner”
Initially just 4 machine guns were issued to each infantry battalion going to France in 1914.

FW145“Pack Up Your Troubles”
This “Tommy” , rifle over the shoulder, moves up to the front line.

FW145(M) “Marching”
Another version of the previous “Tommy” complete with moustache.

FW157 British Mk.IV Tank
A second version of our popular Mk.IV from a few years back. This “Spring Chicken” would have come in very useful at Mons…Alas tanks did not appear until 1917!



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E.“From Mons back to Waterloo”
Napoleonics always need more Infantry…Here’s some more British ones…No particular regiment in order that they can fill in gaps in any British Infantry collections out there…

NA283 “Officer w/King’s Colour”

NA284 “Standing Firing” (leaning forward)

NA285 “Kneeling Firing”

NA286 “Standing Loading”

NA287 “Standing to Repel”

NA288 “Kneeling to Repel”

NA289 “Drummer Boy w/Sword”
This young lad has drawn his short sword to defend himself and his mates!

NA290 “Helping Tommy Atkins”
As one soldier lies fatally wounded another reaches down to support him.

NA291 “Standing Firing (leaning back)”

AVAILABLE: Early/Mid June


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Hitler’s vaunted “Fortress Europe” was a military propaganda term used by the Germans to describe their occupied areas of Continental Europe. On the “Atlantic Wall” section of their defenses they utilized millions of land mines, thousands of machine guns and many hundreds of artillery guns both in fixed and mobile batteries.

On their fixed gun emplacements they made ample use of captured weaponry whenever it was suitable and available for their needs.
Here is a typical example…A captured 155mm French artillery piece mounted on a raised concrete platform complete with an armored gun shield cover.

SP063 “Atlantic Wall Coastal Gun”

WS282 “Coastal Gun Officer”

WS283 “Kneeling Soldier w/Field Radio”

WS284 “Coastal Gunners” Set #1
The first of 2 x 2-man sets of gunners in action.

WS285 “Coastal Gunners Set #2”
Two more gunners…one loading the shell…the other with the powder charge.



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G. “From the beaches of Normandy ’44 to the Little Big Horn ’76…”
It’s a bit of a hike to say the least but this relatively new series featuring “Custer’s Last Stand” has proved to be a huge “hit” on both sides of the Atlantic and elsewhere. For colour, drama and excitement this range of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians plus the U.S. Cavalry has few equals…Here are the latest releases

TRW057(P) “Spotted Tail”
A Cheyenne “Dog Soldier” well-known for his accuracy with bow and arrow.

TRW058 “Taking a Fall!”
As his horse writhes in agony, already wounded, this trooper gets ready to fight on foot.

TRW059(P)“Bloody Lance”
This mounted Sioux warrior prepares to throw his lance.

TRW061(P)“Little Wolf”
One of the most famous Cheyenne war chiefs. Here he is resplendent with a magnificent war bonnet riding his favorite pony.

TRW062 “To The Death!”
One of Custer’s officers is about to be overwhelmed by a Sioux warrior…knives drawn!

AVAILABLE: Early/Mid June


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As usual as a whole big batch of “newbies” comes in some of the older figures and sets have to move out…Here they are…

DD155 Saluting British "Redcap" M.P.
DD156 Escort Officer
DD157 Escort MP
DD158 Gen. Omar Bradley
DD159 US Soldier Port Arms
EA045 New Desert Monty
HK119(G/M) Man w/Bird Cage
HK120(G/M) Bird Shop Set
HK124 Bird Shop Façade
HK143(G/M) Street Toy Stall
SP029 Jetty
SP030 Footbridge

And that, as we always say is that…at least for another 30 days. I’m sure there’s more than a few items in this “bumper bundle” that will be appealing to collectors and dealers alike.
All the best…and great sales!

Andy C. Neilson
Co-founder & Creative Director
King & Country​


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All marvelously done as always. And that Demag (yey) has been in my want list since I started collecting K&C products. The other one is the M3a3 that I just got, double yey.
Yes, that Demag is an absolute cracker and I also like the AK Panzer IV. All in all, it's a good spread of releases this month.

What’s happened in the K&C Q-Store ????

This is the 3rd set of NAPOLEONICS this year that haven’t been kitted out with their back packs and greatcoats!!!

  1. Napoleon in Egypt (NE33 -41)
  2. French Voltigeurs (NA275-282)
  3. And now British Infantry (NA283-291)
Only the Royal Marines, (NA265-272) don’t have that sort of kit, but they live on ships, so their gear is stowed on board!

Is this a cost cutting measure in the Dept of Defence???

Surely it’s not, seeing that the price of these figures has been slowly increasing over the past year.

It must be cost metal to produce the pack in fine detail by the Chinese makers……?????? 

I suppose the excuse will be that’ they dropped their packs in the heat of battle to be able to move faster’, but I have never seen any British Infantry figures produced without their packs !!!!

Also another comment I’d like to make about the new British Infantry is because its no particular regiment, there is a lack of detail in the painting of the flag on NA283.

Going on the blue facings, I’d say it’s a “Royal Regt” so surely it’s not going to be that hard to have the flag finished with an appropriate number and battle honour.

Maybe that’s a painting job that I will have to do by hand onto mine, when I get this set :confused:

But after all this negativity in my comments, I have to say that I LOVE the "Helping Tommy Atkins" NA290, that a brilliant sculpt, and something really 'out of the bag' so


Well Done !!!

The coastal gun is really nice. An interesting piece. You WW2 German collectors have it made - so much great stuff!

I really like these new Naps British infantry add-ons. The drummer boy with sword and the "helping Tommy Atkins" figures are great.

Although it isn't my period of interest I love all the Commando releases especially the new canoe set.

The new 1914 WWI British infantry look very nice as well.

One of the best K&C releases for a long time IMO.

I may not be able to buy them all but I can look through the toy shop window.^&grin


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