KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- March 2018 (1 Viewer)

Some good choices this month and the six day war figures are tempting !

Apparently my dealer has ordered me 10 of the 'looking for trouble' figure??????????? Not sure what he thinks I am thinking^&grin. Some new LOJ finally and not only has the long awaited corner wall surfaced, so has the elusive Pvt Ryan. Lots of exciting releases in this batch, excellent work Andy. Robin.

Robin .... I am a bit surprised that he "ONLY" ordered 10! :rolleyes:

A very excellent, but somber USMC offering this month with the flag draped causality and the two USMC who gave all they had to give. {sm2}
When you are showing the brutal Pacific war they are an unfortunate necessity if you wish to show the true nature of the PTO.

With Respect ... Thank You Andy.

--- LaRRy
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Great mix, from reading the TG forum there will be a few happy Treefroggers, like the new Nap and the Spitfire. Not too much for me but, there is always a silver lining, it gives me the chance to catch up on things I missed in previous releases.
During the tumultuous upheavals of the June War of 1967 the majority of the enemy troops fighting the Israelis were Egyptian and Syrian... Here we provide the first opposition for our Israeli paratroopers...

The looking for trouble soldier would raise my morale
Nice to see additions to the "Life of Jesus". Also impressed by the Arab opposition for the Six-Day War Israelis - especially the RPG team. Frightening to be reminded that "The Battle of Britain" is celebrating its 50th Anniversary! A great film.
Great News!
Thanks Andy and Carlo!!!!

F. “Corner Wall Tower”
A much requested piece by many of our “Desert Village” collectors. Of interest, is the fact that it was originally designed by one of our K&C collectors in Italy and sent to Hong Kong for us to duplicate.

View attachment 228644

SP108X “Corner Wall Tower”
This K&C Xclusive is perfect for connecting our ‘Desert Village’ Wall Sections to extend and develop into a bigger display. Also useful for many other different historical periods.

Available directly from K&C
AVAILABLE: Early March

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