KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- May 2016 (1 Viewer)

HT is a must have along with the DIO accessories and I am going to find it very hard to stay away from Apaches they are well done

H. “1914”
A few months back we came upon some figures that were still on our “reserve list” . After reviewing them… we painted them… liked the results… and so, here they are!

FW221 “Cuirassier studying map”
A mounted French Cuirassier, little different from his comrades of a century before… except for a khaki cloth helmet cover consults his field map..

FW222 “Cuirassier w/ Sword Drawn”
Even in the age of the machine gun sabres were still carried.

FW223 “Cuirassier w/ Pistol”
Although sabres were also carried a pistol might do more ”damage” at close quarters…

FW224 “Pointing Poilu, WWI French”
A traditional French Infantryman pointing the way…

FW225 “Boche Prisoners,WWI German”
Two German prisoners… one foot soldier and one “Uhlan” make their way to the rear.

AVAILABLE: Mid to Late May
Well, I never expected to see French cavalry from 1914, so what a fantastic surprise. I'm in on the French horse and infantry for sure. Made my day with these releases. -- Al
Half-Track Mate..........
I do like the dio items, always welcome :salute::. Fountains and Plinths, gee wish I had thought of that........:wink2:^&grin

Thanks Wayne. Gosh, I got like Home Theatre stuck to my mind.... Yes, the half track looks good. And this month is a brief respite for WW2 German collectors.
Phew.... this month will be light on thy pocket as not the ranges I collect {sm4}

Superb English Civil War Pike and Musket additions.{sm4}{eek3} Only problem is I am finding it tough keeping up with the releases and finding it tough decision what to prioritise, without missing it. The cavalry will be a long term objective, but certainly something to look forward too..:cool:
Have diametrically opposite feelings about this months release .....:confused:

Very happy about the additions to the Pacific series. Really like the USMC Jeep and driver. I can see one (or two) heading my way. Also the Sheep Pen Tent is a big hit for me. I can see at least a space for two or more.

However, a bit sad that the Japanese Pacific (JN) series hasn't been attended to lately. There is so much more to be done there. I really hope that we are in for a big, future release of JN sailors and land based Zeros!!

--- LaRRy
Very Happy about the USMC inclusion in this month's releases. Thanks Andy

The Apache series, for me, guys!
I can not wait to see more of this warriors!
Thanks Andy and his Kc, team.

Nothing for me again but getting used to that as I have had nothing worth collecting in 2 years now ... i guess the rta series is finished now except for the tourist fodder .
Well, Was hoping for a German Panzer II .......One day I hope ^&grin Like these new Diorama items though.



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I do like the monument plinths, but I was wondering if anyone knows if the statues are available ????

I can recognise that 2 of them are Napoleon figures are NA199 (standing) and NA237 (mounted) but I do not recognise this other mounted Napoleonic figure on the WW1 British grouping .... He would be great to get hold of as a casting maybe and repaint ???


If they are to be ever released I do hope that they come with a stone like finish, or a weathered bronze like the memorials I have seen here in Albany for the ANZAC Light horse and in Poperingie (Flanders)

Poperinge mem.jpg

What do others think ????

I would think taking a plastic figure and painting it the Bronze color would do the trick !

Half-Track Mate..........
I do like the dio items, always welcome :salute::. Fountains and Plinths, gee wish I had thought of that........:wink2:^&grin

Just in case you cannot think of the word you are after -

the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance.

synonyms: modesty, humbleness, modestness, meekness, lack of pride, lack of vanity, diffidence, unassertiveness
Just in case you cannot think of the word you are after -

the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance.

synonyms: modesty, humbleness, modestness, meekness, lack of pride, lack of vanity, diffidence, unassertiveness
Like having tea and scones with the Gov you mean....:wink2:
NA349 “The Duellists Set#1”


Brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!

Something really 'Out of the bag'

I see that its set #1 and as I haven't seen this movie, I'll just have to find it and the guess what else could be coming ????

Well Done ....


Good Luck getting this movie John!! It is by far my favourite Napoleonic movie of ALL time. Absolutely awesome and the costumes are extremely true and authentic to the time period. BUT I have searched and not been able to find this one for our region.. Very hard to obtain but Good Luck in your search.


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