KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- May 2021 (4 Viewers)

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King & Country

May 23, 2005
MAY 2021

Hi Guys,
Welcome to the ‘Merry Month of May’ and our latest K&C edition of ‘DISPATCHES’.
This month’s offerings provide a broad and expansive mixture of all-new items and a few fresh renditions of very popular K&C favourites from our huge inventory.
Also, please take note of this month’s ‘Retirement List’... It’s a long one and contains some very special items that are only available in small numbers... So don’t miss out on them!
Well, without further ado, let’s get on with the show...

A. “The Skirl o’ The Pipes and The Beat o’ The Drum”

The origins of the British military’s pipe bands can be traced back to the early 1800’s as soldier / musicians were tasked with keeping pace and morale up on long marches with their respective regiments.
This inevitably led to the global spread and popularity of ‘piping’ as the British Empire expanded and the British Army’s Scottish Regiments ranged far and wide both building and defending its colonies and citizens.
By the 18th Century, the highland bagpiper would perform as a soloist or as a member of a Regiment’s ‘Pipes & Drums’ band.
Army pipe bands were officially recognized by the British War Office in 1854 and thereafter became a permanent fixture and addition to all Scottish regiments.
The leading piper became known as the ‘Pipe Major’ while the mace wielding NCO In the front of the band was the ‘Drum Major’.
With Scots, both military and civilian at the forefront of Britain’s colonial adventures so its national music and its pipers and drummers spread Scottish culture and music to the four corners of the world.
Among the most famous ‘exporters’ and ‘exponents’ of Scotland’s national music were the men of The Black Watch.
Here is our tribute in miniature to a fine old Scots regiment...


CE028 ‘The Black Watch Pipes & Drums’
This magnificent 13 figure set , laid out in its own large box contains the following...
1 x ‘Drum Major’
6 x ‘Pipers’
(which includes a ‘Pipe Major’ )
2 x ‘Tenor Drummers’
1 x ‘Bass Drummer’ and
3 x ‘Side Drummers’

Points to note, all six Pipers wear the ‘Royal Stewart’ tartan and the black doublet jacket. All drummers and the Drum Major wear the regiment’s scarlett tunics and the traditional ‘Black Watch Government Tartan’
Although K&C has produced this 13-man set most military ‘pipes & drum’ bands are actually larger... Anywhere from 8-16 pipers and 4-6 side drummers which is why we have also made available...

CE061 ‘The Black Watch Piper’
These individual bagpipers can be purchased as ‘solo’ pieces to add on to and increase your ‘pipes & drums’ or… stand alone.

CE062 ‘The Black Watch Drummer’
A superb little figure complete with his bugle and side drum.



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The Sherman Firefly was the best tank used by British and some Commonwealth and Allied armoured formations in WW2. It was based on the US M4 Sherman but fitted with the more powerful British 17-pounder gun as its main weapon.
During the war, the British Army made extensive use of the American-made and supplied Sherman tanks but found the US 75mm main gun less than effective against German armour.
The answer was to ‘upgun’ the Sherman with the tried and battle-tested, British 17-pounder gun. Because of its large size this also meant redesigning the Sherman turret to accommodate the bigger gun.
By early 1944 this ‘new’ configuration was christened the ‘Firefly’ and put into full production in the UK.
In Normandy, following the landings in June 1944, the Sherman ‘Firefly’ proved its worth by becoming the first Allied tank to successfully take on and penetrate the armour of the mighty German tanks such as the ‘Panther’ and ‘Tiger’.

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DD334 ‘The British Sherman Firefly Vc’
This K&C model is in the markings of a ‘B’ Squadron vehicle of the 23rd Hussars , belonging to the 11th Armoured Division during the battle for Normandy.
Because the ‘Firefly’ had a visibly longer main gun barrel, crews often tried to camouflage it with paint so that the tank would look like, from a distance, the more normal and numerous, 75mm-gun M4 Sherman.
Our King & Country ‘Firefly’ comes with a ‘half-body’ tank commander and a ‘head and shoulders’ driver in the open hatches.
As additional protection this ‘Firefly’ also has extra tank tracks mounted around the turret and on the tank hull itself.



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From the mud, blood and dust of Normandy in the summer of ’44 to the banner-festooned boulevards and broad streets of Pre War Berlin in ’38...

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LAH261 ‘Hitler Jugend Street Banner’
This double-bannered street lamp shows two red, white and black Nazi banners on one side, while the reverse has a pair of ‘HJ’ banners in position.
Useful for any ‘Berlin ‘38’ scene or group of figures.



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Although that might be the title of a great old ‘Animals’ song from the 1960’s it’s also a reminder that King & Country is in Vietnam for the long haul and ain’t pulling any troops out just yet.
Hell, we’re even bringing in more reinforcements!

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VN102 “Viet Cong Sapper w/AK47”
Among the deadliest (and bravest) of the enemy in ‘Nam were the VC and NVA ‘Sappers’ who would strip down to their ‘skivvies’ to crawl through barb wire and minefields to strike at US and ARVN airfields and firebases throughout the country.
Here is one such ‘Sapper’ who has made it through all the obstacles and hazards and is going ‘hunting’ with his AK47. Most of these soldiers did not enjoy a long life and suffered horrendous casualties... but they’re still worthy of respect from friend and foe alike.

VN115 ‘Three Captured Viet Cong’
This trio of forlorn captives are on their way back for interrogation and, if they are lucky, a long stay in a South Vietnamese prison cell.
A few were persuaded to ‘change sides’ and go over to the ARVN side and perhaps become useful as intelligence scouts for American infantry units.
The program was originally initiated by US Marine units operating in Vietnam.

VN117 ‘Anzac Mortar Team’
These three stripped down ‘Diggers’ or ‘Kiwis’ if you prefer are laying down some heavy mortar fire on an enemy position outside the perimeter wire of their base camp.
As the men were probably operating from a secure area there was little necessity for shirts or body armour. All three blokes are also wearing ear defenders... wise choice!

VN126 ‘Add-On Mortar Ammunition’
A very, very useful and necessary addition to the previous set... 12 extra mortar rounds laid out on a piece of khaki ground sheet waiting to be fired.
Can also go with our Viet Cong Mortar Team (VN088) and our USMC Mortar Duo (VN116)

VN Photos



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E. SP120 ‘European Farm Gateway’
The perfect architectural feature to extend and grow a European display or diorama for virtually any historical period from the middle ages all the way up to the wars of the 20th Century and all points in between.
The two doors can open and close and have a wooden ‘locking bar’ to hold them in place. Goes well with SP114 and SP119.



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The Tsar’s two eldest daughters, the Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana were alas to suffer the same horrible fate that befell the entire Royal Family on the night of 17 July 1918... murdered in a cruel massacre by a gang of cowardly Bolsheviks.
In the happier years before the war broke out in August 1914 both young girls were given the ranks of ‘Honorary Colonel’ of prestigious cavalry regiments in the Imperial Army.
Grand Duchess Olga, the eldest, became ‘Honorary Colonel’ of the 3rd Elizavetgradsky Hussars Regiment.
Her younger sister, Grand Duchess Tatiana was also awarded the same rank and title for the 8th Vosnesenski Lancers.

TR004 “Grand Duchess Olga & Grand Duchess Tatiana”
Both young women are seen in the full dress, parade uniforms of their respective regiments.

AVAILABLE: Mid to Late May


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Ancient Rome was a dangerous place to live in ... even for some Emperors. Plots, treason and murder were all too common occurrencies for those who held the top position over the city and its growing empire.
One of Rome’s best and most able emperors, Augustus, still felt insecure enough to establish his own personal imperial bodyguard regiment to ensure his own and his family’s safety.
For the next three centuries the ‘Praetorian Guard’ fulfilled its duties to the emperor while still intriguing and occasionally interfering on its own behalf. These Praetorians came to become both a help and a hindrance to their nominal masters...

ROM053 “The Praetorian Centurion”
A well-proven, professional soldier who has seen plenty of active service with the regular Legions before transferring over to the Praetorians.
Rising up through the ranks he is a blend of military professionalism, fierce loyalty to his superiors and dedicated ruthlessness when required with ‘no questions asked’

ROM054 “Chief of The Praetorian Guard”
Lucius Aelius Sejanus
rose to power under the reign of the Emperor Tiberius , the adopted son of Augustus. Sejanus was the first, but not the last, to exploit his position of Commander of the Guard to pursue his own ambitions.
He made extensive efforts to ingratiate himself with the Emperor while at the same time quietly eliminating any others including Tiberius’ own family, from having any connection with the Emperor himself.
Inevitably, he over-reached himself by trying to get Tiberius to make him his ‘heir apparent’.
This led to his downfall and execution but for 17 years he led the Guard and was a major power in Rome itself.
He is most notably portrayed in the classic television series, ‘I Claudius’ Our mounted figure shows him at the pinnacle of his power.



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From the colour and spectacle of Ancient Rome to the blood-drenched grass of Waterloo in 1815.
Galloping into the charge are the first of two batches of our latest 2nd North British Dragoons... better known as ‘The Scots Greys’... Leading them is the bold and brave Sergeant Charles Ewart (1769-1846).
Several years ago K&C issued its first collection of Scots Greys and they proved to be very popular.
Having been long-retired we have received a number of requests to come up with additional mounted figures to add on to that first range while also introducing newer figures to bring the range to the notice of newer Napoleonic collectors.
So, here are the first four...


NA476 “Sgt. Ewart & The French Standard”
Probably the most famous cavalry action that happened on the British side was Sergeant Charles Ewart’s capture of the tricolor, regimental standard of the 45th Line Infantry.
Our figure shows him clutching the captured standard as he prepares to gallop to the rear with his prize and... safety!

NA478 “The Scots Greys Galloper”
Sabre held vertically this trooper gallops into action.

NA480 “The Scots Greys Slasher”
Heavy cavalry sabers were best employed in wide, sweeping cuts that could take off an arm or a leg.
They were not precision weapons but could be used with deadly effect at close quarters.
Our cavalryman is about to administer one such blow.

NA482 “The Scots Greys Trooper”
Bringing his horse to a halt this particular trooper has just heard a distant bugle call ordering him to reform.



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No less than 27 great K&C items are being dispensed with in this release schedule and there are some very fine pieces among them.

BBA080 DODGE WC51 Weapons Carries (Winter Ambulance)
BBA084 The Winter Jeep
BBG118 The Winter STUG Ⅲ
LOJ033 Standing Roman Auxiliary
LOJ034 Auxiliary w/Shield and Spear
LOJ035 Walking Auxiliary
LOJ036 Marching Auxiliary
LOJ037 The Centurion
LOJ038 Standing Primum Pilus
MG046 Arnhem Universal Carrier
MG047 M1A1 75mm Pack Howitzer
RAF074 The Aston Martin “Ulster” (Sky Blue)
TRW033 Cleaning a Blockage
TRW040(P) Two Moons
TRW048 The Cut-Throat Duel
TRW060 The Pistoleer
TRW063(P) Red Stripe
TRW068(P) Winchester Warrior
TRW073(P) War Shield
TRW078 Lonesome Charlie Reynolds
TRW094 Bows & Arrows, The Apaches
TRW107 Kneeling Ready
TRW112 Watching & Signaling
USMC048(SE) Burn ’em up!
USMC049(SE) We’ll cover you!
USMC050(SE) Eat this you sons of Nippon!
WS217 Sd. Kfz. Half Track 251

Be advised though they include many very low quantities. Please ensure you contact your favourite dealer or K&C direct as soon as possible to fulfill your requirements.
Check out the photos and order now!
Well, that’s the story so for, let’s hope there’s something for you either in the new releases or... in the old / new retirements.

Once again many thanks for your continued support and enthusiasm. Happy Collecting,

Andy C. Neilson
Co-founder & Creative Director
King & Country Ltd.


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Very expensive month coming up for me, but nevertheless exciting. Great to see a mounted Roman and such a striking one at that. Nice to see the long awaited Black Watch band marching into collectors hands. Excellent work Andy. Robin.
Really liking the Sapper figure VN102 andy and hope we're see some more like him with demolition satchels and some for the body count !

From the colour and spectacle of Ancient Rome to the blood-drenched grass of Waterloo in 1815.
Galloping into the charge are the first of two batches of our latest 2nd North British Dragoons... better known as ‘The Scots Greys’... Leading them is the bold and brave Sergeant Charles Ewart (1769-1846).
Several years ago K&C issued its first collection of Scots Greys and they proved to be very popular.
Having been long-retired we have received a number of requests to come up with additional mounted figures to add on to that first range while also introducing newer figures to bring the range to the notice of newer Napoleonic collectors.
So, here are the first four...

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NA476 “Sgt. Ewart & The French Standard”
Probably the most famous cavalry action that happened on the British side was Sergeant Charles Ewart’s capture of the tricolor, regimental standard of the 45th Line Infantry.
Our figure shows him clutching the captured standard as he prepares to gallop to the rear with his prize and... safety!

NA478 “The Scots Greys Galloper”
Sabre held vertically this trooper gallops into action.

NA480 “The Scots Greys Slasher”
Heavy cavalry sabers were best employed in wide, sweeping cuts that could take off an arm or a leg.
They were not precision weapons but could be used with deadly effect at close quarters.
Our cavalryman is about to administer one such blow.

NA482 “The Scots Greys Trooper”
Bringing his horse to a halt this particular trooper has just heard a distant bugle call ordering him to reform.


Oh dear, here we go again, another release of an older set of figures.

There seems to have been some re-mounting as the horses are different, but the same 3 poses for the troopers are being used again.




If they had a head transplant and got a brass helmet, they could be used a another dragoon regiment, but even more Scots Greys is going too far for me.

Give me the Inniskilling Dragoons instead and I'd be happy, must be my Irish ancestry and then we could have another regiment that fought at Waterloo who Wellington called 'the poor bloody Irish' :) :)

By the way, NA478 “The Scots Greys Galloper” states he's a trooper ... but he sure looks like an officer going on his gold braid and pouch belt and pouch.

Maybe Andy needs to correct that description ???


This piece is what I wanted all along to complete my older set of the Greys :salute:: (now it has a head gear !) Thank you !
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VN117 ‘Anzac Mortar Team’
These three stripped down ‘Diggers’ or ‘Kiwis’ if you prefer are laying down some heavy mortar fire on an enemy position outside the perimeter wire of their base camp.
As the men were probably operating from a secure area there was little necessity for shirts or body armour. All three blokes are also wearing ear defenders... wise choice!

Nice to see these guys and glad they have have their 'protection' ... they wouldn't want to get 'Gunner Ear' .... don't say that fast {eek3} {eek3} {eek3}

Oh dear, here we go again, another release of an older set of figures.

There seems to have been some re-mounting as the horses are different, but the same 3 poses for the troopers are being used again.

but even more Scots Greys is going too far for me.


I clearly remember when the original Scots Greys were released as I was in old shop. We are talking about 16 years ago. Not sure when they retired but quite a few years now.
Have to confess I was one of the ones who asked Andy to re-release them. The reason being there are newer collectors who missed the original ones or did not get them all. K&C currently has no British cavalry so made sense to me to go for the most famous Regiment. Looks like a new pose at 2nd right in the group photo and Ewart is a new version.
I clearly remember when the original Scots Greys were released as I was in old shop. We are talking about 16 years ago. Not sure when they retired but quite a few years now.
Have to confess I was one of the ones who asked Andy to re-release them. The reason being there are newer collectors who missed the original ones or did not get them all. K&C currently has no British cavalry so made sense to me to go for the most famous Regiment. Looks like a new pose at 2nd right in the group photo and Ewart is a new version.

Thankyou Brett, appreciate your positive feedback...As we’ve spoken before...No matter what we do, we ain’t gonna please all the people all the time...And so...Guess I’ll just settle for some of the people, some of the time!

Adios for now,
I would like this guy too, the only one I miss, sob!!


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