KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- Mid Month November 2014 (1 Viewer)

The buildings may look the same but I wonder if K &C saved the molds from then. It's more than 10 years ago. The figures have increased in price but do you expect prices from the early 2000s? Moreover, who says you have to buy them all at once.

The molds would have been kept. Compare the French backdrops' part on one and part of two.

The critical question is how long can you stretch the economic elastic to entice new customers verse how long will the current economic climate accomadate the hobby.

Andy is no fool. But the big three are still trying to be on top. To me this is at the expense of the cottage industry style. That was the backbone of introducing Toy Soldiers to the young. A piece of coal (Scrooge} or a set of toy soldiers? I can remember looking in to my pillow case Christmas morning and playing with a set of toy soldiers for an hour before my parents awoke. Grandma worked in Eaton's toy department and I always got a set(six figures). No, not Skylanders with an Ipod.

No, I don't expect 2000's prices. But did your income double?

Sorry if I offended anyone, but I believe in the hobby and the continuation of it thru our youth.

I have three grandsons who love to paint and play. But plastic figures are the limit.
The buildings may look the same but I wonder if K &C saved the molds from then. It's more than 10 years ago. The figures have increased in price but do you expect prices from the early 2000s? Moreover, who says you have to buy them all at once.



I love these figures so I will have to choose between ECW and this range. I cannot do both. As for the price discussion, a group of us went out to dinner last night to our local for a steak. There were only three of us but it is a long standing tradition when one of us has good news career wise we celebrate with a steak and a few drinks. We were surprised that a basic steak meal had hit the forty dollar mark as we could all remember paying 14 dollars for the same meal at the same table. We whinged for a few minutes until we compared the price of steak in relation to our wages, which to be fair had increased due to both promotions and inflation. If the price for the meal had kept up with our wages it would have cost a hundred dollars. What that means in terms of TS prices is anyone's guess, but it made the steak seem a good deal!

I think comparing K&C to the toys that we played with as kids is unfair. K&C (and many others), in my opinion anyway, are not comparable to that. These higher priced manufacturers aren't filling a void in the toy market. I don't think there are 6 yr olds playing with these, like we did with cheaper things. I don't have children, but if I did and they wanted to play toy soldiers, there are other companies out there that make figures for that.
I look at K&C, Thomas Gunn, and the rest at that level as collectables, not toys.

I love these figures so I will have to choose between ECW and this range. I cannot do both. As for the price discussion, a group of us went out to dinner last night to our local for a steak. There were only three of us but it is a long standing tradition when one of us has good news career wise we celebrate with a steak and a few drinks. We were surprised that a basic steak meal had hit the forty dollar mark as we could all remember paying 14 dollars for the same meal at the same table. We whinged for a few minutes until we compared the price of steak in relation to our wages, which to be fair had increased due to both promotions and inflation. If the price for the meal had kept up with our wages it would have cost a hundred dollars. What that means in terms of TS prices is anyone's guess, but it made the steak seem a good deal!


I hate to "Like" a post like this, but I feel compelled to mention that I agree completely with Martin's comments.

Hi Guys,

Just some additional info on the “Dickens” buildings in this Mid-Month Dispatch...Apologies “Tinsoldier” ...the molds for the original one-piece “Dickens Street” are long gone! If memory serves me correctly we produced that back in 1998...Sixteen years ago and then we cast around 200 pieces so it’s pretty rare to pick up an original!

Over the years we had many requests for that old “Dickens Street” ...So, from the one painted original we still had in K&C HQ we asked one of our sculptors to re-sculpt the model but in 2 separate sections...That way collectors can buy what they need and, perhaps, what they can afford at any one time.

Hope this helps, Best wishes,

Andy C.​
It was 1998 when the Dickens building was made. I was looking for some Glossy Naps in the old brochures for my thread on K & C Glossy Naps when I came across the buildin in a 1998 brochure.
Dickens was always one of my favorite authors, and as someone who loves non-military figures as a change of pace, how can I resist? Yes, the only issue is price. Mainly because I can't focus my attention on one or two ranges or even one or two manufacturers. Great stuff for sure, and Christmas was certainly the perfect time to launch! Nice to see Andy.
Thank you Andy. My apologies also. Sorry for a delayed response.

I would have thought that they came from the original moulds, so my compliments to the sculpture. He/she did a great job. Are there any differences that you noticed (close up)?

That backdrop and the Dickens House where on an auction two days ago and the gavel price was 130 British Pounds. Must add buyers premium and shipping.

1998 was a good year, how I have aged without realizing it. Guess it was my enjoyment in sharing the hobby with friends and family.

If we as toy soldier enthusiasts don't pass on the ideals to our children then how will this society continue. A vast inventory of collectables up for auctions. I let my grandchildren touch and reposition them and recommend other displays. Investment is not a consideration.

I closing, yes I do get other manufactures product for their pleasure based on economic principles. A war in the garden is much more preferable than a real war. And a child producing a display is much better than a finger fighting on a Ipad

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