EA106 “M3 Stuart “Honey” Desert Tank”
In support of our 4th Indian Division Sikh infantry is this iconic tracked desert warrior...the American-built, British M3 Stuart (also known as the “Honey”) . Our model is in the markings of the 7th Armoured Division, the famous “Desert Rats” and comes with a sitting, full-body vehicle commander in the open top turret hatch.
AVAILABLE: Mid-October
I don't recall anyone asking this and maybe it was discussed at some of Andy's talks but why the shift to making the K&C Xclusive figures? My understanding is that you don't have to be a K&C club member to order them, you just have to order them directly from K&C in Hong Kong. I haven't purchased directly from Hong Kong in the past but I'm sure shipping isn't going to be cheap. Dealers must feel a little left out to say the least as both releases of these Xclusive figures look really great and would/should sell well in their hands. Is this the only range we will see this in or is this a test for future K&C Xclusive figures in other ranges?
Just curious.......
Can't argue with the releases this month. They are pretty darn good! When I see the MG canister I picture the poor bloke carrying it on his back, getting shot and the red berets spilling out....classic!
Look goodWell, let's try this one more time, A few pics for scale:
Arithmetic suggests that the model ought to be a little under six inches long and three inches wide.
Finally, there's Sir Leapsalott, Bonzo's CO:
I don't recall anyone asking this and maybe it was discussed at some of Andy's talks but why the shift to making the K&C Xclusive figures? My understanding is that you don't have to be a K&C club member to order them, you just have to order them directly from K&C in Hong Kong. I haven't purchased directly from Hong Kong in the past but I'm sure shipping isn't going to be cheap. Dealers must feel a little left out to say the least as both releases of these Xclusive figures look really great and would/should sell well in their hands. Is this the only range we will see this in or is this a test for future K&C Xclusive figures in other ranges?
Just curious.......
Can't argue with the releases this month. They are pretty darn good! When I see the MG canister I picture the poor bloke carrying it on his back, getting shot and the red berets spilling out....classic!