If memory serves me, that movie would be "Sergeants 3", starring most of the Rat Pack, done in 1962. -- AlGreat piece Mike, but I've come to expect that from you. :still wish I could have talked you into trying other scales, you really have become quite the artist! :salute::
As a bit of trivia, as a kid I remember a movie I enjoyed featuring "the Rat Pack" that was basically a remake of Gunga Din set in the west with US cavalry. In the iconic scene from Gunga Din where the smallish Indian soldier blows the bugle to warn of the ambush and is shot, in the remake Sammy Davis Jr plays the bugler shot through with arrows. Does anyone remember the name of that film? I was very young.
I don't collect these...but after seeing them in person...I think I want to...they are very nice...I especially love the hats...
I met a guy in San Antonio at the Texas Toy Soldiers 2 years ago...he bought about 4 dioramas from me...
he called me the other day and said he saw a diorama at KingsX...that he wanted built as he had fallen in love with K&C's John Ford's Cavalry figures...and bought several sets from KingsX...intending to buy the entire series...
he sent me this picture of a diorama that K&C made...I believe Gordon...I'm not sure...and asked me if I could do something similar to it...
here is the pic he sent me...
The figures are very nice. We need mounted cavalry^&grin
What day replace the 4 figures?^&confuse
Thank you very much for the info
you are bilingual? dominates english and spanish?
Best regards:salute::