King's Troop Part 3 Horses and harness (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 15, 2007
There are 6 guns in the battery lettered from A-F and the horses are graded by colour starting with the lightest at A and getting progressively darker until the blacks at F. F sub are always the ones used at funerals. The Troop keep one gun aside for this duty with the coffin board permanently bolted above the barrel and with rubber tyres instead of iron on both the gun and limber. Each funeral is recorded by an engraved brass ring around the trail. I was asked not to photograph it, for what reason I do not know, although one gunner said it was a Troop superstition. I rather think he was having a quiet laugh.
The troop and gun horses all have hogged manes, although the officer's chargers manes are left intact. Officers try to match their horses to the general colouring of each section but the only one that is rigidly enforced is a black for Fsub.

Gun horses are also graded as to size the lead pair are the largest and the wheelers the smallest with the centre pair in between. This enables a good straight pulling line for the traces.
This harness is the daily working set. That used on parade, known as the "top" harness is so highly polished as to resemble porcelain.
another point to note is that on parade pipeclayed neck ropes are worn.
Note the special zinc bracket on the neck harness of the wheelers, that is to prevent the leather rubbing the neck raw when the weight of the gun forces the harness forward. Note also the small loops through which the traces pass to the singletrees. That is to keep the trace high enough so that a leg is not inadvertently put over the trace when it dips. The centre and lead pairs have a more simple trace harness, note the single strap passing over the shoulder. And most important how the reins of the off horse go from under the chin and not around the neck. Also of interest is the driver's leg guard, worn by all three drivers.


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These horses could go through your pockets faster than ***in. I was constantly getting mugged for Polo mints!


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Just a couple more and then we go on to part 4 the uniforms


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