KnC From a Young Viewpoint. (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
To me this range seems a great idea, cheaper tanks cheaper made. Great concept. Yes the tank is not perfect but for 70 quid you would expect the standards to be very different compared to a standard release sherman. The info on the back of the tank was a good read and I agree that this should have been looked at before production. Its like putting a figure of Len Lomell in wool trousers; that would annoy me so I get your point here.

Recon I'll still get one as it looks very use able.

Looking forward to seeing this piece next to normal shermans!

To me this range seems a great idea, cheaper tanks cheaper made. Great concept. Yes the tank is not perfect but for 70 quid you would expect the standards to be very different compared to a standard release sherman. The info on the back of the tank was a good read and I agree that this should have been looked at before production. Its like putting a figure of Len Lomell in wool trousers; that would annoy me so I get your point here.

Recon I'll still get one as it looks very use able.

Looking forward to seeing this piece next to normal shermans!


Well Scott as a father I can't see me paying £69.00 for a plastic tank for my kid to play with get real at that price there not cheap

I am certainly not old but, cheap should not mean crappy mate. let me suggest that £70 is not cheap to people with kids and, if on top of that its wrong then why buy it??

What seems to be running through the hobby at the prices we pay and, seems to be infiltrating into the cheap seat stuff is that the majority don't know their exhaust pipe from a gun barrel so, who cares about the few who do

I don't like that attitude and think it should not be allowed to creep into things. I agree that its a decent price but, the detail on similar priced items like FOV etc is far, far better. I have just looked at the airfix stuff I have a Hanomag, Panzer IV and a Cromwell to name a few and they all look better and can be picked up in shops and e-bay for a quarter of the price.
I don't know any kids or young guys that would pay £70 for a plastic tank
that's about a quarter of a working mans wage
Its a nice idea for people with a little bit extra cash
It is all about options and this offers one that will suit some and not others. Every comment I have ever read about something 'being worth it' or 'not worth it' would have been far more accurate if it had the addition of 'for me' at the end of it. It is all a personal choice that reflects our values, income, broader responsibilities and a variety of influences relevant to the individual. People on this forum buy expensive Russian figures. They are not worth it ... for me. I do not look really closely at figures so I get as much pleasure from a cheaper figure and do not notice the difference in quality unless someone points out something to me and then I notice it ... but I still don't care. That has nothing to do with the figures but merely reflects a wide variety of personal things about me of little interest to other collectors.

People will look at this tank and say 'too dear ... for me ... for what you get'. They will go without, or buy a model and make it, or stump up the extra cash to buy a better one. It is an exercise of their rights as a consumer. Others will say 'Spot on', buy it and hopefully enjoy it. They may progress to the 'better' versions, they may spend what they save on figures, they may mix and match, they may be more prepared to purchase one as a Christmas gift for a relative, they may rediscover plastic models ... who knows. What is certain is that any new movement in the hobby is good for the hobby as a whole. P figures too dear, cheap releases not good enough, or ranges not pursued are merely criticisms that reflect a person's own situation, as indeed my views reflect mine. It does make it tough on a company when they simultaneously get a serve for rising prices and for exploring cheaper options.

I for one like going into my TS shop and finding it crowded and people buying across a number of ranges and price points. It is good for me to have people interested.I have just purchased two going away TS gifts for staff members at workplaces I am involved in - one an ex soldier and the other with a strong family connection to the ALH. I never offer to pick up presents. I prefer to criticise other people's choices behind their backs! One now has a rocking collection of five figures and the other received his on Friday (a Naked Army Figure) which he loved. Both got a K&C calendar and one has promised to come to next year's K&C dinner and bring his son. If he has an interest in armour, I can now show him the plastic Sherman and a couple of the rocking K&C armour releases and he might buy neither, he may buy one, he may buy both, or he may do the maths and buy figures instead. The choice is a valuable incentive.
It is all about options and this offers one that will suit some and not others. Every comment I have ever read about something 'being worth it' or 'not worth it' would have been far more accurate if it had the addition of 'for me' at the end of it. It is all a personal choice that reflects our values, income, broader responsibilities and a variety of influences relevant to the individual. People on this forum buy expensive Russian figures. They are not worth it ... for me. I do not look really closely at figures so I get as much pleasure from a cheaper figure and do not notice the difference in quality unless someone points out something to me and then I notice it ... but I still don't care. That has nothing to do with the figures but merely reflects a wide variety of personal things about me of little interest to other collectors.

People will look at this tank and say 'too dear ... for me ... for what you get'. They will go without, or buy a model and make it, or stump up the extra cash to buy a better one. It is an exercise of their rights as a consumer. Others will say 'Spot on', buy it and hopefully enjoy it. They may progress to the 'better' versions, they may spend what they save on figures, they may mix and match, they may be more prepared to purchase one as a Christmas gift for a relative, they may rediscover plastic models ... who knows. What is certain is that any new movement in the hobby is good for the hobby as a whole. P figures too dear, cheap releases not good enough, or ranges not pursued are merely criticisms that reflect a person's own situation, as indeed my views reflect mine. It does make it tough on a company when they simultaneously get a serve for rising prices and for exploring cheaper options.

I for one like going into my TS shop and finding it crowded and people buying across a number of ranges and price points. It is good for me to have people interested.I have just purchased two going away TS gifts for staff members at workplaces I am involved in - one an ex soldier and the other with a strong family connection to the ALH. I never offer to pick up presents. I prefer to criticise other people's choices behind their backs! One now has a rocking collection of five figures and the other received his on Friday (a Naked Army Figure) which he loved. Both got a K&C calendar and one has promised to come to next year's K&C dinner and bring his son. If he has an interest in armour, I can now show him the plastic Sherman and a couple of the rocking K&C armour releases and he might buy neither, he may buy one, he may buy both, or he may do the maths and buy figures instead. The choice is a valuable incentive.

This is one of the best toy soldier posts I have read in a long time.
Good post Jack.
What has been noticeable about this debate is that some of those who were active in commenting upon the one off commissioned wooden plane are the same ones now making multiple negative comments about a plastic tank they will also clearly never buy. Too expensive, not enough detail, etc etc. Cant please all of the people all of the time.
I would think that common sense equates to a cheaper version product with a cheaper price point will open up buying options for those new to the hobby that would normally shy away from the more expensive pewter
and Polystone offerings. Just as car makers have their lower end vehicles and top end cars, I would think this concept can easily work here too.
Good post Jack.
What has been noticeable about this debate is that some of those who were active in commenting upon the one off commissioned wooden plane are the same ones now making multiple negative comments about a plastic tank they will also clearly never buy. Too expensive, not enough detail, etc etc. Cant please all of the people all of the time.

Agreed Brett and why does the nursery rhyme "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" come to mind! :rolleyes2:{sm2}

I work with kids! ^&grin But sometimes I come on this forum and read some of the posts and wonder if im still at work!


Many a time I've felt the same mate when you thrown your toys out of the pram :wink2::salute:::salute::
I'm Young at heart ^&grin^&grin

Just please dont ask me to buy six figures in a "set" when I only want three of the figures.


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