Knocked out T-34 (1 Viewer)

Going by what I've read written by tankers, that being Germans in the desert or Americans in Europe, ...if... the tank didn't blow up when hit, chances are somebody close to the impact area lost a body part. Usually only one out of the crew

Here's a link to a very well studied tank duel, the one at Cologne. Being that it was fought at essentially point blank range with late war large caliber weapons, the casualties are a bit on the heavy side. Both crews that got hit lost at least one man to a leg amputation. The Sherman got hit first, some bailed out, one crippled crew managed to crawl out.

After the Sherman hits the Panther, that crew bailed out except for one man, iirc he fell back in the hatch when trying to make his escape because one of the Pershing's three hits took off his leg as well on his way out

There's lots of info on this fight, Google away. Youtube has videos
My scene on a damaged T34


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