Kronprinz LAH (1 Viewer)

Show the destroyed aircraft and SS soldiers with raised both hands
If u want the real thing then it has to have a swastika
that's how it was
If u don't a swastika then make something else
Guys can we give it a rest and get back to the figures on offer here . History is History like it or hate it , but take at as it came. Who in their right mind wants to see WWII era German figures without the Hackenkreuz anymore then an ACW Confederate unit charging at Gettysburg without the Confederate Battle flag ???^&confuse . My GOD grow up .... the list of the preceived " BAD GUYS " throughout history is very very long but censorship of TOY Soldiers :confused: where are we heading ??? Vote with your wallet I do . Gebhard
Sorry , I only want to show you our figures of a serie who i remove from our ebay shop when the ebay staff send me an e-mail with his politics about the racial violence questions.I don't want to create a discussion between the forum members .
History is History, and there were wars based in religion , etnicity, politic ideals ....... In all this wars each side has his symbols, and each side wants to destroy the other one. the imperial eagles of Rome , the Spanish empire , Napoleon ,mussolini and Hitler , the fleur de lys of the french crown, the British lion and the American flags are covered with blood , apart from this , this simbols shown also the honor and bravery of men who mistaken or not , gives his lives for .


Well said Emilio- these threads make my eyes bleed!

Sorry , I only want to show you our figures of a serie who i remove from our ebay shop when the ebay staff send me an e-mail with his politics about the racial violence questions.I don't want to create a discussion between the forum members .
History is History, and there were wars based in religion , etnicity, politic ideals ....... In all this wars each side has his symbols, and each side wants to destroy the other one. the imperial eagles of Rome , the Spanish empire , Napoleon ,mussolini and Hitler , the fleur de lys of the french crown, the British lion and the American flags are covered with blood , apart from this , this simbols shown also the honor and bravery of men who mistaken or not , gives his lives for .


We can not change history, unfortunately.

* We do toy soldiers, ... but SS troops marching on the parade too much

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