Lance Armstrong Fired!!! (1 Viewer)

The guy really isn't worth talking about so I hope this is the last post on him.
I'm not a huge cycling fan but I do watch the Tour de France pretty religiously and this is just a prevalent problem. Alberto Contador, the 2010 winner was stripped of his title and just finished serving a ban. Frank Schleck had to withdraw midway through the 2012 race because of doping concerns and Floyd Landis was stripped of his 2006 title. Not that this is an excuse but the physical challenges of riding 150 or so miles a day in July is quite a temptation for some, not to mention the money you can garner if you win.
It is even worse than that. If you consider the number of alledged dopping violations by tour winners over the years, there have been few years without it. To the extent anyone is to blame for this I think it is the various so-called governing organizations for their after the fact and inconsistent enforcement. If you want to test currently, fine then do it and confirm the results at the time. To claim violations years or even a score of years after they occur is completely absurd and more than a little unfair. Better still, let's rely on the unsubstantiated claims of fellow competitors; sure that makes sense. Frankly, until there is actual conclusive evidence of Lance admits his gilt, I still don't believe the current allegations. Moreover, IF he did what they claim, I don't really think he did anything that wasn't being done by all at the time and if they didn't catch it at the time, they should just move on and try to improve the real time testing. So does he deserve his titles, to me he does. I think the way he and other great cyclists have been treated in this post event witch hunt is really the disgraceful thing.

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