Until two years ago, I would buy something on different manufacturers. But then, the industry got really expensive, before then, with a hundred in hand you can buy a couple of figures easy on any manufacturer. Then the selective buying began for each month, to selective buying every other month,where the fire is beginning to be extinguished, Where the last 9 months I have only bought 3 maybe 4 pieces, two of which was only this past month. And only because I saw the Winged Lancers did It got re-lit.
With things going, as each month. There possibly are fellow collectors that are beginning to have the passion get a little by little less interest in this hobby, because it might take years for pieces to get added to the collection, or the pieces are getting so expensive that where pieces get sold out pretty much within a year or a little more, now that happening is less and less... Except for the tanks made by FL, nothing else is selling out.
Maybe collectors like me, wants their hunger to be fed. So we do not see for to long the gaps in our collection and realize that we just spent a few years wasted waiting for pieces to be added to the collection, and also a couple to a few years wages spent on this hobby and it needs to cease because of the expense.
Feed the Hunger manufacturers, because things are getting more and more expensive, and because of it there will be less and less buyers. It is inevitable that eventually that this industry dies except for a few hundred or so collectors will be left as each year passes, and finally its gone. There is not enough interest for new collectors to replenish the ones lost, we now live in an Age where history is not as treasured as the ones whose father, grandfather and great grandfather lived and survived that history, and told us that history.