Late February/ Early March Releases (1 Viewer)

Do you have any news on a release of a Napoleonic Mass Battle range? If so.........marching French column or Allied square?
Both lend themselves to the MB range.

How about a Mass Casualty range for diorama makers?
Painting quality isn't that important for dead and injured that are probably partially obscured by the terrain anyway.
You could do away with the bases to cut back on costs and reduce the prices.
Figures could be turned over to create a different look. Either on their back or on the front which in turn would possibly increase sales with multiple purchases.


We do have plans to expand the Mass Battle this year to Napoleonics, so stay tuned for more news on that. Sorry, a Mass Casualty range isn't going to happen...


Hi Matt

Any chance to see the new release during this week.
I was hoping this year that there won't be a break during February, like last year, there was only 11 announcements last year. I am hoping like you that it will come within a week. But more than likely it will be more closer to the 17th, two months after the last announcement.
We do have plans to expand the Mass Battle this year to Napoleonics, so stay tuned for more news on that. Sorry, a Mass Casualty range isn't going to happen...



YES YES YES......and Yahoo:smile2:......:salute:::salute:::salute::......Any chance of Russian Taurides?
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I was hoping this year that there won't be a break during February, like last year, there was only 11 announcements last year. I am hoping like you that it will come within a week. But more than likely it will be more closer to the 17th, two months after the last announcement.

Everyone loves the announcements when they come, but for me I'm glad there is a break every so often to allow me to catch up with sets that I need to add from past releases, I'm certainly looking forward to the next sets of WWII but I have plenty to keep me busy at the moment.
Until two years ago, I would buy something on different manufacturers. But then, the industry got really expensive, before then, with a hundred in hand you can buy a couple of figures easy on any manufacturer. Then the selective buying began for each month, to selective buying every other month,where the fire is beginning to be extinguished, Where the last 9 months I have only bought 3 maybe 4 pieces, two of which was only this past month. And only because I saw the Winged Lancers did It got re-lit.
With things going, as each month. There possibly are fellow collectors that are beginning to have the passion get a little by little less interest in this hobby, because it might take years for pieces to get added to the collection, or the pieces are getting so expensive that where pieces get sold out pretty much within a year or a little more, now that happening is less and less... Except for the tanks made by FL, nothing else is selling out.
Maybe collectors like me, wants their hunger to be fed. So we do not see for to long the gaps in our collection and realize that we just spent a few years wasted waiting for pieces to be added to the collection, and also a couple to a few years wages spent on this hobby and it needs to cease because of the expense.
Feed the Hunger manufacturers, because things are getting more and more expensive, and because of it there will be less and less buyers. It is inevitable that eventually that this industry dies except for a few hundred or so collectors will be left as each year passes, and finally its gone. There is not enough interest for new collectors to replenish the ones lost, we now live in an Age where history is not as treasured as the ones whose father, grandfather and great grandfather lived and survived that history, and told us that history.
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Hi Matt

When you said early March for new releases did you actually mean mid or late you can tell I'm a little excited to say the least about what you have to offer in March, so come on make a big kid happy and get those releases out!

P.S. Prussian artillery ASAP followed by Mass Battle Infantry please
The 1st third (early) ends after two days from now, the middle starts on the 11th and ends on the 20th( my guess is the announcement will be around this part), later will be after that......
The 1st third (early) ends after two days from now, the middle starts on the 11th and ends on the 20th( my guess is the announcement will be around this part), later will be after that......

Agree, I was just logging on to ask the same question.
We're actively working on the new releases now and hope to have them loaded up on our catalog and newsletter out over the next few days. :smile2:
We're actively working on the new releases now and hope to have them loaded up on our catalog and newsletter out over the next few days. :smile2:

Looking forward to the new NAP releases :salute:::salute:::salute::
I saw some awesome stuff ^&grin. Releases gotta be soon. Can't wait to get my hands on __________. I'll let Matt advise of the release.
I saw some awesome stuff ^&grin. Releases gotta be soon. Can't wait to get my hands on __________. I'll let Matt advise of the release.

Oh my....this sounds intriguing, really looking forward to the next Newsletter!!!
I also saw something.
It was literally breathtaking.
I was like "Oh my goodness"!
It was a lot and it was extremely attractively priced!
I looked at it again, and again, and then examined it closely to find a catch.

And then .........................., I woke up {eek3}

Just kidding, guys :wink2:
Sorry, but had to do it :D

A ton of new product being announced today for First Legion, love the Tombstone sets and the new Sherman, was hoping for some news on the Tiger or possibly a return to Stalingrad but either way a great set of releases for many collectors to choose from this month.
I also saw something.
It was literally breathtaking.
I was like "Oh my goodness"!I looked at it again, and again, and then examined it closely to find a catch.

And then .........................., I woke up {eek3}


Wow Konrad she was in your Dream as well :wink2:.

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