Latest Issue of "The Collector" (1 Viewer)

King's Man

Jul 19, 2005
I have just received my latest issue of the King and Country magazine, The Collector. While the illustrations and descriptions of the new figures are nice, it has no content, except for advertising. In the earlier numbers K & C had stories about the process of producing toy soldiers, taking us through the planning and sculpturing stages. There were also stories about famous collections.

This latest version is nothing more then one ad after another. I do appreciate seeing the new figures, but a few feature stories or a bit of information not to be find elsewhere would be nice.

Here are some my ideas for future stories:

Tell us about your Hong Kong Shop, include some photos.
Tell us about your office and shipping warehouse, including photos.
More information about how these great figures are made
Stories with pictures about the early stuff, like the warbirds and wooden tanks
Stories and photos about the big Toy Soldier shows, Chicago and London

I would love to hear from other forum members with additional ideas for possible future stories.

The Collector could and should be so much more then just another advertisement.

King’s Man
I also received my package from the collectors club. I really enjoyed seeing the new products and displays. I think you have some excellent ideas, and would encourage Andy C. to include as you suggest photos of his shop, and warehouse. We would all love to see him at work in his office, and workshop. It would also be fun to see the shows he attends, and the various displays they use in their photo layouts.

I would love to see the people who make the figures come to life. It would be interesting to see the manufacturing process and the people who make it happen. The idea of seeing the Hong Kong shop and the other ideas mentioned previously are also great. Michael:)
I think some of the things mentioned here are fine but I also think it's nitpicking. I'm quite happy with the way The Collector is. It shows the products in a coloful way and is designed to get you to buy them. What's wrong with that? Yes, some additions couldn't hurt but that does cost money (how much I don't know) but if the extra features requires Andy to raise prices, thanks, but no thanks.

What has been mentioned here wouldn't be bad for the web site however and I think that's the appropriate place for them.
I would love to see some film producer do a documentry on Andy and the King & Country story. Perhaps that would be better than the Collector. I can not wait until Louis' Bood is published and I can get my hands on it. Michael
Isn't The Collector something you pay for anyway? If you pay a fee for the magazine to be part of the collectors club I think it's valid to want something other than advertising in it. That's what the flyers are for. It's like paying for Time without articles.
Hi Guys,

Many thanks for your comments and ideas for “COLLECTOR” – I welcome them all!

Some issues of our little journal contain more of what “King’s Man” considers advertisements than others and that’s because I sometimes have more new releases to let people know about than others.

What I try to do, whenever possible, is provide collectors with more “background details” about the history and facts behind a new release than is possible in a 1 page ad in any of the toy soldier magazines.

I also recognize that many K&C collectors don’t get or see these ads or even our normal sales brochures so “COLLECTOR” is an important information “tool” for them on K&C’s latest releases.

However, that does not mean we cannot (or will not) strive to continue to improve it. That’s where you all come into the picture. I really do appreciate comments and ideas – good, bad or indifferent because I value the feedback.

As someone (not me) once said “love me or hate me but don’t ignore me!”

I promise, here and now, I’ll be producing more “behind-the-scenes” stories in upcoming issues – look out for them.

Best wishes to one and all and…happy collecting!

Andy C.

P.S. Brad, your photos of the German battery at Longues Sur Mer are great – I loved my visit there and all over Normandy. I really must recommend a visit to any and every K&C WW2 fan…there’s just so much to see and do. PLUS the wine and the food are great!

Thanks, I will eagerly await future issues of the “The Collector”. It’s never fails to brighten my day when the latest issue arrives in my mailbox.
I've tried to post three times here and it goes back to sign in. It shows I'm already logged on. It will probably post this time......This is a test
Well I tried to edit and it still kicks me out...
My ideas must be really stupid or Andy is blocking me
Last edited:
Well it keeps putting the boots to me and won't allow me to post my ideas.Everytime I try to post after typing my message it goes to the sign in page and everything is lost. This short message will post but seriously the last five times I've struck out.
Any suggestions??
Brad -

After 1000 posts (Oh mighty 1st Lieutenant!) the Forum wouldn't DARE keep you out !

My God, 1,000 posts! Methinks somebody is surfing the web on his employers time!! All kidding aside, that's pretty impressive.
Louis Badolato said:
My God, 1,000 posts! Methinks somebody is surfing the web on his employers time!! All kidding aside, that's pretty impressive.'re going to get me in trouble :eek:
Don't worry, unless your boss is a King & Country collector you'll be safe. What did you say your boss' name was, Neilson? Andy something?
Believe you me, if I thought Andy was hiring here in the U.S., I would definitely put in an application!
Collector ideas which might get me committed or thrown off this board :
1) An article introducing a different K&C dealer in each edition.A meet and greet kinda thing. How they got started,why K&C and some of there own collecting stories. Some of us have never actually met these people we send money to.
2) An article introducing a different K&C club member randomly picked for each issue. Same kind of idea as above.
3) A free draw/prize per issue of the Collector for K&C club members. Four freebies a year can't break the company.
That's all I got. Maybe last weeks ice storm took its toll on me.I just got power back after four days with no heat. Canadian or not it was still cold.

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