Latest TSSD Alamo figures Conversions (2 Viewers)

How do these compare with other figures? Conte, Steve Weston, and TSSD.

Nice figures, these guys have a few conversions in them. I picked up set at the show on Sunday, I guess that is where you got yours also? I plan on painting up the Mexicans as french Napoleonics at some point. I hope they do another set of Mexican infantry. I hear they are going to do Mexican helmet cavalry also???
Nice figures, these guys have a few conversions in them. I picked up set at the show on Sunday, I guess that is where you got yours also? I plan on painting up the Mexicans as french Napoleonics at some point. I hope they do another set of Mexican infantry. I hear they are going to do Mexican helmet cavalry also???

I'm still trying to figure out the soldado's uniforms. With Baker rifles, the best info I can find is that the uniforms should have a different shako device and the coat should have fringed epaulets for the Light Infantry. The firing and running figures do make a nice skirmish line. I do see the Texians as defenders of the Paris barricades by substituting other weapons. Might be fun to see the Mexican Sappers in 54mm scale as well. Cavalry wouldn't be bad but they aren't part of the Legendary defense, just the terrible retreat.

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