Legend of Grave Stone (1 Viewer)

Nov 18, 2012
In the shadows of the Dark Mountains, hidden to most, a foreboding town appears every October. Many call the place a ghost town, yet others know the town by its true name, Grave Stone. It is best that you never find your way to the decrepit place, for few have returned to speak of the horrors within. Legend tells of a phantom rider, a skeletal figure atop a black steed who haunts the town seeking vengeance for reasons unknown.

Are you scared or perhaps slightly curious?

Uncover the mystery of Grave Stone this October…

Nightmare Stagecoach

he Bone Brothers have decided to hop in the Nightmare Stagecoach and raise some dead in the Town of Grave Stone. As they ride through the town, one of the brothers shoots two pistols into the air to ward off other Grave Stone haunts that might decide to hold up the stagecoach. The Halloween Season has begun...

The Shady Inn

Have you heard of skeletons in your attic? There may be skeletons in your bed in the Shady Inn Hotel. Within the desolate town of Grave Stone stands the Shady Inn. It's a horrifying place with boarded windows, creaking floors, and terrifying spooks that haunt the dark rooms within. Legends say that the Inn was built on a graveyard, while others believe that the land beneath was the ancient burial ground of American Indians. The shadows play tricks on one’s sanity within this horrific hotel for those who have dared spent the night have seen those terrifying visions of apparitions and the undead, calling for someone to join them in their shallow graves. If you are unfortunate to have stumbled upon the ghostly town of Grave Stone, you may want to think twice about spending the night in the Shady Inn.

House of the Falling Moon

"Abandon All Hope To Who Enter Here", warns an old wooden sign that hangs from the House of the Falling Moon. The outhouse hides a secret; however, for metal spikes driven into the sides of a small shaft lead to a tunnel below Grave Stone. Through a labyrinth of caverns, there is one passage that opens to the mine below the Shadow Mountains. Another leads to Putrid Creek Mill. What lies within the dark tunnels awaiting those who do not heed the warning of the House of the Falling Moon?

Phantom Rider

The Phantom Rider is the spirit of a dead outlaw. Much of his background is shrouded in mystery, but legend says that he rides out of the Dark Chasm during full moons seeking vengeance upon the Town of Grave Stone. Many believe that the Phantom Rider was hung unjustly while others say that he owned the deed to an old gold mine that was stolen from him; his spirit haunting the hills and mines near Grave Stone. Much of the mystery also lies within the dust-covered buildings of Grave Stone, a once booming little town whose inhabitants left after the gold in the nearby hills was picked dry. It is rumored that there is an ancient Indian curse on Grave Stone and the evil has awaken the Phantom Rider. Grave Stone is now merely a dilapidating old ghost town that only a few call home, but on any October night with a full-moon, those foolish enough to stay the night in Grave Stone may see the ghastly green eyes of the Phantom Rider staring at them; and that will be the last thing that they see.

House of the Falling Moon

"Abandon All Hope To Who Enter Here", warns an old wooden sign that hangs from the House of the Falling Moon. The outhouse hides a secret; however, for metal spikes driven into the sides of a small shaft lead to a tunnel below Grave Stone. Through a labyrinth of caverns, there is one passage that opens to the mine below the Shadow Mountains. Another leads to Putrid Creek Mill. What lies within the dark tunnels awaiting those who do not heed the warning of the House of the Falling Moon?


Great thread you have going here Rob. A tunnel leading straight down from the outhouse has a smell all of it's own !
Think I'll stick to staying at the House of the Rising Sun down in New Orleans !:wink2:

Whispering Windmill

In the distance, the creeks of old wood and scraping rusty metal can be heard whining in the cool October air. The wind blows a mysterious howl that encircles you and chills your spine. Halloween is fast approaching and the spirits of Grave Stone have begun to haunt the night. The ghostly winds of the Whispering Windmill speak a frightful tale; a tale of death, a tale of despair. A mysterious green glow can be seen in the distance emanating from the Whispering Windmill. What twisted tale does the windmill blow?

Card Creeper

Known as the Dark Tale of the Whispering Windmill, Grave Stone legend says that the Card Creeper was notorious for card cheat’n in many crooked games of cards. On a dark and stormy Halloween night, after stealing hundreds of dollars from a drunken bunch of outlaws, the angry men took matters into their own hands. They dragged the Card Creeper out to the Whispering Windmill where they tied him to one of the windmill blades. Once the blades began to turn, the men shot at the Card Creeper nicking him almost a dozen times before a final shot to the head finished him off. Before that final shot; however, the Card Creeper cursed the men swearing vengeance upon all of them for what they did to him, laughing hideously with an evil grin on his face.

Bang! He was finished. But that was not the end of the Card Creeper. Someone or something heard his curse and brought back his evil soul to seek vengeance upon his killers. Some even say it was the "putrid water" that runs under Dead Man's Bridge not far from the Whispering Windmill. On every Halloween night, the Card Creeper awakens seeking out each of his killers, and always found on his victim's body is a black ace of spades.

Haunted Mine

Hidden within the Shadow Mountains, only accessible by Putrid Creek or the treacherous Hidden Pass, ghost drums within the Haunted Mine echo in the moon lit night. Many greedy miners have ventured into the caverns to extract treasures. Unfortunately, they did not heed the warnings of the reluctant town’s people within Grave Stone. Legend warns that the mine is haunted by the spirit of a great Indian warrior and that within the depths of the mine; his ancient weapons are still buried, cursed for those who desecrate the chamber. Unfortunately, the curse has not stopped miners from digging within the dark caverns, some of the more fool-hearty still buried under cave-ins within deeper levels. With pits and passages to places not meant for living souls, what ancient curse is buried within the Haunted Mine?

Shadow Chapel

Not far from Hang Man's Hill rests a quiet little church known as Shadow Chapel. Pastor William D. Grimstone presides over his small congregation of the sinners of Grave Stone. Pastor Grimstone appears as a mild tempered gentleman who always wears a white handkerchief and is willing to lend a hand and a dollar to those in need. The only thing that he asks is for a short visit to his chapel and a single favor to his parish, "once you get back on your feet", he always adds with a gentle grin. But Pastor Grimstone hides a dark side. Many mysteries surround Shadow Chapel especially the rumor of the night that the good pastor and his flock went after Tex Grimwell, the old miner. Supposedly, they dragged him from his bed up to Hang Man's Hill and hung him in cold blood. Tex was never seen again and some even say that his spirit haunts Grave Stone. Jeb Snotworth and Harold Axewood are the newest members of Pastor Grimstone's congregation. Some say they are quite spiritual as they visit Shadow Chapel frequently.

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Dead Man’s Bridge

Along the outskirts of the desolate town of Grave Stone, an old wooden bridge crosses Putrid Creek as the one pass leading out of the forsaken town. A large buzzard is often perched at its entrance daring those to enter. A mysterious fog engulfs the rickety covered bridge and it is said that many have entered but few have reached the other side. It is best to take one's chances spending the night in Grave Stone than trying to escape through Dead Man's Bridge!

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Barn House of Barnabus Higgens

Creak... Scrape... A rusting windmill can be heard in the distance. It turns outside the spooky Barn House of Barnabas Higgens, an old foreboding shack the stands alone in Shadow Valley, not far from the trail to Hang Man's Hill. A small stream use to flow outside the house, but dried up years ago when Morty Perkins won the water rights to the nearby creek in a high-stake game of cards...

Barn House of Barnabus Higgens (continued)

ho is Barnabas Higgens, and where has he gone? No one left in Grave Stone seems to know. Rumor has it that his mysterious disappearance has something to do with the old scarecrow that stands outside the barn house. Every October as Halloween approaches, the eyes of the tattered scarecrow seem to glow an eerie red color. Some say that the scarecrow comes to life once a year to feed off the living. Green lights appear inside the spooky barn house, but Barnabas Higgens is never seen.
Putrid Creek Mill

Some believe that the waters of Grave Stone have long since dried up, but tell that to old Morty Perkins who fishes along Putrid Creek every early morning just before sunrise. Old Morty haunts Putrid Creek Mill, a dilapidated wooden mill that was built during the gold rush...
Putrid Creek Mill (continued)

Not much is known about Putrid Creek and where its waters come from, but some say that it is a mysterious river that only appears during the month of October, its dark waters flowing from the canyon of the Shadow Mountains. There is a legend that a greedy band of miners found the burial cavern of an ancient Indian people in the Shadow Mountains and dared to desecrate the tomb by stealing some of the sacred objects found within. An ancient Indian curse was unlocked along with a grotto filled with water that flooded the cavern drowning most of the miners within. The water was cursed and is known to some as Putrid Water for no living thing can drink the poisoned water and survive. Legend also tells that the Putrid Water can be used to resurrect the dead, if the ancient Indian spirits are called.

Putrid Creek Mill (continued)

The old mill stands at the end of Putrid Creek before the waters enter the underground caverns and grottoes beneath Grave Stone. Old Morty Perkins knows the secrets of Putrid Creek and even knows how to venture upstream through the canyon to its source, but who knows what he dares catch in the moonlit black water.
Grave Stone Cemetery

Something's spookin’ the critters in Grave Stone Cemetery. Jake Farlow, the Undertaker, and his loyal helper Hank Austin have been busy trying to keep up with the current demand. Jake is a greedy man; however, and has told Hank to just bury 'em quickly not to worry about digging 'em too deep. Perhaps it was the shallow grave, or even the Putrid Water, but someone or something is rising from a fresh grave in the center of the cemetery. Poor Hank sees the skeletal figure climbing out of the tomb and can only stare at the horrifying apparition.

Spooky Shack

Near the outskirts of town, a spooky old shack stands next to a dead black tree. It is rumored that someone or something was buried under that old black tree years before the gold in the hills that surround Grave Stone went dry. Harold Axewood, a rugged mountain man lives in the spooky old shack. Some say that Harold was once married to a woman by the name of Millicent Clemens and that he drowned her in the well near his shack, burying her in a shallow grave under the old black tree. Her spirit haunts the shack and she can sometimes be seen as a witch flying above the tree. No one visits Harold Axewood anymore, but he can often be found chopping wood outside the Spooky Shack when he is not visiting Shadow Chapel.

Sutter’s Mill

Alone in the outskirts of Grave Stone stands Sutter's Mill, long-since abandoned since the great gold rush. A number of treasure seekers have ventured into the old mill in search of the lost map of the one-eyed prospector, Tex Grimwell. Rumor has it that old Tex found the "Mother Load" after years of searching in the desert sometime before going mad. He and his gold was never found but some say that he left a map to his discovery, hidden somewhere in Grave Stone. Strange lights have been seen near Sutter's Mill and some even say that the place is haunted. Others say that it would be best if Sutter's Mill was burned to the ground along with the horrible evil that lies within Grave Stone.

Abandoned Station

The clock is nearing midnight... An Abandoned Station stands along the rusty tracks of Grave Stone. Jebediah's last words were, "I'll be dead before this train comes". Who would have guessed he was right? There's one ticket out of Grave Stone that can be found within the decrepit walls of the Abandoned Station; but this ticket is for a special ride, a ride on the haunted Ghost Train. In order to redeem the ticket, one must wait between 11:00 PM and midnight at the station. The only problem is that there are other less-sightly creatures that are also trying to escape Grave Stone, and they will kill for a ticket aboard the Ghost Train.

What ghastly train stops at an Abandoned Station within Grave Stone?

Do you dare wait until midnight to find out?


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