Limited Edition / Availiability (1 Viewer)


Sep 2, 2008
Our 54mm Napoleon's Europe toy soldiers are limited edition collectibles. As such, we plan on producing a maximum of 500-1,000 of any individual figure and much fewer than that of many of our releases. We have thus classified the rareity of the figures into three classifications:

The information provided on the FL website relating to earlier releases from FL (British Gaurds ,French Line Infantry , 12th Light Dragoons) clearly state that these and other figures are Extremely Limited edition figures which denotes that only 500 will be produced of each figure as stated on the Limited edition page of the site. Other sets special collectors sets are limited to 200 figures The British Artillery page shows that they are SC Sets but 250 will be produced. If all the figures produced by First Legion are as stated on the Homepage Limited edition how many of the new releases will be produced as the recent releases do not indicate a Limited edition amount. Amongst the many excellent figures I have purchased to date none are numbered and no certificates or other indication on or in the packaging suggests that these figures are actually in any way Limited. The absence of any information on the site re the latest releases leads me to my question are First legion still producing Limited edition figures? and if so in line with the statements on the website are the Highlanders for example Limited edition and capped at 1000 units of each figure.If so why are they not shown as Limited edition in the same way as previous units. Have the goalposts moved?:confused:

Before the attack dogs leap to FL defence this is a legitimate question and is merely an attempt to determine which units to accumulate next those marked as Limited edition or those that have no indication of numbers to be produced.

I suspect that the success of First Legion will require them to produce many more units for sale to meet demand this is fine It would be nice to be told what releases are and what releases may not be limited in size ?

Keep up the good work FL
hi Panda If my memory serves me correctly the reason Fl stopped numbering the amount of figures they were doing in the Nap range because a few people on this forum were having a go at Matt to prove that they were only limited to the amount stated and he got fed up of it and simply said that he was nt going to do it anymore.
hope this helps.
hi Panda If my memory serves me correctly the reason Fl stopped numbering the amount of figures they were doing in the Nap range because a few people on this forum were having a go at Matt to prove that they were only limited to the amount stated and he got fed up of it and simply said that he was nt going to do it anymore.
hope this helps.

Thats Matt's perogative I guess, but if that is the case maybe the website should reflect that, and they should not be advertised as Limited edition.

I expect that if the figures are in fact no longer Limited edition the price should fall to reflect that lack of exclusivity perhaps.
I would be surprise if FL ever makes more than 1,000 of a single item. They are too busy releasing new items. Anyway, the price is a bargain for what you get. :smile2:

King's Man
Our apologies, that particular page on our website was woefully out of date as we don't label our figures like this any longer except for the occassional "Special Collector's Set" which are reserved only for our Mounted Napoleonic Personalities. I have now updated the page. Iwan is very much correct on why we stopped categorizing our figures like this. The fact is that we've never produced 500 of any set we've ever made and for "Special Collectors Sets" we've only ever produced the exact amount stated.

Our original intention was to go back and do additional production runs of figures once they sold out. We did this one time, with the French Line infantry, and decided that it isn't something we'll do again. With the complexity of our figures and the very long painting and production time, it just doesn't make much sense for us to go back and remake previous figures when we can make new figures which will have much higher demand upon completion of production. The French Line infantry were an exception to this because we had produced so few in the initial production run and by the time we produced them again, our customer base had grown tremendously and many customers wanted these figures but never had a chance to get them. So we only produced those again as a service to our customers.

Despite not being "Special Collector's Sets" the most rare figures we've ever produced (or will ever produce) are in fact NAP0001-NAP0018 Bavarians.

So I hope this addresses this issue and our apologies for any confusion. But the fact is that our figures across the board are probably far more rare than the limited edition numbers we initially stated, so we just did away with it entirely. We don't use rarity as a method to generate sales, we use quality.


First Legion Ltd
Thats Matt's perogative I guess, but if that is the case maybe the website should reflect that, and they should not be advertised as Limited edition.

I expect that if the figures are in fact no longer Limited edition the price should fall to reflect that lack of exclusivity perhaps.

Are you saying your willing to pay a higher price if you think something is more exclusive :confused: I don't know about you but my collection is filled with figures that I have bought because I like em not because they have a number on the base . I'm purely motivated by quality {bravo}} but if I know something is a special collectors set I will move them to the top on my buying list so I don't miss them .:wink2:
Here is a quote taken from the limited Edition section of the First Legion site .

"Our toy soldiers and historical miniatures are produced in limited numbers, typically less than 500 of each figure, though we reserve the right to produce as many (or as few) as we want unless the figures are marked as per the categories below:

Extremely Limited Edition: A product code that is marked as Extremely Limited Edition will have less than 500 of it produced. "

Special Collector's Set: A product set that is marked as a Special Collector's Set will be produced in specific numbers that will be noted on the product detail page. This is typically 150-250, but each is noted with the actual number produced.

I think that explains it pretty well hope it helps .. Regards Gebhard
Hi Panda,

I think your question is very legitimate and interesting. As Matt replied, the Bavarians are the way to go if you want rare FL figures. However, I don t have any. Not that I don t like them. It s just that I prefer much more the last releases even though they are less rare. Like my friend Gebhard, I prefer quality over anything else.


Are you saying your willing to pay a higher price if you think something is more exclusive :confused: I don't know about you but my collection is filled with figures that I have bought because I like em not because they have a number on the base . I'm purely motivated by quality {bravo}} but if I know something is a special collectors set I will move them to the top on my buying list so I don't miss them .:wink2:
Here is a quote taken from the limited Edition section of the First Legion site .

"Our toy soldiers and historical miniatures are produced in limited numbers, typically less than 500 of each figure, though we reserve the right to produce as many (or as few) as we want unless the figures are marked as per the categories below:

Extremely Limited Edition: A product code that is marked as Extremely Limited Edition will have less than 500 of it produced. "

Special Collector's Set: A product set that is marked as a Special Collector's Set will be produced in specific numbers that will be noted on the product detail page. This is typically 150-250, but each is noted with the actual number produced.

I think that explains it pretty well hope it helps .. Regards Gebhard

Gebhard, I must agree with your post...My purchases are "seldom" based on the fact that there are limited numbers...If I don't like the quality or detail of a product I simply don't buy it....I don't care how exculsive or limited.....Glad that FL does not number items and reserves the right to produce more as they see fit without the constant retirement annoyance....If there is a demand for a product that is a high quality/good seller it is good to know that more product may be considered......except for a Special Collectors Set I see no need to number items.
All the FL figures i have , i bought because i wanted them
i could'n care less how many they made as long as i got mine
the quality is what made me buy them not a number
Maple Leaf
It would be good if FL produce according to demand rather than count on limited edition to drive sales. While it seems that FL is not into the limited edition game, it also says that they rather go on to a new range than go back to remake previous figures. As it is, I have not got down to getting the British Guards because some figures were sold out. Quite a pity, I would say.

My approach to FL will be to buy all the figures I want for a particular group in one go - that will minimise the chance of missing out on any one figure - and I do not want to go to the secondary market. If one figure is sold out before I start, that's it - I will just let it pass. Because of the outlay, this require more thought in the budgeting and buying - but that's how I will do it.
It would be good if FL produce according to demand rather than count on limited edition to drive sales. While it seems that FL is not into the limited edition game, it also says that they rather go on to a new range than go back to remake previous figures. As it is, I have not got down to getting the British Guards because some figures were sold out. Quite a pity, I would say.

My approach to FL will be to buy all the figures I want for a particular group in one go - that will minimise the chance of missing out on any one figure - and I do not want to go to the secondary market. If one figure is sold out before I start, that's it - I will just let it pass. Because of the outlay, this require more thought in the budgeting and buying - but that's how I will do it.

Good point, a similar circumstance for myself as well....I started collecting FL Stalingrad WWII and after 1 year wanted to get into NAPS but the British 1st Foot Guards was mostly sold out by the time I got to it.:(....This is a line I would have gotten into whole-heartedly....(Just can't get into everything at once)....I spoke to Matt, he said it is possible we will see them again in a couple of years....I hope so.... as I really like those figures especially the flag-bearers....I can say for certain I will never purchase secondary market where price gouging/speculating abounds....If the manufactuer makes it; I will buy it; otherwise forget it...(I also will just let it pass)....Personally I hate the "retired products game" to stimulate sales; as this drove me away from another producer of TS; I think it ruins the hobby.....Seems to not be part of the FL sales plan...It would be good if FL produces "according to demand"...Time will tell......They do have the kind of product that will sell itself without having to resort to the limited edition game.
Gebhard, I must agree with your post...My purchases are "seldom" based on the fact that there are limited numbers...If I don't like the quality or detail of a product I simply don't buy it....I don't care how exculsive or limited.....Glad that FL does not number items and reserves the right to produce more as they see fit without the constant retirement annoyance....If there is a demand for a product that is a high quality/good seller it is good to know that more product may be considered......except for a Special Collectors Set I see no need to number items.

It seems some guys have come to enjoy the buy now or pay latter aspect provided by some manufactures , buying two of "rare" items when released and cashing in ( or helping a fellow collector out depends on your view ) after its sold out . This has paid for some collectors collections its like buy one get one free not a bad way to build an army huh .. But alias that's just not an option with First Legion thank GOD , if it ever gets to that point a big part of the enjoyment would be lost at least for me . Regards Gebhard
Are you saying your willing to pay a higher price if you think something is more exclusive :confused: I don't know about you but my collection is filled with figures that I have bought because I like em not because they have a number on the base . I'm purely motivated by quality {bravo}} but if I know something is a special collectors set I will move them to the top on my buying list so I don't miss them .:wink2:
Here is a quote taken from the limited Edition section of the First Legion site .

"Our toy soldiers and historical miniatures are produced in limited numbers, typically less than 500 of each figure, though we reserve the right to produce as many (or as few) as we want unless the figures are marked as per the categories below:

Extremely Limited Edition: A product code that is marked as Extremely Limited Edition will have less than 500 of it produced. "

Special Collector's Set: A product set that is marked as a Special Collector's Set will be produced in specific numbers that will be noted on the product detail page. This is typically 150-250, but each is noted with the actual number produced.

I think that explains it pretty well hope it helps .. Regards Gebhard

Our 54mm Napoleon's Europe toy soldiers are limited edition collectibles. As such, we plan on producing a maximum of 500-1,000 of any individual figure and much fewer than that of many of our releases. We have thus classified the rareity of the figures into three classifications.

Strange the above passage was cut and pasted from the Limited Edition section of The First Legion website only 3 days ago at that time there was absolutely no mention whatsoever on the site of reserving the right to produce as many or as few as they want as I posted my original question it seems Matt has decided to move the goalposts. And that FL therefore no longer produce Limited edition figures unless specified.

Perhaps these new unlimited edition ranges may get cheaper. " Joke " I hope the quality remains as good as the Limited edition releases I have already purchased I have no doubt it will.

Rake the $$$ in Matt you deserve it you have done a good job. Just please keep your loyal punters informed what they are collecting.
Why does evereyone whine on the matte side of the hobby? Limited editions? Goalposts moved? I primarily collect traditional glossy figures, and most of the manufacturers are defunct or extremely hard to contact. A number of the ranges I collect are very limited editions; the manufacturers are out of business! Quit your whining and enjoy collecting the manufacturer while they're still in business!

Drinking scotch and slightly belligerent
Why does evereyone whine on the matte side of the hobby? Limited editions? Goalposts moved? I primarily collect traditional glossy figures, and most of the manufacturers are defunct or extremely hard to contact. A number of the ranges I collect are very limited editions; the manufacturers are out of business! Quit your whining and enjoy collecting the manufacturer while they're still in business!

Drinking scotch and slightly belligerent

Because the matte side of collecting costs much more than gloss. I have 50/50 matte to gloss collection and I have spent twice as much on my matte stuff...Folks have higher expectations concerning their matte investment...Michael
Our 54mm Napoleon's Europe toy soldiers are limited edition collectibles. As such, we plan on producing a maximum of 500-1,000 of any individual figure and much fewer than that of many of our releases. We have thus classified the rareity of the figures into three classifications.

Strange the above passage was cut and pasted from the Limited Edition section of The First Legion website only 3 days ago at that time there was absolutely no mention whatsoever on the site of reserving the right to produce as many or as few as they want as I posted my original question it seems Matt has decided to move the goalposts. And that FL therefore no longer produce Limited edition figures unless specified.

Perhaps these new unlimited edition ranges may get cheaper. " Joke " I hope the quality remains as good as the Limited edition releases I have already purchased I have no doubt it will.

Rake the $$$ in Matt you deserve it you have done a good job. Just please keep your loyal punters informed what they are collecting.

As to being informed as to what we are collecting???? Answer: "The Best, Most Detailed, 54mm Toy Soldiers Available Today"....That should be enough for most of us....Why not produce more of what most collectors want....If there's a DEMAND....Supply It.....Hopefully First Legion will not allow speculators to dictate what or how much may be produced....most of us collect FL because of the quality "not exculsivity" of the product.....Most of us don't collect FL to re-sell latter at a higher price and fund "their future purchases".........I don't need or want my toy soldiers numbered on the bases;....Lastly if your looking for an investment try Smith Barney.....Or go out and work for your own money.
Because the matte side of collecting costs much more than gloss. I have 50/50 matte to gloss collection and I have spent twice as much on my matte stuff...Folks have higher expectations concerning their matte investment...Michael

I can see where the sentiment comes from, although I think it is silly. Some gloss can be really pricey, too. But my concern is the constant whining. The whole "did you say your manufacturer is better than mine?" or "New soldiers aren't coming out fast enough!" or "The scale is all wrong!" and now, that new soldiers have been released, it's "They aren't numbered anymore? What?" Why are so many folks perpetually dissatisfied with a hobby they've chosen? Besides mild carping about eBay prices, you just don't see this kind of complaining in the glossy section. I've been noticing it ever since I joined the Treefrog Forum.


P.S. Had a nightmare last night that someone broke my DAK armored car and panzer. {eek3} Scared the (fecal reference deleted) out of me!
Our 54mm Napoleon's Europe toy soldiers are limited edition collectibles. As such, we plan on producing a maximum of 500-1,000 of any individual figure and much fewer than that of many of our releases. We have thus classified the rareity of the figures into three classifications.

Strange the above passage was cut and pasted from the Limited Edition section of The First Legion website only 3 days ago at that time there was absolutely no mention whatsoever on the site of reserving the right to produce as many or as few as they want as I posted my original question it seems Matt has decided to move the goalposts. And that FL therefore no longer produce Limited edition figures unless specified.

Perhaps these new unlimited edition ranges may get cheaper. " Joke " I hope the quality remains as good as the Limited edition releases I have already purchased I have no doubt it will.

Rake the $$$ in Matt you deserve it you have done a good job. Just please keep your loyal punters informed what they are collecting.

Hallo Panda ,
Three times we have gone down this road in three years , It took me a bit to remember but it was a bit like deja vu :wink2:. I'm not sure why your so concerned about the limited edition aspect of collecting and numbered additions but as you already know I don't share your concern . We both collect First Legion Napoleonics for the same reason we know they are well researched well sculpted and beautifully painted and a true value for discerning collectors . Your sizable investment in building your British Foot guards square is IMO guaranteed to pay off big should you wish to sell it down the road :wink2: . About six months ago i realized I had missed one of the figures and had a very hard time finding it . i was trying everyone I knew but no one was interested in selling, finally a good mate was gonna take pity on me and let me have one of his at three times the issue price , thank GOD I was offered one the day before for release price plus shipping from a very good friend in Luxembourg. Although not numbered in the traditional way we have become accustomed to , these early sets are what they are . They produced only a certain amount ,whatever that is only Matt knows but I have heard tale that some of the Bavarians were as low as 30 or so making them rare indeed .
Some of the newer releases it seems will be open additions which is fine by me . I'm collecting three lines and can use the extra time to buy a few from each line every month without the fear of missing something I really want ..I'm sure First Legion are paying their sculptors plenty so i have no problem with Matt and First Legion getting payed back slowly over time for that sizable upfront expense . Well anyway hope your enjoying the Gordons as much as i am really nothing else like em IMO they are just FANTASIC ..{bravo}} Regards Gebhard
I can see where the sentiment comes from, although I think it is silly. Some gloss can be really pricey, too. But my concern is the constant whining. The whole "did you say your manufacturer is better than mine?" or "New soldiers aren't coming out fast enough!" or "The scale is all wrong!" and now, that new soldiers have been released, it's "They aren't numbered anymore? What?" Why are so many folks perpetually dissatisfied with a hobby they've chosen? Besides mild carping about eBay prices, you just don't see this kind of complaining in the glossy section. I've been noticing it ever since I joined the Treefrog Forum.


P.S. Had a nightmare last night that someone broke my DAK armored car and panzer. {eek3} Scared the (fecal reference deleted) out of me!

Dave ,
Don't let it get to ya , no matter were ya go there is always gonna be these types of posters . Life is way too short , buy what you like and enjoy it don't let the negativity overshadow the good parts {bravo}}. I think some of us just have run out of things to talk about , and lets face it there are only a few places to talk about our hobby with other nuts who don't see a problem with grown men spending thousands on these little gems :salute::{sm5}. Try bringing up the fact that you just payed $299 bucks for a PZIII at the next board meeting {eek3} or too a beautiful women at the next happy hour {eek3}.
Glad to hear your broken DAK armored car and Panzer was only a nightmare that would have sucked {eek3} . Regards Gebhard
I am not saying that at all I am saying that the information on the FL website relating to Limited edition pieces was wrong I am pleased Matt has updated the site to reflect the current situation I am pleased with my products I enjoy them immensley as will my son in time I have no intention in taking profit or selling anything I have purchased. I will complete my Brit cavalry and the SCS Personalities as they are Limited before building multiples of the Highlanders I simply need to prioritise my buying to ensure I get what I need it is re assuring to know that any investment made in any collection will ultimately retain or increase its value but as you know that is not my reason for collecting FL.

What is difficult to gauge is the rate of FL popularity increase and therfore the rate at which desirable items will be exhausted my budget for soldiers is adequate but not exhaustive so I have to choose and plan carefully. I have spoken to severtal dealers in the last week all who recieve many enquiries daily for the Brit Gaurds especially since they have become scarce. As on of the first people to accumulate the 1st foot gaurds I am still a buyer today.

My quite sensible question was basically any idea how many Highlanders will be made and how quickly are they selling for someone hoping to complete a second British square I am not in a position to purchase 100+ figures overnight given that collecting First Legion figures are only one of my many pastimes its a case of priorities. I rather enjoy building my collection slowly but if I felt I needed to jump in I would.

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