LIMITED EDITION(toy soldiers) (1 Viewer)


Nov 25, 2007
Do you buy limited edition toy soldiers?
What is the reason for you to buy them:

-because there is a small number of people own this and you feel special?
-investment;because after some time the price will go higher?
-usualy they are better sculpted or painted figures?
-i only collect limited edition of all manufacturers?
-i only collect limited edition of one manufacturer?
-maybe i buy sometimes because it belong to a serie i collect?
-i do not like limited edition figures?

So can you tell me where in this question you belong?
I have to like the LE and it would probably have to be in a series I collect. I don't buy LE's just to have them or to speculate that they will increase in value. -- lancer
Most importan thing is if I like them, the rest is secondary.

I have to like the LE and it would probably have to be in a series I collect. I don't buy LE's just to have them or to speculate that they will increase in value. -- lancer

Yep same here
I buy what I like on whatever terms the manufacturer offers. If the set is a LE, then so be it. I do not seek out LE sets to speculate in value or for the other reasons mentioned.

I think manufacturers are turning to LEs as a way to help them forecast their costs and profits in a time when people have less money for "luxury items." I consider this a reasonable approach because it helps keep them in business and me in toy soldiers.
I will only buy them if I like it or if the set is part of a series I am collecting.
I personnally don't make any difference between LE and MP editions. I only buy what I like and waht fits well with my collection. ;)
well you all answer the same,it is a normal answer,but still do not you wish to have at least one figure(and maybe you do not like it how it is sculped,or paint,or it does not fit in your collection),...but just because it is RARE,LIMITED,....and you feel special you own it.
And no body mention the value,like that monney is not important for you?
I am sure no body of you give away their figures,you SALE THEM,so that mean you wannt to get monney from them,so that mean that a lot of times if you wannt to sale you must give under price,but if you have a limited edition figure,or rare piece,...than MAYBE you can earn some hard cash from it.Why not?
And if you do not like the figure you have because it is not fit in your collection than it will be just easyer for you to sale it,right?No tears!
But you will maybe earn twice as much so you can buy yourself an extra figure for your collection.Why no body thinks that?
Now imagine,Limited figure,that can be bought only in collectors club,limited edition 350 pieces,zulu series which so many people collect,and the figure is very useful because it is a british soldier from 24th running,...this mean ONLY 350 PIECES!!! and out there is so many Zulu colectors,and this figure can be used later when Britans start toi attack zulus like Ulundi or some other battles,it can be use when Lt.Chard point on the gap his army must fill so this soldier run to the baracade,...and it is only 350 pieces.Just wait that the zulu serie is finished and than it will become a serach for this figure i am sure.
Anyone who is smart will buy at least two or three now,so maybe there is 100 colectors who will own this figure.They will earn at least triple monney on this figure,so all i can tell you is BUY BUY BUY(even if you do not collect) because you will have an ace in your sleves and maybe you can trade it for some figure you wannt because remember this figure will be good for sale,trade,....i am sure the same story is with Napoleonics serie limited edition,or ww2,....

Think smart! Think street smart!:D:D:D
Ales, I wouldn't make sense for a company to make a limited figure of a very popular line unless it's an exclusive for a big dealer. In that case, the dealer charges a priemium with the initial sale.

Also, if you do speculate on a regular basis, I think that you'll find that you may make money on some figures, but you'll lose on others and in the end be lucky to break even. Just my thoughts. ;)

Aleš;246338 said:
well you all answer the same,it is a normal answer,but still do not you wish to have at least one figure(and maybe you do not like it how it is sculped,or paint,or it does not fit in your collection),...but just because it is RARE,LIMITED,....and you feel special you own it.
And no body mention the value,like that monney is not important for you?
I am sure no body of you give away their figures,you SALE THEM,so that mean you wannt to get monney from them,so that mean that a lot of times if you wannt to sale you must give under price,but if you have a limited edition figure,or rare piece,...than MAYBE you can earn some hard cash from it.Why not?
And if you do not like the figure you have because it is not fit in your collection than it will be just easyer for you to sale it,right?No tears!
But you will maybe earn twice as much so you can buy yourself an extra figure for your collection.Why no body thinks that?
Now imagine,Limited figure,that can be bought only in collectors club,limited edition 350 pieces,zulu series which so many people collect,and the figure is very useful because it is a british soldier from 24th running,...this mean ONLY 350 PIECES!!! and out there is so many Zulu colectors,and this figure can be used later when Britans start toi attack zulus like Ulundi or some other battles,it can be use when Lt.Chard point on the gap his army must fill so this soldier run to the baracade,...and it is only 350 pieces.Just wait that the zulu serie is finished and than it will become a serach for this figure i am sure.
Anyone who is smart will buy at least two or three now,so maybe there is 100 colectors who will own this figure.They will earn at least triple monney on this figure,so all i can tell you is BUY BUY BUY(even if you do not collect) because you will have an ace in your sleves and maybe you can trade it for some figure you wannt because remember this figure will be good for sale,trade,....i am sure the same story is with Napoleonics serie limited edition,or ww2,....

Think smart! Think street smart!:D:D:D

While you are entitled to your opinion, sir, I think that most collectors buy but rarely sell. What you describe above is more like speculation and not collecting. I create my own one-off pieces and have a few antique, fairly rare ones, but I don't enjoy looking at them any more than the production run figures. If you want to see this as a business, that is certainly your privilege; but I venture that most people here look at this as a hobby and a refuge from the commercial world.
....Anyone who is smart will buy at least two or three now,so maybe there is 100 colectors who will own this figure.They will earn at least triple monney on this figure,so all i can tell you is BUY BUY BUY(even if you do not collect) because you will have an ace in your sleves and maybe you can trade it for some figure you wannt because remember this figure will be good for sale,trade,....i am sure the same story is with Napoleonics serie limited edition,or ww2,....

Think smart! Think street smart!:D:D:D
By all means indulge yourself mate; you won't trip over me in the bidding.;):D
Hi Ales,

As a long time Britains collector and club member I only buy the limited editions that fit in with my collection as a whole and I never buy more than one such as the Rifles Officer they produced this year. I think that sort of speculation is just a waste of time. You will see Britains sets and figures pop up from time to time that are limited or were given as gifts to the employees (17th Lancer Centenary figure) and as such you might think they would be worth a lot of money on the secondary market, but the fact is they go for a wide range of prices that go from cheap to ridulas. I really think the sort of speculation you are talking about is done by new collectors of a different company who see the prices on ebay for items and want to jump into the game and make a quick buck. I personaly dont worry about the value of a set in my collection because I will never sell them they bring me joy and thats all there is too it. Now if you want to try the speculation game please feel free but dont be surprised if the market isnt giving the kind of demand that you are seeing from another maker. If you can afford it then by all means dont let us hold you back but I think you may be wasting money and time.

i am very thankfull for all of yours thoughts and advice.I didnt say that i will buy only Limited Edition,i just opet this topic so we can discuss it and see if maybe this is a good opurtunity to collect,posest,play,...and at the end sale a figure with profit.
Well,let me ask you this question.
Since you all know what you wannt and what you collect,how will you feel if there is on efigure show up in the market that will fit in to your collection but you miss it because let say you collect Napoleonics from WBritain,Kind and Country and you have nice mix diorama,...but than you find a figure from Napoleon series that will fir RIGHT IN YOUR COLLECTION! and it is made from let say First Legion,Conte,...and you know it will go along with your diorama,but since you are not a memeber of their club or you didnt see this rare and limited figure,but what will you do than?
Will you buy it?
How much will you pay for this on the market since you can not buy from a manufacturer no more?
Hi Ales,

I can answer this by saying I have a budget and I try very hard to stick to it or my wife brings the hammer down on me. Now if the figure is one I want and I can get it for what I consider a good price then I will try and get it. However I have limits that I set inorder to remain in my budget. Sometime I have to wait because the price is too much or there are too many folks bidding etc. But that is also part of the fun, The Hunt for an item can be as exciting as getting the item. So dont get crazy and spend beyond your means for the sake of a single figure.

well lets think for a moment.
If there is limited edition figure made 350 pieces.
If 10 person decide it to buy them all,that mean every person buy 35 figure.If the figure is 20 euro that will cost him 700 euro for 35 pieces.
Than this ten person will wait that other people start panic,because there is no figure left.
than this ten person will agree that they will never put figure on the market on the same time.They will wait that there is enough panic,this red SOLD OUT will make the work,than this ten person will put one by one their figures on the market on the ebay(not at the same time off course) and let see how big will the price be:D:D:D
I think the point has been made that toy soldiers are not a business, unless of course you are a dealer or manufacturer. We collecters want to have toy soldiers to look at/ play with/ display, whatever, not sell them off. Otherwise we might as well leave them in their boxes and keep them in the loft for a few years. I really don't see the point in that and I certainly would not feel comfortable in deliberately pushing up the prices for fellow collectors.

I think the point has been made that toy soldiers are not a business, unless of course you are a dealer or manufacturer. We collecters want to have toy soldiers to look at/ play with/ display, whatever, not sell them off. Otherwise we might as well leave them in their boxes and keep them in the loft for a few years. I really don't see the point in that and I certainly would not feel comfortable in deliberately pushing up the prices for fellow collectors.


Oh come on!!!
First of all we just talking(what if,if,...)but than do not talk to me that collectors are not interesting in sale.Just look at the ebay,or in this forum we have collectors classified when a lot of the forum members try to sale their figures, COLLECTORS DO SALE THE FIGURES.
But i agree with you that it is not fair but hey,life is not fair either,there is million stuff in the world that it is not fair.
This hoby is just like other hobies when people collect something they will pay for the item they wannt.Some one will pay more,some one will pay less,...this is why i ask you how do you feel about the limited edition.
I am no salesman,and i didnt buy 35 figures,i am just happy i buy one for me not for the market i just say that if someone do that (buy 35 pieces,or 100,...) it will worth it(for him,not for us)!

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