Little legion catalogue (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jul 1, 2006
There seem to be so many little legion sets that i think it would be nice if there was a catalogue with pictures of each set in it. You could probably even do one on cd. I know mike at trophy took some beautiful pictures and had them on a website. I just think ll could sell more if we new what was out there. One could plan a good size diorama with the info. It would also urge all us completists to buy more little legion figures. Anybody feel the same way?
There seem to be so many little legion sets that i think it would be nice if there was a catalogue with pictures of each set in it. You could probably even do one on cd. I know mike at trophy took some beautiful pictures and had them on a website. I just think ll could sell more if we new what was out there. One could plan a good size diorama with the info. It would also urge all us completists to buy more little legion figures. Anybody feel the same way?

I believe there is a catalogue of sorts but never seen one myself


MKL in its catalogue has photos of some LL sets, including ACW.
I have a copy I purchase from Mike of his 2005 Catalogue I purchased back then which features very few photos of the sets listed in it.
I am just thinking what a great sales tool it would be as well as a great buying tool for us on the purchasing end. Right now i get to see some pictures on the website or otherwise i have to wait for chicago to see what is in paul hermann's room. So i am just trying to make a helpful suggestion which i think would benifit everybody.
Why not ask LL collectors to post pictures of what they have here - and then save them to a file. If they give details of what they know about each piece (number, date of issue etc) - then you could build your own catalogue - perhaps. Othyers could chip in with what they know about pieces too - and so build up the knowledge about them.

I would be interested to have a look - as I like them too - but paint castings, rather than buy ready-mades - so My interest would be seeing how these pieces are painted.

Just a thought - johnnybach

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