Well, the dog reminded me this am that the fun is all over and it was time to take him for his morning walk.
What a great time!!! I think it was pretty obvious that the jackassery was off the charts during the pell mell that was the London Show. {sm4} It was a tremendous honor to meet all of you, it gave my wife and I a great look at what real vs. tourist England is all about!!
My wife Jill- we were coming home from Gettysburg and she suggested we go to London, just the two of us. I cannot thank her enough for making this happen for me. She's the very reason I live each day. She was looking at all the posts you guys made on the drive home from Philly yesterday- they made her feel like a million bucks and I cannot thank you guys enough for doing that for her- Simon, her and I both love that Friday night picture of us.
Clive and Louis- I cannot put into words how appreciative I am that you took the effort to make this all happen. You are both from a bygone era of better men. Thanks so very much.
Rob- class act to the core mate. You keep the hobby young and exciting
Simon- you're a first class wingmate. Tremendous honor to make your acquaintance.
Jeff- Brother, you are a soldier to the core. My wife, God Bless her, has one of the most unique laughs out there- very robust yet very high pitch. One of the things I truly love most in her. However she never quite has gotten down the fact that one should turn one's head when they let a hearty laugh rip. The look on your face when you caught one of her laughs the first time was priceless, but you took it like a champ and never shuddered.!! {sm3} You were also right about the "EuroFizz"- I had a ripping headache about 3 hours later.
Gazza- what a first class gentleman you are. I really cannot say that enough. Thank you so very much for coming up and introducing yourself to me. Thanks for sharing that new barbarian with me. He'll look fantastic with your FL sets.
Howard and Jenny- wonderful to make your acquaintance. You are a first class "cobber" indeed!! {sm3}
Steven, Bob, Ed, Andy and James- it was my pleasure to meet all of you. Thanks for the warm reception and friendship
and lastly, KEVIN!! Thanks for sharing that intimate bromance moment when we were finishing in the bathroom on Saturday (details will be kept between us!! LOLOLOL {sm3}). Seriously, you are such a fun and strong person. I wish you Godspeed in your recovery and was extremely thankful that you took the time to come see us all.
The show was a hoot. Much different than US shows where everything is pretty much KC dominated. Lots of interesting "cottage" dealers. Saw some really unique Aztecs (which I may have seen in the US before). Met John Gittens and talked at length with David about "Sammy's" new dio- which I believe I saw being professionally photographed for toy soldier magazine??? My wife bought me Jenkins WW1 Biplane for Rickenbacker to remember the show by. She's aces to the core!!
Beyond the show, we kicked around London, thanks to Stephen, we mastered the underground. London has now edged out Chicago as my favorite City in the world. You just simply didn't know what you'd see as you rounded each corner....an ancient ruin, a marvelous statue, a drunk guy taking a leak on the corner of some building!! {sm4} Either way, London was fantastic- that Battle of Britain memorial is the most moving thing Ive ever seen (second only to the Viet Nam wall). We took in a show at the Globe, launched a full frontal assault on the Tower of London, harassed the locals who weren't running with backpacks on (Sir, don't you know the Queen has dictated all runner's in the City proper MUST wear a backpack!!), nearly got crushed by a half dozen lorry's because we weren't looking the right way, and almost got thrown from Hamley's because they wouldn't let me look at the action figures on the 5th floor!! (what do you mean your closing???
All in all, the City had so much to offer and I had so little to give. The thing I came away most from this trip was how much respect I have for the English. All around I saw in every businessman, pensioner, street performer, college student, etc a real sense of inner strength and resilience that Ive never seen in any other people in the world. It wasn't cockiness, just an air of self assurance and dignity that puts Englanders in a realm all of their own. Our eldest son is in Cornwall for another 8 days or so, I do pray he has the same experience we did.
Till next time, STANDS ALONE!!
CC (and Jill