London show 7 december 2019 (1 Viewer)

Here are my 2 cents…and it's worth just about that too!

I’ve been going to shows for well over 10 years and truly enjoy chronicling the events. I’ve received many thanks from you guys for doing it. So, thank you and it continues to be my pleasure.

It takes a lot of effort from taking the pictures, edits, resizing & uploading them and posting them…All of this takes time, a lot of time. I'm not complaining but that's the reality.

Therefore, others should take and post pictures in case the “usual suspects” (Me, Jeff, Richard, Dave and a few others) aren’t able to make the show, or get delayed (life events, e.g. family, other commitments, work obligations, etc.) in posting.

Complacency, IS NOT OUR FRIEND, It’s a team effort isn’t it.

Okay, enough with my pontification.

I’ll be attending the revamped/ new Westcoaster Show (March 2020) and will be taking many photos of the room trading and show. There is an even chance I'll be going to the Chicago Show next year.


Thanks for the explanation Carlos; I for one appreciate all the editing, cropping, resizing and uploading you do, I look forward to your West Coaster and Chicago reports, thanks again for letting us all know what you have to do to make pictures on the forum a reality.
I never considered taking photos and posting them as “work;” to me it was fun to bring the show to the forum.
There is now a YouTube up 28 minutes....excellent. Robin.

Well done Robin for the heads up that these videos had been uploaded and of course a Big Thank You, to BigJon007 for taking and sharing via Youtube. {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Thank you very much for the videos, great!

as a dealer I can say, that this show was one of the best ever for me.
I am a smaller dealer...however if you bring special or new things you can still sell well.

unfortunately it is much more difficult to sell, if you always bring the same items and don't make better prices than last Time ( where these items didn't find new owner):rolleyes::p

just my opinion.
Well done Robin for the heads up that these videos had been uploaded and of course a Big Thank You, to BigJon007 for taking and sharing via Youtube. {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}


Yes a huge thanks to BigJon 007!!!!! Is he a forum member?
It’s a real shame that there are no pictures this year.

I have attended many London shows, from the days at the National hotel and the superb events put on by K&C UK and the Islington design centre.

Ive also attended that last 2 December events at the school.

However, the current venue leaves a lot to be desired. A school hall with all the atmosphere of a fifth rate jumble sale. Not worth traveling to, and admission price is a rip off.

After attending last year’s event, I decided that unless some massive changes are made, I would not return.

Perhaps others have had similar thoughts.

The organisers have been far too complacent, and unless they put on an event that is worth the admission in a “go to” venue, then I’m afraid the show will become extinct.

Consider yourself lucky to have a dedicated toy soldier show that you can attend ...... we don't have one 'down under !!

When ever I holiday in UK, I always making plans to be in London to go to a show, wherever it's being held, and fly half way around the world to be there.

I love seeing all the new figures on display, meeting up with makers, sellers and collectors, and rummaging around the boxes to find some bargains.

Hopefully I can make it again next year, my 6th toy soldier show since 2000 !!!

Consider yourself lucky to have a dedicated toy soldier show that you can attend ...... we don't have one 'down under !!

When ever I holiday in UK, I always making plans to be in London to go to a show, wherever it's being held, and fly half way around the world to be there.

I love seeing all the new figures on display, meeting up with makers, sellers and collectors, and rummaging around the boxes to find some bargains.

Hopefully I can make it again next year, my 6th toy soldier show since 2000 !!!


if you wish to patronise the purveyors of this somewhat shoddy affair, then that is entirely your own affair.

I have seen better, and expect better.
if you wish to patronise the purveyors of this somewhat shoddy affair, then that is entirely your own affair.

I have seen better, and expect better.

Careful there, when you get off your high horse. :tongue::wink2:

For me, it was my best show so far so I was happy!

Running any kind of event in Central London is an expensive and difficult balance between cost and viability. I am grateful that Guideline were able to find a central venue that makes the show still work.

I don't think constant sniping at the organisers is helpful - if you don't like the show then don't go!
The K&C Vietnam Aussies and Romans featured will keep my credit card working, plus the TG jungle hut and Zulu’s, maybe I should be working to pay for all these^&grin, Robin.
Thanks sooooo much for the 3 part video! I’m sure that just like me, a great number of members will deeply enjoy it!!
Back to a great weekend with my Dutch friends
a great show had a lot of information, but still missed a number of treefroggers
but still very satisfied
So from the Netherlands, I wish you a beautiful, happy and healthy 2020 and very happy holidays
Hi Steve

Thanks for these great videos (and on youtube). It's almost like being at the show!

Rgds Victor
Hi Steve

Thanks for these great videos (and on youtube). It's almost like being at the show!

Rgds Victor

Thanks Victor, I just posted the link to these great videos that another took. I don't know if the chap is a forum member or not, He certainly deserves thanks and a round of applause for all the videos on shows he posts. {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Thanks Victor, I just posted the link to these great videos that another took. I don't know if the chap is a forum member or not, He certainly deserves thanks and a round of applause for all the videos on shows he posts. {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}


I did leave a comment on his first video from the show letting him know how much teh guys from Treefrog Forum appreciated his work...

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