London show on 24th (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Just wondering if anyone will be going to the London show on the 24th June.I have been collecting K&C vouchers over the last few months and am looking forward to a spending bonanza without the credit card woes!.I really enjoy the show in London,Mike and his family always have time to talk to you.I usually get some hints/tips on upcoming releases/retirements,and come away with my buying strategy for the next few months!.

K&C vouchers? Like discount coupons? What gives! Who has been issuing these? Where do I get some?! That being said, enjoy the show. I wish I could get there.
Hey Louis,i get them from the k&c uk website.You can buy them in amounts from five pounds upwards.I save em up and come showtime hey presto!.It is a bit like a K&C saving scheme.


I am hoping to be there.

Louis you guys in the states call them 'Gift certificates'.

Mike told me the other day that they have sold all th etables for the show and there are going to be a lot of international manafactures there.

Hi Monty,

I think i'm after some of the new EA stuff this time,and if they they have got the new d-day stuff i'm probably buying even more!.How about you?.


I have asked Mike to take to the show my order. I have ordered all the new EA's and Tony is making me a diorama for them, which will be ready for the show. I also have ordered all the new barbarians as i saw them at the K&C showroom and could not resist.

Mike was saying that it is best to get your preorder in for the show as they are expecting a big turn out for the show again and he wants to make sure all the Regular customers get the items they are after.

As i say hoping tgo be there but if not then i will be picking up from the showroom.

All the best


Just to let you know that NMA and Honour Bound are amongst the new guys that will be at the show on the 24th, in London. We also have sold every table (250) and we have so far had 300 new enquiries from collectors alike for show times and details.

We have booked for the court yard again some unique real vehicles and reinactors to help bring the show alive (and entertain the kids and Mike!!)

Also to let you know that if we come runners up in our group England will be playing the winners of group 'A' on the Saturday with a kickoff of 4pm!!. We will have TVs and there are also TVs in the bar area. If we win the group we play on the Sunday at 4pm, so no worries there.

Monty is right as well if we can ask all our regulars to pre order it saves me driving down with lorry full of the wrong items!!


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Sounds good Tony,i just put my pre show order in for AK23.It will also be good for checking out the new guys on the block.Hope to see what the NMA german paras are like.


Made my dad laugh that this form of communication works!!! thanks he thinks i just play on the computer...!!

For those US guys woundering what i am going on about with England. It is the World Cup...........thats that Soccer thing that is the biggest sport in the world!!! or you could say true FOOTBALL.

Ho Ho lets wait for the kicking from the States.

Yeah your right Tony.Someones bound to say that we didn't beat the Germans in 1966 and that in fact General George Patton did two days earlier!

(and Montgomery was substituted at half time)

Yeah your right Tony.Someones bound to say that we didn't beat the Germans in 1966 and that in fact General George Patton did two days earlier!

(and Montgomery was substituted at half time)

I'm so excited about the World Cup now. I've put my wallchart up here at work already. I can't wait to get filling it in.

Now i need a handheld telly to watch all the 2pm kick offs at work.
Eazy said:
I'm so excited about the World Cup now. I've put my wallchart up here at work already. I can't wait to get filling it in.

Now i need a handheld telly to watch all the 2pm kick offs at work.

You've probably worked out already that Andy, as a proud Scotsman, is probably cheering on any decision that fellow Scot Alex Ferguson makes regarding Wayne Rooney's fitness!

(Then again maybe the Auld Enemy thing is disappearing: a Scot like Gordon Brown has taken to appealing to English voters, which he has taken to mean as offering the national holiday in the event of the win, with crude back-up plans such as acknowledging the existence of cricket bats etc. But what about, erm disasters such as the true plodding/losing spirit of Tim Henman? The Aussies once tried to hijack a poll to put him there as the epitome of English sportsmanship).

You'll probably be unsurprised to hear that there are a contingent of Irish people cheering on England. They will be drowned out by the many who do not though.

PS: Now I'm aware that Irish people can point to William Brown founding the navy in Argentina, or perhaps also celebrating General Bernardo O'Higgins drinking every Chilean vinyard dry in the name of their post-Napoleonic independence movement, but it'll be very hard for the most peculiar Irishman to find a link with Paraguay. (I think that there was an Irish lady called Eliza Alicia Lynch married to one of the López dictators, buit it's hardly an Evita figure. Then again how much encouragement do many of them need .... ).

Then again I'm sure there'll be unheard-of Welsh, Scottish and Irish allegiances found in Sweden, Trinidad/Tobago and Paraguay...
I too can't wait for the Cup to start. We probably need a Cup thread. I have numerous teams I'm rooting for: the US (of course), Spain, Brazil, Trinidad and England. Why the last few? I lived in Spain, Brazil and Trinidad and I watch the EPL on FSC throughout the year so I'm rooting for England too. If you ask me who I'm really rooting for it's Spain. I'm still upset for they way they were jobbed by the refs in Korea.

About two days to go, bring it on :)
Traditionally Spain always underachieve at the World Cup. They always have a good team but just never manage to avoid falling apart in some way.
The Dutch are very similar.
England are usually unlucky losers.
Germany always seem to manage to scrape through to the final despite being pretty ordinary. They just seem to have the right mindset.
Brazil are always favourites.
France might be a bit past it this time.
Argentina look good.
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oh BTW Wayne Rooney is having a scan on the most famous 4th metatarsal in the world today. If you listen carefully you can hear a nation holding it's breath.

I am very impressed that an American guy has such intrest in real footy (still trying to stir up some fun with that one!!) here we go as a failed YTS for the English football league due to injury here is my 'pundit' view.

Spain......... To many foriegners play in their leagues making it hard for a good national team.
Germany agree with Eazy just get in most of the time by chance and the 80's were the best time for them.
France three or four world class players but agree may have had their time
USA ................. say no more they always want to pick up the ball!! :D and i think the Budweiser adds you see for the world cup are brilliant
Italy..............80's no stars anymore
Holland...............not enough world class players
Portugal...........always can bite you on the butt if you dont watch them
Arentina................90's were at their best
Brazil................i reckon in the final come on even me with Ozzie blood what do those bunch of crims no about footy
South Korea............ not enough hand to hand combat for them although never underestermate them
Sweden............ should go back to making furniture but always put up a good fight
Poland ..........missed their chances in the 80's
Iran, Trin & Tob, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Angola, Mexico, Ivory Coast, Serb & Mont, Czech Rep, Japan, Ghana, Togo, Switzerland, Ukraine & saudi Well they are all there to be beaten in the first week to make the Cup more interesting.

That leaves ENGLAND basically the Land of Hope and Glory....................... IN THE FINAL WITH BRAZIL and then ...........eeeemmmm i will have to watch the rest of the Cup to see. Rooney is a must but with Becks on form it is ours. Very nice bloke and his feet are magic.


I'm on board with you about real football. A couple of observations:

Spain - too many foreigners? Doesn't England also have that problem. I remember the Gunners having no English lads in their Champions League semi final.

US - A good side but in the Group of Death unfortunately

Italy - I've heard about this fellow Luca Toni that's supposed to carry them. Apparently, they're playing more attacking football. So who knows.

Argentina - Several good players (Lionel Messi) but no Maradona. But then again those kind don't come around too often.

I think England has a real good shot so will be pulling for them. I even have an England shirt I'll be wearing for the first match on Saturday. Even without Wayne, they still have a good chance. Even though it was Jamaica, they looked good in their 6-0 drubbing.

My own observations.

Spain - Very talented side, but are mainly a collection of individuals. In Alonso, they have probably one of the best passers in world football, but they don't play as a team. See countless past WC and EC.

Argentina - In Messi they have probably one of the biggest talents in world football. but again like Spain, in my opinion they are a collection of individuals. In Riquelme they have a great playmaker but if he fails (Arsenal Cham Lge) they fail.

Italy - Big problems in their domestic league, but always have the potential to go far. I'm surprised so much is made of Totti, he has always failed to deliver in the big games for me.

France - Reached their peak in 98.

Brazil - World Cup Winners' 06 - different class.

USA - Ummmmh, sorry. ( Group of Death and all that )

Germany - Not the team they use to be. Would love England to knock them out in the first knockout stage. Ballack injured as well.

Holland - Four years to early. Kuyt and co could be a force...... in the next world cup.

England - I like the rest of the English race have suffered these last few years. We always seem to be unlucky. I remember watching the England Portugal game in the euro's of 00 with 16 Americans and they couldn't believe how worked up a bloke could get over a "Soccer" game. If only they knew.
I do believe that we can get to the final this time, but Brazil are waiting. ( see my Brazil comment).

I also support Liverpool, and so between Istanbul and the FA Cup final this year I have no nerves left. Well we can hope. I'll let you know Saturday PM.

Good luck to all teams.

Very Nervous Andy


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