Lone Survivor (1 Viewer)

Got to see this today and really liked it. Thought it very well done. Liked all the build-up to the mission. I have always been very impressed by what the SF guys go through to accomplish their missions, both in training and the missions themselves. The conveyed combat was terrific. The beating these dedicated men can take and still function is incredible. One of the better war films I have seen in a while. -- Al
Got to see this today and really liked it. Thought it very well done. Liked all the build-up to the mission. I have always been very impressed by what the SF guys go through to accomplish their missions, both in training and the missions themselves. The conveyed combat was terrific. The beating these dedicated men can take and still function is incredible. One of the better war films I have seen in a while. -- Al

this was a pretty good watch...
when I saw the recent news on Bowe Bergdahl...
it made me think of this show...
Got to see this today and really liked it. Thought it very well done. Liked all the build-up to the mission. I have always been very impressed by what the SF guys go through to accomplish their missions, both in training and the missions themselves. The conveyed combat was terrific. The beating these dedicated men can take and still function is incredible. One of the better war films I have seen in a while. -- Al


Pick it up yesterday on blu-ray. May be hard to watch, I don't know.

John from Texas

Pick it up yesterday on blu-ray. May be hard to watch, I don't know.

John from Texas
John, it is a little hard to watch in terms of the combat and the resultant deaths but the movie does a good job in conveying the dedication to one another, the mission, and the comradship/morale of the Navy SEALs. Well worth the viewing. -- Al
Haven't seen this yet.

Kind of you to revive this 3 year old thread to let us know. Probably just a co-incidence you did it a few hours after Blaster created a new thread on this movie. Could have posted in that thread but guess you are trying to make some sort of point even though you have not even watched it.
Hi all

Didn't realize there was an existing thread on this movie. Sorry to duplicate.
Just saw this movie and it's very engaging. Just wanted to share my recommendation with old and new frogmen on this forum.

Didn't realize there was an existing thread on this movie. Sorry to duplicate.
Just saw this movie and it's very engaging. Just wanted to share my recommendation with old and new frogmen on this forum.
Think nothing of it. You reminded me that I have had it sitting in my VUDU account unwatched for some time.
I guess I'll have to get on the ball and watch. Also have '71 to watch. Way behind. Keep reminding me.
'71 is just great! I thought I was reduced to watching the nth rerun of Zulu until I discovered that I could survey a lot of other potential war movies by looking for images of war movie posters on the internet.

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