Looking for Complete List of Britains American Revolution Series (1 Viewer)


Dec 9, 2006
Greetings All,

New to the Forum, and new to collecting. I have about a peices of the Britains American Revolution series, and my goal is to eventually collect the entire series. Where might I find a complete list of every offerring in this series?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Greetings All, New to the Forum, and new to collecting. I have about a peices of the Britains American Revolution series, and my goal is to eventually collect the entire series. Where might I find a complete list of every offerring in this series? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Welcome to the forum WBAR. :cool: You have found a great place for the new collector. All kinds of information concerning toy soldiers, what ever the manufacturer, and tons of experienced collectors ready willing and able to help.

Using the search function on the forum's tool bar. I found the following threads in response to your question about a complete Britains listing:
For the 2006 Britains catalog click on http://www.treefrogtreasures.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1884&highlight=britains+catalog
For a reference source from a previous posting (http://membres.lycos.fr/toysoldiers/) click on http://www.treefrogtreasures.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1124&highlight=britains+catalog to see the original thread.

I hope this helps answer at least part of your question.:)

Thanks for the link to the older catalogs. Being new to the hobby, I do not understand the numbering system employed by Britains. The numbering system does not appear to be consecutive within specific series. Should I assume that the catalogs show every item within the series, or are there other items available not necessarily pictured in the catalogs?

I am a pretty serious collector of Britains however I only have a few of the American Revolution sets so I will say that the fellow you probably need to chat with is REVWARBUFF. He has a good read on what has been produced. I have several Cataloges from Britains and will say you need to get copies of the ones from 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 2nd half. I dont have the one from 2000 or 2001 so I cant say what was available for those years but if you contact the WBritains Collectors Club in the UK at:


They should be able to help you acquire the information you need.

The club web address is:


Worth joining and you may find the information you need.

All the best


I also want to extend my sincerest welcome to you in joining this forum. I have been away from the forum for the past 2 days, otherwise I would have responded sooner. I have only been in the hobby since late 2005 but have managed to collect all the Britians rev war items that I need. My collection is pretty extensive and I have at least 90% of their entire line.

I will be glad to help you in your search and your goal of acquiring all the rev war pieces Britians has made. It is a very good line if you're into this time period and I believe the figures are well sculpted. I will say up front that many of the pieces are fastly becoming rare and therefore expensive if you should find them. So be ready to spend a lot if you really want to get all the figures ever made.

If you can afford it, definitely begin purchasing what you find immediately. I would of course direct you to Treefrog Treasures first and foremost. If you want, send me a private message and I'll work on assembling a comprehensive list of all the pieces for you if you still need one. Also, I can give you my resources where I've bought many of these items, which again, are very hard to find.

If your looking for retired sets of britains rev.war figures Ebay is about the best place to find them.
A lot of dealers on ebay have stores that carry retired britains and if you find one that has some they also may have others so you can use the contact seller button and ask if they have more of them, I,ve gotten many hard to find iteams this way. Just be carefull who you deal with on side dealings and try and stick with sellers who have stores and good feedback and you might find a few deals.
I have quite a few britains rev. war and I am willing to sell some of them so if you pm me with the sets you want I will see what I can do.
I think the list below should have most of the items in the series. I only have (18), so many more still to go. What should I go for first - the multi-peice items, or the single peice items? I assume the multi-peice items were made in lesser quantities than the single-peice items, and therefore are harder to come by. Any ideas?

Item # Description
17213 Battle of Concord Diorama
17214 American Command Set
17215 British Command Set
17216 Paul Revere on Horseback
17221 10th Foot Light Infantry
17222 American Minutemen
17229 Washington Crossing the Delaware
17230 Signing of the Declaration of Independence
17236 American Minuteman
17276 Colonel Daniel Morgan
17277 Francis "Swamp Fox" Marion
17278 Lord Cornwallis
17289 Sir William Howe
17280 Continental Army
17281 52nd Regiment of Foot
17282 Washington Crossing the Delaware - Add-On
17283 Spirit of '76
17284 Wasington Crossing the Delaware - Add-On
17285 American 6-lb. Field Piece Artillery Set w/ 5 figures
17286 Hessian Infantry

17345 General Horatio Gates
17346 American Nathaniel Greene
17347 British General John Burgoyne
17348 British Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarleton
17349 Battle of Saratoga American 2nd MA Command Set
17350 Battle of Saratoga British 62nd Foot Command Set
17351 Germantown 40th Foot Command Set - British
17352 Germantown 3rd NJ Command Set - American
17354 Battle of Saratoga American 2nd MA Infantry Set
17355 Battle of Saratoga British 62nd Foot Infantry Set
17356 Battle of Germantown American 3rd NJ Infantry Set
17357 Battle of Germantown British 40th Foot Infantry Set

17421 Valley Forge Set, Washington, Von Stubben
17443 Marquis de Lafayette
17444 "Mad" Anthony Wayne
17445 Pennsylvanian Flag Bearer
17447 Minutemen
17448 23rd Foot Grenadiers (Monmouth)
17449 Morgan's Rifle Corps, 1779
17446 10th Foot
17449 Morgan Rifleman
17450 Continental Marines
17451 Molly Pitcher Set

17536 George Washington Mounted
17537 George Rogers Clark
17538 US 1st Regiment Dragoons
17539 British 17th Light Dragoons
17540 Butlers Tory Rangers
17541 18th French Gratinois Regiment
17542 Iroquis Warriors
17543 George Rogers Clark's Virginians
17544 Nathan Hale
17579 Light Dragoons, British Legion, 1780-81
17580 Howard's MD Continentals Battle of Cowpens
17581 7th Regiment of Foot (Royal Fusilers) Cowpens
17582 Command Set, 23rd Regiment of Foot, RWF
17583 Lieutenant, 2nd SC Regiment
17584 SC Mounted Militia

17752 Yorktown Redoubt #10 - Corner Section
17757 Yorktown Redoubt #10 - American Assault Set #1
17758 Yorktown Redoubt #10 - American Assault Set #2
17759 American NY Light Infantry Charging Set #1
17763 Alexander Hamilton - American Light Infantry Cdr.
17764 Yorktown Redoubt #10 - British 71st Firing Set #1
17783 British 17th Regiment of Foot Drummer

17802 American RI Light Infantry At-the-Ready
17836 Redoubt #10 - British 71st Highlanders Set #1
17837 Redoubt #10 - British Officers and NCO's
17838 Redoubt #10 - 71st Regiment Firing Set #1
17839 British 71st and RI - Hand to Hand
17840 American Continental Infantry At-the-Ready
17841 American Light Infantry Charging
17842 British 17th Regiment Standing and Firing
17843 British 71st Highlanders Standing Firing
17844 American Continental Line Flagbearer
17845 American Continental Line Firing Set #1
17846 Yorktown Redoubt #10- British 17th Defending #1

I posted a similar question a while back (sceic2 referenced the thread in his response).

I wish there was an electronic catalog with pictures of all the recently released Britains. Something that covers the last 20 years would be awesome. It would be even better if it was possible to download updates when new sets are released.

Oh well... just wishful thinking. I use the http://membres.lycos.fr/toysoldiers/ site often.

Good luck!
IMO part of the problem with obtaining past information is that Britains has sold at least three times that I know of and as ownership changes, a loss of company history appears to have happened. Plus, I don't think most of the toy soldier makers kept very good photos that are available on line. Heck, Andy at K&C, according to Louis, has not keep records of what his company has made, let alone photographs. I guess that's the nature of the collecting beast...the hunt for the unremembered piece or the uncollected series.
Hi Guys,

I will have to agree that the sale of Britains several times has not helped with the records.

I spent a long time cateloging the series I keep track of (The Durbar) and have even sent a copy of my work to the folks at Britains but the file is really big and it takes way too much space to link here. I will tell you that the best way to cateloge these series is to find old copies of the catelogs and pull out the list manually and compile it. I posted the entire series minus the photos over on the Durbar question Thread if you are interested. I would love to see someone else document their entire line for the last 20 years but I dont know if there is such a person out there willing to do that kind of work.

Britains Collectors Club recently asked the question how they could improve so I gave them a detailed answer on how they might improve the website and like to old cateloges and brochures so folks like us could do research. I hope they are able to do at least a portion of what I suggested. I would imagine other are making similar suggestions.

Dont get discouraged yet but I will tell you it may be a very long battle for information.

All the best


That list you posted is complete as far as I know. I compiled the same list with everything you have. I do, however, have one item on my list that you do not. That is 17445B; it is a Continental Flag Bearer. Also I noticed a typo on your list in that the item # for William Howe should be 17729 (you have 17829). Might make a difference if you order by item #.

I would advise, if you are trying to obtain the complete set, to purchase the lower numbered items first as they are the oldest and most hard to find. I have a list of a handful of dealers who still carry some of the old items if you need some assistance. If interested, please send me PM and I'll be glad to help.

All the best to you in your hunt.

From my recollection, the Washington Crossing the Delaware sets may be pretty hard to find. It's the most requested old set, but we haven't had it in probably 4 years!

There was also a single special figure made for a company that ended up not being able to purchase them all - I'll have to double check to see if it is on your list. I hope to get to this tonight.
Greetings All,

New to the Forum, and new to collecting. I have about a peices of the Britains American Revolution series, and my goal is to eventually collect the entire series. Where might I find a complete list of every offerring in this series?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Welcome aboard WBAR! You might try joing Britains collllector club. Otherwise you might try hitting up dealers for old catalogs. Good Luck!:)
From my recollection, the Washington Crossing the Delaware sets may be pretty hard to find. It's the most requested old set, but we haven't had it in probably 4 years!

There was also a single special figure made for a company that ended up not being able to purchase them all - I'll have to double check to see if it is on your list. I hope to get to this tonight.

There is another single figure that is rather rare that I sculpted back in 1998 when I worked for Ertle/W. Britain. This was a special done for the Valley Forge, PA show of a private of the 13th VA at parade rest in somewhat ragged clothing. I think there might have been 150 or so made and I only have an unpainted resin in my collection! Ken Osen/Hudson & Allen Studio/ONWTC
Ken - I was thinking of 17236 - The Minuteman. I don't believe it ever showed up in catalogues. I do see that it was on the list posted in this thread.

I didn't know there was another. Thanks for the update.

I have one minuteman Britains from 2000. This is a running minuteman #RW-29 made expressly for Fox Collectibles. Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine was giving this and the General Wolfe figure for free at Chicago this year with a subscription. I cannot keep track of their numbering system nowdays. Leadmen
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Thanks for the responses everyone. I would have responded sooner but for some reason the website is very fickle about letting me log in, and then even more fickle about letting me post anything!

Mitch292 - I sent you a PM with my email address if you are interested in my offer.
Greetings, I just found this forum...I am in the process of liquidating my Brother-in-law's estate and I have some of the items that you are looking for:

#17213 Battle of Concord Bridge
#17451 Molly Pitcher with Cannon
#17236 American Minutemen (2 copies)

All are in the original boxes with the original wrappings.

If interested, please contact me.

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