Looking for FOV 81007 Sherman (2 Viewers)

Thanks for your help, gents! I’m hot on the tail of a MINT 81007. I’ll keep you posted.


I just picked up the FOV tank you're looking for at the West Coaster Show. PM if you're still interested. It's mint in the a sealed FOV box.

I met Carlos aka the "deskman" at the West Coaster and must say he was quite a nice guy with an equally pleasant wife. The SACRED FOV item he picked up for treadhead says it all!

Beaufighter OUT
Hey, guys ... guess what ...

I finally got my 81007!!! My good friend and über-buddy Carlos found it, bought it, and then sent it to me. I couldn't be happier!
Looks terrific sitting along side my other FOVs.

Just want to thank Carlos for going to all that trouble. He's da man!
Hey, guys ... guess what ...

I finally got my 81007!!! My good friend and über-buddy Carlos found it, bought it, and then sent it to me. I couldn't be happier!
Looks terrific sitting along side my other FOVs.

Just want to thank Carlos for going to all that trouble. He's da man!

You're welcome, I'm glad I was able to help a fellow collector. FOV still remains great value for the money.

Hi, everybody! I'm a newby at Treefrog, and I'd just like to say how glad I am to be here. I absolutely LOVE Forces of Valor 1/32 tanks, etc., which I only recently began to collect. I can't get enough of them.

Anyway, I'm having extreme trouble finding the FOV 81007 Sherman. I've looked everywhere for it (eBay, web vendors), but I'm having little luck. Does anybody know where I can get my hands on one? It's gotta be boxed and preferably mint :D .

Thanks again, fellow Treefroggers! :p
hey treadheads
groundpounder here
i m looking for some nam versions of the m-4 and apc 114 for a diorama

any clues
7th cav
Sir, there were no M4s in US use in the RVN - they were long out of service. The ARVNs used a few M24 Chaffees that the French left, and these were supplemented by US-supplied M41s. The standard US Army and Marine battle tank of the Viet Nam conflict was the M48A3 "Patton". A few M48A2s saw service as well as a few M551 Sheridans, but the M48A3 is the classic American tank from the Viet Nam conflict. Right now there aren't any M48A3s in 1/32nd scale. There have been models in 1/35th and a Gorgi in 1/50th as well as the big 21st Century M48A3 in 1/18th scale. The M113A1 ACAV has been done by King and Country as well as in plastic by 21st Century. 21st Century has also do an M41 in 1/32nd, but they model it in US colors - it should be ARVN.

There were quite a few tanky-thingies in the RVN, they just haven't been modeled in 1/32nd scale very often.

Sir, there were no M4s in US use in the RVN - they were long out of service. The ARVNs used a few M24 Chaffees that the French left, and these were supplemented by US-supplied M41s. The standard US Army and Marine battle tank of the Viet Nam conflict was the M48A3 "Patton". A few M48A2s saw service as well as a few M551 Sheridans, but the M48A3 is the classic American tank from the Viet Nam conflict. Right now there aren't any M48A3s in 1/32nd scale. There have been models in 1/35th and a Gorgi in 1/50th as well as the big 21st Century M48A3 in 1/18th scale. The M113A1 ACAV has been done by King and Country as well as in plastic by 21st Century. 21st Century has also do an M41 in 1/32nd, but they model it in US colors - it should be ARVN.

There were quite a few tanky-thingies in the RVN, they just haven't been modeled in 1/32nd scale very often.



I have always been amazed in your detailed knowledge of tanks; wow.

Gary, I have always been amazed in your detailed knowledge of tanks; wow. Carlos


Thank you, I tend to buy tank books faster than figures. Actually, I think the phrase most often applied is "are wasting your time on that again?" :)


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