Lost in Space (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
As a big fan of the original series with its low-budget aliens and Dr. Smithisms, I was curious about the Netflix reboot. The actor who plays John Robinson looked really familiar and had to look him up to realize he was Capt. Flint in Black Sails. He is not nearly as good in this role. Overall, a bit disappointing. The robot looks like something they lifted from Transformers. The characters are mostly unlikable. Imagine Fear the Walking Dead in outer space. It was nice to see Billy Mumy make a quick cameo, though, as the "real" Dr. Smith (his friend/nemesis from the original show). I rate this one as watchable but not particularly good.
I have zero interest in it, just as I had zero interest in the movie that was made a couple of years back. The original was so campy, unintentionally so, that it's impossible to recapture that, and I'm not interested in seeing a serious treatment of the concept.

I have zero interest in it, just as I had zero interest in the movie that was made a couple of years back. The original was so campy, unintentionally so, that it's impossible to recapture that, and I'm not interested in seeing a serious treatment of the concept.


Agreed some things are left well enough alone; there is only one Doctor Smith, only one robot, the sets and creatures were so cheesy that it worked, leave it alone.
Do you realy remember it right ?

As I'm only 70 years old, I liked ( like value 6/10 ) the new one, and I remember hating the 65 version (perhaps because I had already read Van Vogt, Hamilton, Sprague de Camp, Russel, Lewis, Hamilton ... So the usual, for that time, redhead, freckles faced kid, dressed with chewing gum wrapping paper, loving a robot instead of the usual dog bored me to death; but I must admit I was already 17 at that time . If you are 10 years younger, I can admit you liked it .


By the way the robot of 19l5 is on the shelves of the 2018 episodes in the room of the kid
Do you realy remember it right ?

As I'm only 70 years old, I liked ( like value 6/10 ) the new one, and I remember hating the 65 version (perhaps because I had already read Van Vogt, Hamilton, Sprague de Camp, Russel, Lewis, Hamilton ... So the usual, for that time, redhead, freckles faced kid, dressed with chewing gum wrapping paper, loving a robot instead of the usual dog bored me to death; but I must admit I was already 17 at that time . If you are 10 years younger, I can admit you liked it .


By the way the robot of 19l5 is on the shelves of the 2018 episodes in the room of the kid

The shows are apple and oranges. The 60s show was campy and fun. The Netflix reboot is more serious sci fi. The interesting thing with remakes is that many of the fans of the original are the most passionate in their disdain for the remake. They feel loyal to the original and disdain anyone messing with the original concept. I loved the original show as a kid. This version doesn't inspire that same passion. Maybe it is age related. Maybe it is a sign of the times. Likes and dislikes are ultimately subjective. I've found it watchable but not particularly likeable.
Turned off episode 1 after about 10 minutes. Slow, boring and meh
Had a look on your instagram
Very nice pictures of you collection

Thank you - I’ll get round to adding everything at some point. Keep adding new stuff and don’t go back and do old stuff.
**comment with spoilers**

I really like this Netflix version of LIS. I was very skeptical, but it is more like a big budget sci-fi flick than a low budget mini-series.
I was a fan of the original but it was not done in with any serious attitude. I really like the characters in this new series. It has a lot of ties back to the original, the Chariot, for example. I also like the fact that the Robot is from an Alien race. So they have no idea what it is capable of, they are always learning something new about it. And they put a nice twist on the "Dr. Smith" character, which I won't spoil for anyone here. This version also reminds me of the original 60's comic books series, I still have some of my original 60's LIS comics. The covers always had some kind of action scene depicted, and they were more of a serious nature than the goofy TV series. Saw the first 2 episode and looking forward to the rest.

I didn’t like the original series. I thought June Lockhart was terrible and the actor who played Will was worse. However, I did like Dr. Smith. I’ve been watching the new show with my son and, yes, they are different: the Netflix version is about 100 times better.
I didn’t like the original series. I thought June Lockhart was terrible and the actor who played Will was worse. However, I did like Dr. Smith. I’ve been watching the new show with my son and, yes, they are different: the Netflix version is about 100 times better.

Totally agree with you Brad!
Same experience here. Not another Game of Thrones or Westworld, but watchable.
I liked the old one but love the new series and can't see why people are down on it so much . It's great science fiction everything you want . Chris.
I quite like this reboot. It's everything Sci-fi should be. Take it for what it is, and not for what it isn't, a copy of the old show. I was never a fan of the original, although I have seen it. I find this new version much better than the original, but it is, as said earlier, apples to oranges. This new version is just good sci-fi. -- Al
The ending wasn’t what I expected so there will definitely be a second season.
The ending wasn’t what I expected so there will definitely be a second season.
Was a very interesting choice by the writers to go through the entire first season before the Robinson's actually become Lost in Space. Very clever and I look forward to more. -- Al
I never saw the original series so i cant comment on that , but am really enjoying this reboot. Dr Smith adds a little bit of menace and of course still not sure if the robot is good or bad. Only 4 eps in so far, but so far so good.
I finished watching the show. I respect all coments posted, but in my view trying to compare it with the original from the 1960s is futile and pointless as we're talking about completely different things. It is not even like comparing oranges with apples, which are both at least fruits, but rather want to compare fruits with vegetables... Yes, they are worlds apart, and let me say, this new one IMHO is by far much better than the one I saw as a kid. I don't say that because of production quality (wich would be a completley unfair comparisson due to the filming tecnollogy available at the time as to what we have today), but because of what is comparable and counts most: storyline and screenplay on one hand, and acting on the other. On both items, this new Lost in Space is a universe ahead! Can't wait to see what the second season wil bring, since only now they are really beginig their journey lost in space...
I wrapped up the season and started liking it more and more as it went on. Maybe not the greatest show in history but certainly entertaining. It had the usual implausible (even for a sci fi show) plots twists like the robot switching allegiance back and forth at critical moments for no apparent reason but hoping there is a second season.
I got my wife watching this, and then drifted off with a book (or two). I did see enough of the series to grow used to its episodic cliffhanger cycle, most of which centered on inconvenient, but always resolvable, issues with the Robinson’s remarably robust space vehicle. As a barely-closeted techhead, I got something of a kick out of so much retro hardware in use...a wired hand microphone for coms in the equally robust land rover...REALLY? :rolleyes: Sorry to be such a killjoy, but it’s rare sci-fi, indeed, that really grabs me.


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