LWG013 and NOR090 Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwinds! (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
And to round out this month's releases, we have two new variants of our Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind! Excellent timing on these, as I think we have only 1 or 2 left of BB033 Wirbelwind. The Wirbelwind was a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun developed by the Germans during WWII based on the chassis of the Panzer IV tank. The turret was removed from the Panzer IV and replaced with a 9 sided turret that carried the quad mounted 2 cm Flakvierling 38 AA gun. Because of it's high rate of fire and armor, the Flakpanzer IV was also used against ground targets including light armored vehicles, trucks, and of course infantry targets.

For our two variants, set LWG013 more than any other highlights why we created the Late War German series of products. We found an interesting concept, a Wirbelwind with the turret #31 with whitewash over camo that was captured in France in February 1945. As such it doesn't really fit into any of our normal/battle ranges, but the LWG series gives us a platform to produce such vehicles. And as it doesn't have a divisional insignia, it really can be used in any winter 1944-1945 situation.

NOR090 German Flakpanzer IV "Wirbelwind" with 2 Summer Crew Figures, 17th SS Pz Gren Gotz von Berlichingen is painted in a slightly different camo scheme than our usual Normandy vehicles and adds some much needed air defense to stave off the allied "Jabos!"

Both models share the following features:

Made from a mixed media (resin, metal, plastic, brass, photo etch, etc...) and has the following features:

- 2 Winter (LWG) or Summer (NOR) Full Crew Figures manning the Gun (fixed in place)
- Fully rotating Turret
- AA Gun raises and lowers in many positions
- Opening and Closing Hatches
- Antenna
- Extremely realistic weathering and superb sculpting and painting

We have also brought back the "sagging" tracks that we used to use but got away from a bit for these models.

NOR090 German Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind - 17th SS Pz Gren Gotz von Berlichingen $399.95
LWG013 German Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind - Staff Company, France 1945 $399.95
Ships Middle August













These models have been produced in limited numbers and will be the last of the Wirbelwinds we'll make. We hope you like them!


First Legion
Despite the high price I do like the NOR090 Flakpanzer. I might have to order one and grab it at the CTSS.

Despite the high price I do like the NOR090 Flakpanzer. I might have to order one and grab it at the CTSS.


That's the pick of the litter for me as well, wish we had a better view of the figures.
I wish FL would have picked one camo pattern for the Normandy Wirbelwind and stuck with it. Either patter would have looked great, but personally I think it looks weird that the hull and turret are in two completely different patterns.
I wish FL would have picked one camo pattern for the Normandy Wirbelwind and stuck with it. Either patter would have looked great, but personally I think it looks weird that the hull and turret are in two completely different patterns.

Good eye! I never noticed that until you pointed it out. Does look a little off......
I wish FL would have picked one camo pattern for the Normandy Wirbelwind and stuck with it. Either patter would have looked great, but personally I think it looks weird that the hull and turret are in two completely different patterns.

Yes, good eye although it still doesn't bother me and i'll still grab one in Chicago.

Sorry to throw a spanner in the works, but there were no Wirbelwinds with the 17SS in Normandy. These type vehicles were first received by the Division in late December 44. During the Normandy fighting the 17SS had to make do with towed pieces in its Stug Bn. and SP Sdkfz 7/1 quad flak serving with the HQ Battery of its Artillery Regiment. The only unit to have Wirbelwinds in Normandy was the 12SS Hitlerjugend, and those three vehicles were hybrid field modifications.
Sorry to throw a spanner in the works, but there were no Wirbelwinds with the 17SS in Normandy. These type vehicles were first received by the Division in late December 44. During the Normandy fighting the 17SS had to make do with towed pieces in its Stug Bn. and SP Sdkfz 7/1 quad flak serving with the HQ Battery of its Artillery Regiment. The only unit to have Wirbelwinds in Normandy was the 12SS Hitlerjugend, and those three vehicles were hybrid field modifications.

Nice information but I don't see any unit markings on the FL Wirbelwind in question nor a Vehicle number. I know they have listed it as belonging to the 17th but really a collector could use it for whatever he wants. Wehrmacht or Waffen SS right ? I can't see the uniforms in the photo's so I don't know if they are portraying an SS unit or not . Thanks Gebhard
Nice information but I don't see any unit markings on the FL Wirbelwind in question nor a Vehicle number. I know they have listed it as belonging to the 17th but really a collector could use it for whatever he wants. Wehrmacht or Waffen SS right ? I can't see the uniforms in the photo's so I don't know if they are portraying an SS unit or not . Thanks Gebhard

Yes. That is why I mentioned the 12SS Hitlerjugend. They were the only unit operating in Normandy with Wirbelwinds, so these vehicles would be ideal in portraying that Division. Alternately, the vehicle could be used for numerous Panzer units operating in the Ardennes as most did not have whitewash during the first week of the Campaign.

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