M26 Pershing (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Mar 14, 2009
Hi Guys

I am considering buying an M26 Pershing from Collectors Showcase for a late war Diorama that i am building. Thing is i want to use it with King and country Tank riders and other KC figures and vehicles. I hate to get into a scale discussion, all i really want to know is will the tank dwarf the figures, and are the M26 Tankers more or less the same size as KC figures. I have several set of Collectors Showcase ACW figures and these in my opinion work well with other manufactures figures, but i did hear that CS"s WWII series was significantly larger than thier other series???.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!.

Steve I don't have the Perishing but i do have allot of TCS WW2 vehicles (German) and they go great with K&C so no problem mate I reckon.
I have looked at both of these products and I think they should look pretty good together.
I would love to see some pictures if you go ahead with your project.
Thanks Guys for your replys ....(Wayne. Ken, Kurt)... and very usefull info. The video was extremely helpfull, and with all your advice i have decided to go ahead with the purchase of the M26....only thing is i will have to get shut of that awfull overdone rust!!!!!. Ken this is a project i have been working on for some time now. it"s big to say the least 120cmX48cm and i guess you could say that it breaks about all the rules in the book!!, I am using stuff out of the 1/35th world..(with a few tricks) + KC figures will be used, and then the CS M26 Pershing...sounds like a big mess????......but i am quite happy how it is progressing at this moment and if the final result does"nt work out then i have had a lot of fun putting it together!! I will try to put some in progress pic"s within the next 2 weeks and i would appreciate it if you guys can tell me if i am on the right TRACK or not >>>and there is the clue TRACKS!!!!.

All the best Steve
Many of the TCS AFVs are 1:28 in scale and the K&C figures are about 1:28 and look good with those TCS AFVs. But watch out for the K&C AFVs and vehicles as most are 1:30 and may look a bit small next to a TCS vehicle.

Many of the TCS AFVs are 1:28 in scale and the K&C figures are about 1:28 and look good with those TCS AFVs. But watch out for the K&C AFVs and vehicles as most are 1:30 and may look a bit small next to a TCS vehicle.


Good tip Terry.....The M26 is now on it:s way, so it is too late to back out now!!...and if it does"nt work out i can always use it as a stand-alone model.

Steve; I would rather have the figures too small than too large. K&C, TSC and John Jinkins figures all work well with TSC Armour IMHO. Remember that the human figure varies greatly in size. Average height of a man in WWII was about 5' 8" tall and could range between 5' 2" to 6' 4". Pictures of WWII personel along side tanks show the size variations to be expected. Regards
Steve; I would rather have the figures too small than too large. K&C, TSC and John Jinkins figures all work well with TSC Armour IMHO. Remember that the human figure varies greatly in size. Average height of a man in WWII was about 5' 8" tall and could range between 5' 2" to 6' 4". Pictures of WWII personel along side tanks show the size variations to be expected. Regards

If you walk around any WWII museum then you see from the existing uniforms that those guys were much smaller then than the serviceman of today.
Yeah they were small.....but real big on GUTS...!!!!!!!!.

Good tip Terry.....The M26 is now on it:s way, so it is too late to back out now!!...and if it does"nt work out i can always use it as a stand-alone model.


I got caught out a few years ago. I bought the desert version of the TCS AB41. It is an excellent model. But when I added the K&C Semovente and M13/40 a few years later I was surprised. The AB41 measured out at 1:28 and the K&C AFVs at 1:30. The AB41 was a large vehicle and the Semovente and M13/40 were small vehicles, but the scale difference makes them look wrong together as it exaggerates the size/scale difference.

I got caught out a few years ago. I bought the desert version of the TCS AB41. It is an excellent model. But when I added the K&C Semovente and M13/40 a few years later I was surprised. The AB41 measured out at 1:28 and the K&C AFVs at 1:30. The AB41 was a large vehicle and the Semovente and M13/40 were small vehicles, but the scale difference makes them look wrong together as it exaggerates the size/scale difference.


Guess i will just have to start up a collection of CS vehicles + tanks and the M26 will be my first!!!!!!

I've pretty much given up worrying about scale. The manufacturers are all over the map with AFVs and figure scales, even within their own product lines. Instead of moving toward a standard scale, the manufacturers have moved away from it.

Figarti armour is a true 1/30 scale and work very well with first legion figures; which are generally 1/30 scale. The early K&C armour and figures were 1/32 scale and evolved into 1/30 scale vehicles and 1/28 scale figures. Figarti also started out with 1/32 vehicles, but upscaled to 1/30. The figures from all the nominal 1/30 scale manufacturers can vary widely in actual size even within the same range. The first TCS Tiger I was a true 1/30 scale as are the figures; but most of the other TCS vehicles are 1/28. Thomas Gunn vehicles are generally 1/30 scale and the figures are 1/28. Even 1/32 figures can be oversize from some manufacturers. I buy figures I like and use them with vehicles from various manufacturers. The large K&C and TSC figures work well with 1/25 scale models from Tamiya; which are very accurate AFV's. My 1/24 scale Pershing from Unimax is displayed with TSC figures and they look really good togather in a diorama.
pershing.jpgpershing2.jpgpershing4.jpgpershing5.jpgpershing3.jpgI took care of the rust issue with the TCS Pershing! You can too! Don't let a so so paint job ruin a great model. And the K&C figures do go great with this model.
Yes. I love this repainted version of the M26 thank you! Here are some pictures of it in more depth.

Notice how well it goes with King & Country figures and an old Honour Bound Custom Tiger I tank.

Check out the comparison chart. For more pictures click here.

M26 Collector Showcase Repaint.jpg

M26 Collector Showcase Repaint 1.jpg

M26 Collector Showcase Repaint 2.jpg

M26 Collector Showcase vs Honour Bound Repaint Comparison.jpg
Which M26 Pershing is the most accurate; the TCS or the Figarti? Both seem to be good models from the photos, with excellent detail. Thank You
Figarti armour is a true 1/30 scale and work very well with first legion figures; which are generally 1/30 scale. The early K&C armour and figures were 1/32 scale and evolved into 1/30 scale vehicles and 1/28 scale figures. Figarti also started out with 1/32 vehicles, but upscaled to 1/30. The figures from all the nominal 1/30 scale manufacturers can vary widely in actual size even within the same range. The first TCS Tiger I was a true 1/30 scale as are the figures; but most of the other TCS vehicles are 1/28. Thomas Gunn vehicles are generally 1/30 scale and the figures are 1/28. Even 1/32 figures can be oversize from some manufacturers. I buy figures I like and use them with vehicles from various manufacturers. The large K&C and TSC figures work well with 1/25 scale models from Tamiya; which are very accurate AFV's. My 1/24 scale Pershing from Unimax is displayed with TSC figures and they look really good togather in a diorama.

I need a picture mixing Tamiya AFV and KnC figures please!!!!!!!!!!
Chemiebay; The post at the top of the General Matt Figures thread is: 60MM figures with 1/24 scale vehicles. Photos are posted with a Tamiya 1/25 Panther and a Vstank 1/24 King Tiger. The figures are K&C and TCS. I would appreciate your opinion. Regards

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