Major Restorations!! (2 Viewers)

Susan Leicht

Jan 28, 2006

I thought I would show you all the job I just did for Mckenna77. The figures are the old Elastolins which were made with saw dust and glue. They arrived here broken and with big chunks of the horses leg, the men's arm/feet etc missing. And the paint was a mess. I am very proud of how they came out!!

Here is the before


And the after


That is one heck of a job. I should have another package for you soon, by the way.


I thought I would show you all the job I just did for Mckenna77. The figures are the old Elastolins which were made with saw dust and glue. They arrived here broken and with big chunks of the horses leg, the men's arm/feet etc missing. And the paint was a mess. I am very proud of how they came out!!

Here is the before


And the after


Hi Susan,

Thank you for showing us the before and after pictures of the Elastolin figure. The pictures clearly demonstrate the quality of your work, which is very, very impressive! I would love to see more before and after pictures of your work. I am amazed at what restorative improvements a good artist can achieve.

Thanks, again, for the great pictures.

Warmest personal regards,

Hi Susan,

Great work! They look wonderful and I am sure will be front and center of Mckennas display.

Very well done!

All the best

Nice work Susan> Just Today I was packing away some old Lineol Doughboys because they are cracked and in back of my case. Now I know you do restorations. I will probably be at the back of list for painting. Brad will keep you busy for years.:D I still have Britain's recasts to get painted. John
Not to worry John. I have only one more shipment and then I'm probably done :)
Susan, that takes a steady hand and lots of patience. It appears you have both, great job, Mike:)
I received these soldiers in the mail today after Susan had glossed them and all I can say is that these pictures dont even remotely do these Elastolins any justice. This group of soldiers just shines now, I'll try posting some new pictures of them later tonight. If you have any repair or repaint work I wouldnt even think of going to anybody else but Susan. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Keep on keeping on

Simply amazing work & a labor of love. Please continue to share/show before and after projects like this one. I had Mark from B-A-R repaint a K&C figure for me & his work is also artisan quality as expected from the diorama GuRu!
I received these soldiers in the mail today after Susan had glossed them and all I can say is that these pictures dont even remotely do these Elastolins any justice. This group of soldiers just shines now, I'll try posting some new pictures of them later tonight. If you have any repair or repaint work I wouldnt even think of going to anybody else but Susan. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Keep on keeping on


Can we see the gloss versions please?
All right dudes here are the Elastolins glossed in all. I still think the pictures dont do them justice.


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Your Elastolin figures are beautiful! Susan really did a magnificent job on them. You are most fortunate to have those figures. I would love to have them in my collection. They are great! Thanks for showing them to us.

Warmest personal regards,

Hey dudes:

Mi casa su casa man, any time you guys want to stop by to check out my small size collection youre more then welcome to.


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