I’m not one of those who cries woke and actually dislike it when people do and as many of you probably know I’m left of center politically but my school, George Washington University, has decided to change the name of the team. They’re called the Colonials but apparently today’s students have complained about the name so the University, saying the name Colonials evokes native Americans and other “colonialized people” being subjected to bad treatment, etc., — you get it, the poor dears— so they’re changing the name. The choices are Blue Fog, Ambassadors, Sentinels or Revolutionaries. Maybe they can go with Revolutionaries and have a photo of Lenin on their chests. Knowing how these administrations work they’ll probably choose Blue Fog. I suggested to them that since I participated in the May Day demonstrations in 1971, they should call themselves the Weathermen but someone would probably complain and say it should be Weatherpeople. No response. Shocker!