Margaret Thatcher RIP (1 Viewer)

I was watching an ABC panel debate when it was announced. Panel was 5 females one of whom was Germaine Greer. News had just come in live and her first reaction when asked to comment about something she said was a war crime:mad:. I wont say what it was as don't want this thread to get too political.
I have no time at all for Germaine Geer and ashamed to say she was born here in Oz, Margarget Thatcher... well I had no time for her politics or point of view but alot of respect for her actions during the Falklands war. R.I.P
Some good Maggie quotes :

'I wasn't lucky, I deserved it' – Comment on receiving a school prize aged nine

'If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.' – Speech as an MP in 1965

'It will be years – and not in my time – before a woman will lead the party or become prime minister' – Speech in 1974

'Pennies don't fall from Heaven – they have to be earned here on Earth.' – Speech at Lord Mayor's Banquet, 1979

'To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the U-turn, I have only one thing to say: You turn if you want to. The lady's not for turning.' Speech at Conservative Party Conference, 1980

'I don't mind how much my ministers talk, as long as they do what I say' – Interview, 1980

'No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well.' – TV interview, 1980

'Defeat? I do not recognise the meaning of the word.' – at the start of the Falklands War, 1982

'Oh, I have lots of human weaknesses. Who hasn't?' – Interview, 1983

'This attack has failed. All attempts to destroy democracy by terrorism will fail.' – At Tory Conference in Brighton after the IRA bombing of the Grand Hotel, 1984

'I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.' – Interview, 1989

'We have become a grandmother.' – On the birth of her first grandchild, 1989

'I fight on, I fight to win.' – After failing to win enough votes to avoid a second round in the Conservative leadership contest. She resigned the following day. 1990

'It's a funny old world...' – Comment on her decision to resign, November 1990

'On my way here I passed a local cinema and it turns out you were expecting me after all, for the billboards read "The Mummy Returns".' – Conservative election rally, 2001

'I might have preferred iron, but bronze will do. It won't rust.' – Unveiling of statue to herself in the House of Commons, 2007
Mrs Thatcher was a very strong leader and a very controversial prime minister,she is generally either loved or loathed. But whatever your opinion of her the sight of people in Brixton and Glasgow dancing in the streets to celebrate the death of another human being is sickening, shocking lack of class demonstrated there in my opinion.


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