Market Garden Resource Page (1 Viewer)


Feb 24, 2007
As I have done previously to start the other WWII resource pages on the TF site I have added the relevant Osprey titles to the page. Please let me know if I have missed any Osprey titles useful for studying and understanding Operation Market Garden. I will eventually add online resources for this subject. You can PM me or list Osprey omissions here.



Link to site:


  • operationmarketgarden.jpg
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The actual museum in Holland (Hartenstein Hotel) is closed for renovations until this summer

I am going to Holland in May. I will take many pictures of the battle fields and bridges. I think I may even go to Amsterdam.
I am going to Holland in May. I will take many pictures of the battle fields and bridges. I think I may even go to Amsterdam.

Museum temporarely closed!

The Airborne Museum will be closed to the public from October 13th 2008 until the summer of 2009 due to considerable renovations and expansion of the museum.
Further information regarding the exact date upon which the museum shall be
re-openened will be announced on the museum website and in various publications.
Regretfully no articles can be purchased through the museum website
during this period either. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

OK, it's not an Osprey but how about the Concord title "German Armored Units at Arnhem, September, 1944" is an excellent resource. Currently out of print, but a photo essay on the German armored equipment at Arnhem. Until I read this I didn't know that the Germans used old Char B's against the paras - some had been converted to flamethrower tanks (Flammpanzer Char B). For modelers, diorama builders it is a fine reference as to what equipment saw action there.

chicago 2007 246_edited.jpg

if you see the picture.
gordon has imitated him nicely.

richard .:)

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