Massive Unpainted Napoleonic Battle (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Mar 1, 2014
Here is my last battle I got to set up while visiting my mom before she sold the house I grew up in (and had a huge room with few pieces of furniture). This was some time last summer so I have painted about 50-60 figures since then and have about 40 more on the table. The rest, obviously, are unpainted. Such a daunting that I have been working on relentlessly (while I marathon watch "The Walking Dead"^&grin). I have CTS, Blackcat, ACTA, AIP, Marx, Airfix, Accurate, Hat and...I can't think of anything else. I have 1,050 Allied infantry with 100 cavalry. The French, Saxons and Polish have about 960 infantry and 110 cavalry. I made the buildings out of foamboard and the redoubt from insulation foam. The other is from CTS bunker hill, which is an excellent piece. thanks for reading! Post some of your dioramas! Painted or Unpainted!
soldier battle 1.jpg
soldier battle 2.jpg
soldier battle 3.jpg
soldier battle 4.jpg
soldier battle 5.jpg
I really enjoyed these pix, reminded me of what got me in the hobby (didn't realize that's what it was when I was a kid) in the first place - getting down on the floor playing general and letting my imagination go wild with my little armies.

Don't feel alone with looking at your painting future. I spent over twenty-five years painting literally thousands of 1/72 scale figures and finally got talked in to starting on my 1/32 scale collection. So far have about three hundred various Nappies done; just finishing up on 60 Alamo Mexicans (only about eight or nine hundred to go...). One day I'd love to do painted ACW, ARW dioramas - but don't think I have that long...
Well done Cole!! OldAllAmerican is right! It's a flashback to the old days! I had (still have) a huge collection of 1/72's of various periods that I would setup in giant engagements on the floor. It took hours it seemed to set everything up, but only about 1 or so to knock them all down in battle! Now that I'm on to 1/32 scale collecting, I concentrate more on painting and just the actual collecting (hoarding ^&grin)! Family, house, and 'other' things seem to sap most of my playtime nowadays, but I do still enjoy all aspects of this hobby of ours - meeting and interacting with folks like you out here on the interweb and in person, collecting and painting, attending a show when they are nearby or when I can, and just the love of exploring history and how things were! Thanks for sharing! Oh and I agree, don't feel alone in the daunting task of painting all those troops - I think most of us (plastic collectors) are in the same boat!
Very nice! Reminds me of the pix in Wells' "Little Wars". But you really need a couple companies of "walkers" :wink2: (I'm a TWD junkie too)
Amazing set-up, Cole! I remember a very similar set of photos posted on the Classic Toy Soldiers diorama page. Were those yours as well?

(I doubt there is more than one Cole staging massive 54mm Napoleonic battles ;) )

Yeah! That was mine! I figured I would wait til I have painted a bunch before I send another bunch of pictures in but I may just forgo that ^&cool. Thanks brother Jonathan!
Thanks y'all! Yea it is alot of work cut out for us but I welcome it. Also, I am SO GLAD I finally became a part of the forum because I have never met another collector and I'm sure my girlfriend has grown tired of me describing the uniforms of such and such figure or tactics of such and such army (she's such a saint) :D OldAllAmerican, I'll be looking forward to seeing that dio when you get all 900 painted haha. I understand about wanting to start new eras and whatnot. I have been eyeing all of the Greek, Roman and Barbarian figures lately but have to physically restrain myself before I spend myself silly starting on ANOTHER era! haha
Chud Wa, If ONLY they had 1/32 walkers! haha
Enjoyed the pictures! A floor full of plastic is always a good day!

Your gargantuan battle looks really excellent.
It is what toy soldiers are made for.
Seeing your pics here of this giant setup is what finally got me off my duff and getting some pictures of my own stuff posted. Most impressive. Must have taken quite a while to set up. I like the variety of figures and the accessories are plentiful. keep on posting.
Seeing your pics here of this giant setup is what finally got me off my duff and getting some pictures of my own stuff posted. Most impressive. Must have taken quite a while to set up. I like the variety of figures and the accessories are plentiful. keep on posting.

Thanks! I think my next one will be Dresden with some of my other terrain pieces (not pictured) and painted fellows. I reeaaallly want to set up another massive one but I just don't have the space anymore. Here are some others from the same battle. And oh my goodness I just found two more albums from previous battles! I'll post those separately
soldier battle 10.jpg
soldier battle 11.jpg
soldier battle 12.jpg
soldier battle 13.jpg
Truly inspiring. I have got to find more space to do something larger as I have 1300 plus painted guys who really want to make it into some pictures.

The building interior is fantastic. And the redoubt looks resilient. A good setup like this is enhanced by having units with enough guys to look right.

Post whatever you have left of this beauty.

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