John, Thanks for the photos. I believe I saw some of these on another thread about a year ago. It's great to see them again.
Yes I'm sure you did I will post Dinky pictures with just the slightest provocation.
I spent quite a number of hours as a kid going through the catalogs and selecting the models I wanted. They were fairly cheap in the 1950's with many planes and jeeps in the .85 range. The larger military trucks were $2.50,
and the top of the line vehicles and gift sets were $5. I got .50 a week allowance so about once a month I had $1 or so and traveled downtown to my local shop which was usually out of what I wanted.
One time I saved for many months to purchase the 10 Ton Transport Truck that was really something! When my Dad got home that thursday night with my .50 allowance I finally had the $2.50 to buy that truck. After diner my Mom convenced him to take us out to the hobby shop (for some reason opened late on thursdays then a big payday). The old man was pissed the whole time (his usual mood) we get to the shop and he lets me out of the car with a "hurry up" In I go and tell the man I want the #622 Foden Truck......"Sorry Kid I ain't got it"

.......oh no......ah give me the #651 Centurion Tank......good thing I had a second choice. "Look kid I don't have that either, and I don't have all day how much you got"........ah $2.50

"Okay heres a #626 Army Ambulance its got doors that open an its $2.50 now beat it.
I was crushed.....but what do you say to a 45 year old fat man with tattoos when you are 10? So I go out and get in the car and the old man says
"Lets see the dam truck that was so important you had to piss your money away on"........I open the box and take out the shinny new Ambulance and hand it over the seat to him with a meek "look Dad the doors open"
"What" he says....."Its a dam Ambulance are you nuts"? and over his head it sales just missing me in the back seat......not exactly a patient fun loving guy!
Today I have a beautiful collection of them and I can enjoy them anytime I want.

I have quite a few #622, #651, and even #626 Military Ambulance.
Daughter has a lovely collection also presented to her when she bought her
1st home.
Dad.......well he's heading for 89 now and fighting with whoever just rang the bell!