Hello Andy
Looking at the pictures i would say "Alot". Hard to find them wearing anything else except a beret. I never bought them, but did get a couple of the new Matilda's.
In the spirit of openness, I do help out at T Gunn when they are busy, packing boxes etc. However, my main collection, by a mile, is K & C.
Seeing as this is a question thread, i have a couple,
Firstly, i have attached a picture of one of favourite sets from a great series, DD British, have them all for Normandy. Q - Did Many British Soldiers carry an MG42 Ammo box on D-Day or during Normandy? Or is it something else?
Second Q - Have recently picked up the new Winter Tiger 1, it is outstanding. Q - Would you look at doing a BergeTiger or even a BergeElefant? Have the BergePanther and a releases of that but in winter camo would be a great edition.